[Plugin] QuadFaceTools
Is there any chance to convert it?
or should I wait for your bezier plugin to create my own curtain?
@jo-ke said:
Is there any chance to convert it?
No - poles are a topological feature: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?93651-Poles-and-Loops&p=849794&viewfull=1#post849794
I'll add to the Select Tool an option to highlight poles so one can easily find them.
Ahhh. I see what the problem is. Thank you for you help.
Oh thank you.
The mesh was imported as a 3ds model
As I remember, it should have been this one:
@jo-ke said:
The mesh was imported as a 3ds model
Did you then use the Convert Triangulated Mesh to Quads function in QuadFace? It's still a bit unreliable - produce some undesired results in some cases.
I just wanted to say that when I said "I updated the the plugin. For Me there seems to be no change." I meant I still had the same results and there was nothing visually different happening on the screen... not that I thought nothing was changed in the plugin, I'm sorry if that sounded bad, that is not what I meant. I am highly appreciative of all the hard work you put into this plugin and the fact that you are kind enough to share it with so many people. The work you and all the other Ruby creators do is truly amazing.
As you suggested I right clicked "Use material size" and..... IT WORKS! It scales properly and I can Flip U and V scale, it shows the U V grid... everything appears to function properly!
I hope I did not miss something and I was not just bothering you with some sort of wild goose chase, having you try and figure out what was wrong when there was nothing wrong at all... If I missed something I'm sorry... I watched the video several times and read through the thread twice before I made that first post... anyway thanks again for this plugin and all the help!
@unknownuser said:
As you suggested I right clicked "Use material size" and..... IT WORKS! It scales properly and I can Flip U and V scale, it shows the U V grid... everything appears to function properly!
It might be that the old version triggered a bug and caused it to store some invalid values. If you run into this again let me know as I need to dig more into this.
Thanks for posting back with such detailed information - it really helps.
It is on my to-do list to make a better manual for this tool. I just have a hard time finding spare time to do so at the moment.
Great set of tools TT...but I appear to be the only one having this problem (unless I've completely missed something). I cannot get the VCB to talk to the HUD in any way whatsoever. When I attempt to edit Connect Edges, the HUD remains firmly on 1 and 0 whatever I type into Measurements. I have the latest version of TTLib installed.
@alan fraser said:
Great set of tools TT...but I appear to be the only one having this problem (unless I've completely missed something). I cannot get the VCB to talk to the HUD in any way whatsoever. When I attempt to edit Connect Edges, the HUD remains firmly on 1 and 0 whatever I type into Measurements. I have the latest version of TTLib installed.
The HUD doesn't update until you hit Return/Enter. The HUD is merely there so you can pick what kind of input the VCB control.
Ah! Thanks for that; I assumed that Enter would activate the settings on the HUD...same as clicking the tick. Another Duhh! moment.
It's not ideal in the way it works. I'm looking to improve it.
I'm using this great plugin frequnetly. But in this case I have a problem:
I've tried to convert the mesh to quads. but the result ist still strange.
I wasn't able to texture this easy mesh properly.
@jo-ke said:
I've tried to convert the mesh to quads. but the result ist still strange.
Yes, Convert to Quads does have it's issues and flaws atm. In which case you need to correct it.
Another matter was that it seemed to have been made with an older version - I had to use the "Sandbox Quads to QuadFace Quads" to upgrade the mesh to work with QT 0.6. But as the mesh was irregular I was not able to map it eiter - as mentioned earlier, it needs to be cleaned up.
How did you create the geometry btw? Was it triangulated originally?
@lapx said:
The UV will not select edges on the curved surface.
Is the meshes build from quad faces?
Do you have a sample model?From your screenshot I'm not understanding what you copy from... I see a unmapped curved surface, but no mapped surface, other than the squares...
I used the same model Fredo provided in previous reply.
oh, and I copied from the largest square.Thanks Tom
@lapx said:
I used the same model Fredo provided in previous reply.
oh, and I copied from the largest square.Thanks Tom
Got a link? I don't have overview of this threa