True Geometry
My biggest SU - wishes are:
- true geometry of circles and curves
- STL-file export
The Story behind this is, that I just finish a competition featuring a plenary-hall based upon a circle-geometry.
After spending countless hours on a flawless SU 8-model, I learned from several 3d printing-shops, that the model could not be printed.
Apparently SU 8 produces a countless errors at the intersection of curved Volumes.
If The future really is 3d printing, its absolutely necessary to improve on curve-geometry and file-export .Uli
if you want really true geometry with circles and curves and booleans intersections between volumes take Nurbs program
Here you are inside a "box" modeler -
@atelierpaar said:
Apparently SU 8 produces a countless errors at the intersection of curved Volumes.
Maybe it has something to do with scale. Select all your model, make it a component and the copy it and up scale it a magnitude of 10 or 20 then edit the up scaled model and export the normal scaled one. This is how I edited my models to avoid that kind of errors so they would get accepted on shapeways
Another factor may be the method you used to export to STL. I managed to successfully export my models using Simlab Composer.
atelierpaar, in addition to Marian's suggestions, you can use Thomthom's Solid Inspector to find errors in the model, and a free plugin like CADspan to export the model.
If you made the original model using groups/components, it is easiest to make sure each of them is "Solid", then using the "Outer Shell" tool to combine them all together at the end.
Thanks for your suggestions,
in response to pilous comment i would like to point out, that a a fantastic CAD program like SU should not be limited to only "box-design"With respect to the construction of the model, i took a lot of care to create "real" solids. Still it wouldn
t work out with 3d printing. I added a png
s showing the model and an enlargement of an intersection.
I marked "open lines", that SU still considers part of a solid - and here seems to be the problem, that can only be solved with a true Circle-geometry
If you match then number of segments in two arced surfaces they should 'meld' together.
If they have non-coplanar edges you might need to triangulate the faces between them but they WILL form a single 'manifold' solid form...
It's hardly the fault of the software it it does what you tell it
Make sure that surfaces are continuous - add in new edges to form faces as needed... -
With the circles on you figure, if you don't want problem
start with one circle (with some segments), and make some successive offset, scale etc... !
But sure as soon as you make booleans you can't have always a good result with curvated surfaces, volumes!
It's the probem of any polygonal program ! - 3 months later
Hi folks,
thanks for your helpful suggestions. I was totally submerged into another projects and so, I apologize for my late response.
I understood - I am inside a box-program.
Still - it's my favorite - probably for similar reasons as most of you do.
So, if I have a choice and it does not have to be AutoCAD or Revit,... I go for skechtup.Perhaps, I am some what uneducated about programming, but i do not see the point in not further enhancing sketchup. Wouldn
t it be an exiting progress to be able to construct with true circles/continues curves??. Concerning 3D printing, I think it
s a must to have a functional direct STL-file export interface including a possibility to check, if the model is flawless.
So, how about it? let`s move thinks a bit .... -
There has been other pressure for a native STL export tool - the last I heard was Google are thinking about it...
There are some third-party STL export tools that do work quite well, once you have your manifold solid.