Euclideon Unlimited Power Rendering
Ah, well, guess I will have to wait. Meantime, Cryengine.
What's CryEngine?
To be fair, I wasn't holding a candle on this revolutionary concept. It's just I read it on my iPad and felt obliged to share with my fellow members
Hi, Rich:
Well I am sure I misspelled it, (like I almost misspelled "misspelled") Crytek is a game company. The Cryengine has the modeling/ rendering portion of the several games they produce. I learned about it from someone posting in this forum a couple of years ago. Very impressive capabilities.
I am pretty sure it is very cheap with a dirt simple user interface. -
Live Demo:
[flash=720,480:gma1nh9c][/flash:gma1nh9c] -
Hmmm. Then there's hope.
But this is a view of the game environment and it seems great. It was mentioned that models were done in some other app, maybe 3dsmax. If you submitted a Sketchup model does this mean you'd have to subdivide it to smithereens to get the resolution that Euclideon uses? Oh, and does the model have to be solid? -
I think since it does not use polygons at all, you don't have to subdivide it into smaller polygons (SubdivideSmooth etc.). Their converter converts faces into surfaces of points. I think they don't need points inside of objects, just on the surface, so the objects are probably not solid.
In my opinion the technology is interesting, but in the demo they use lots of repetition. It has been calculated that without repetition, it would exceed all available memory.
Hi, Aerilius:
I do not fully understand your reference to repetition in this case. In the video I saw that instead of using redraw at various levels of detail/distance/zoom, the application somehow assigns chunks of view to only the available pixels in the screen?? He made a point of the fact that this is the application only and is not currently taking advantage of GPU at all? -
For the display rendering, they use the "intelligent search algorithm" that searches only as much points as your screen has pixels (therefore it scales well with model complexity).
What I meant was that saving the model as trillions of points (or having all points in memory) requires a lot of memory (I read a blog were someone calculated that it would be several petabytes), except if you have repeated geometry like the palms and elephants. -
Ok, I get it now. Yes, that is a valid point. Repetitive/ identical elements would seem a method to hold down file size- and I guess for a game that would be ok until the marketplace reacts or demands more and better.
Whatever the outcome, rational and justified pricing, and accessible user interface should be everyone's demand.
If one can display LiDAR data, which is definitely not repeatable, on a laptop in real time then the technology is really impressive.
5-20% reduction in data size is interesting, but I guess one will still need a decent portion of a hard-drive to store it.I am waiting patiently for a demo, that could be downloaded.
@unknownuser said:
Euclideon’s UD technology features a 3D search algorithm that can render unlimited quantities of point cloud data in real time. As the technology efficiently grabs only one point for every screen pixel, it can display models of previously unimaginable sizes at interactive frame-rates.
Using Geoverse
, data from any of the standard industry formats is converted by Euclideon’s Unlimited Detail technology, reducing the file to 5-20%of the original size. This data can be installed on a local computer for single use or anywhere on the network for multiple users to access. Load times for data sets of any size or location are less than a second.
• Render all of your point cloud data, all at once — no size limit.
• Reduce fi le size to 5-20% of the original with native data conversion.
• Store data centrally and stream over the network.
• Reduce load times to less than a second regardless of data size.
• Run it on entry level desktop computers and laptops.
• Accommodate stereoscopic display. -
Lidar data images extracted from the brochure:
The newest presentation of Geoverse !
Euclideon Geoverse 2013 - YouTube[flash=640,480:1mkmbwvy][/flash:1mkmbwvy]
Well done Bruce & Euclideon!
I wonder how much their SDK is -
The most impressive is the way they access pointcloud data from USB or a HDD in realtime.
I like how this has progressed. They have implemented their technology as a very useful tool outside of entertainment. But, the video was amazing.
Wow, that was impressing.
the voice is back!!
not as strange this time though.
Nice ...
I want my own lidar -
Here you can listen to specialists from Geo industry commenting on the Geoverse. You can also see a full scan of Vienna that fits on 3TB external HD.
They have the SDK available. Trimble are you interested?
Geoverse Interviews 2013 - YouTube