Cryengine 3 free finally available
First of all, I commend you on your work and talent.
Quote: "What about the range hood?
Since you asked for comments.
It was my recollection that the capture plate was rather high above the range top. I have not seen this appliance in use. Most range hoods have a turned down edge to facilitate vapor capture, conceal fan, and help focus task lighting down on the range.Perhaps this model will never become a real residence. So, my thoughts are not important.
My best wishes to you. -
I realllyyy wish I had a decent workflow for getting stuff into ce3! videos like that make me jealous
How easy do you find it? -
Does UDK is less , similar, better ?
I would have thought the graphics CE3 can produce itself are "better" than UDK, but then again a lot of people bake the lighting etc. which looks great in either
Just downloaded it, fantastic, havent imported any SU material to it yet but looking forward to playing around with this tool, but since im new to Cryengine any suggestions on where to start
Do i need Crysis 2 the game to import my models into crytek 3???
I believe that sketchup importing was not finally included in Cryengine 3. That's why the video was deleted. Anyway you can export from sketchup to Cryengine with PlayUp Plugin.
And you don't need to buy a copy of Crysis 2, just download Cryengine 3 from the official page.
- of my CE3 scenes.
PlayUp Alpha Released!Long-awaited master material feature is finally here! In short: this is an extremely crucial feature for making asset sets (e.g. a dozen of modular railway components, vegetation sets, various props utilizing same textures, and so on), for buildings separated into several .cgf files (e.g. cases with separated indoor/outdoor, modular buildings, buildings separated to deal with FP16 artifacts, and so on), and for any other cases where you need to have one multi-material for multiple models.
Previously you received a separate material for every model you've exported, and while sometimes it wasn't an issue, many times it was extremely inconvenient. Now there is an option to generate just one - for every object you'll export from SketchUp file. Why would you need that?
For example, you've made a set of 10 similar small building models, each is using 3 materials. And naturally, your SketchUp scene contains 3 materials. Previously, upon exporting these models, you've faced 10 multi-materials with 3 submaterials each. And you've had to spend tons of time configuring each of these 30 little bastards, not to mention that it was extremely hard to keep all of them configured in the same way (matching diffuse, specular, glossiness, tiling, etc. values).
Now you will only have to spend a minute on configuring one multi-material - derived from material configuration in your SketchUp file. Then you can apply it on the whole object set and forget about it forever. And if you'll need to tune some values, you'll be able to do that in a matter of seconds, with changes properly synchronized for every object in a set. Neat, right?
So download it right now.
Also, some pics to attract attention.
That's wonderful! I'd been looking for a way to do that for a while -- this will be huge help!
Ah! You are frankly a legend.
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