Bought a mac, done new portfolio & got new job
Great to have you back
Good to hear about new job!
Sad to hear you bought a Mac.
You'll end up like Tom now.....please God no! One is enough
I didn't know you went away!?
Mac's are great because you've got the best of all worlds!
Portfolio looking great! Better than my efforts!!
I still love that "Old Coach House" design. Would love to live there!
I'm a bit scared of the mac actually, the last time I had to use one daily I think was around OS7
You've got nothing to worry about.
Just see it as a Windows PC (that works!
looks great Jon...
Hi Jon and welcome back (indeed, now as you are saying it, it seems to be age since I read a line by you).
The portfolio is slick! (Let me not comment on the Mac side now)
It is Macbook Air if anybody was wondering - which you probably weren't. Im suspicious of it, it talks to other devices in the office too easily. At least with a pc I knew I was in charge.
@linea said:
At least with a pc I knew I was in charge.
Nonsense. You are in charge. If you have file sharing turned off you have nothing to fear.
System Preferences/sharing
Even there you have more and more options to allow and disallow access.
No you have misunderstood there is only me in the office / building, the least of my worries is file sharing, the mac is finding devices I had not introduced it to. I'm anticipating a Hal / Demon Seed / Evil Kit from Knight Rider incident which I am far more concerned about.
No, I understand you fully. This is normal Mac behaviour. You have full control over what and what cannot, be seen!
very nice portfolio, jon. it looks as if you have been using LayOut for your presentations. have you?
Hi Edson
Well, most of the sheets I laid out specifically for the webpage. Most projects weren't originally reliant on Layout but I do use it a lot. I really like that template but recently I recreated in desk top publishing software because the lack of an image crop tool in Layout was posing a problem.
I must say actually, thanks for the comments about site design but I can't take any credit for it! It is a standard carbonmade portfolio - free! see here: Eventually I plan to clone the style though and host a site myself. I also have a work in progress web project here:
@linea said:
Hi Edson
Well, most of the sheets I laid out specifically for the webpage. Most projects weren't originally reliant on Layout but I do use it a lot. I really like that template but recently I recreated in desk top publishing software because the lack of an image crop tool in Layout was posing a problem.
I must say actually, thanks for the comments about site design but I can't take any credit for it! It is a standard carbonmade portfolio - free! see here: Eventually I plan to clone the style though and host a site myself. I also have a work in progress web project here:
two comments: although LayOut may not have a crop tool as such it has sound cropping capabilities. I emphatically recommend bonnie roskes's book on LayOut as the one that covers all it can do.
what an interesting site freethecity is! it is going to be an invaluable resource.
are involved directly with it or are you designing the website? it is a great and very generous idea.
Hi Edson
I'll have to revisit Layout then. Freethecity is my site with some support from friends. I haven't really publicised it yet because I think it needs to feel comprehensive from the first time you visit it. Thanks though Edson, the positive feedback is making me feel motivated to get on and finish the site!
Jon, I highly recommend getting this application for your Mac;
Made by Purgatory Software (from Colorado too!
Hi Linea
Good to hear about your new Job. Congrats and hope you're liking it.
Your web site for Portfolio it's really good and with a very clean presentation. My only comemt/critic is for you to lose a bit more time in post production in photoshop for the images of the 3Ds because right now they lack a litle "depth", speccially in colours and shadows.
About the mac, don't worry much because normally it's easier to work with it, and if you're using the same software even the shortcuts are the same (except the apple keys). My only problems with it was related to connecting other devices with it, no one botton maximize windows in the 27 inch screen, and the conection to network of the company was allways turning itself off, and i couldn't figure out why (i'm not very mac expert). Other than that it's still a computer.
Good luck in your new adventure
@linea said:
Hi Edson
I'll have to revisit Layout then. Freethecity is my site with some support from friends. I haven't really publicised it yet because I think it needs to feel comprehensive from the first time you visit it. Thanks though Edson, the positive feedback is making me feel motivated to get on and finish the site!
please do! I will make sure you get lots of visitors from southern brasil.
following on tom's steps, I suggest you have a look at freeway, a mac-only web design app that is very easy to use. my own web site was entirely made using it.
Yes, good point Edson
Freeway works effortlessly with Intaglio, so you can design everything with Intaglio, with the layers and import it directly into Intaglio.
Intaglio has to be one of the easiest to use vector based apps I've ever come across. I should also point out that Intaglio works really well with Ribbonsoft's QCad, as QCad outputs SVG files that Intaglio also has no problem opening. Very good for 2D CAD layouts and stuff.
Don't also forget that both Blender and GIMP work well with Mac too.