[Plugin]T2H_BuildingStructureTools2.2.4 in20141207
i'm in seoul, korea
i got a lot of photos from japan
it's really,really big disasterwe korean people's now gethering a donations for japanese
and rescue team of 200 with 3 military aircraft was sent this morning
and tanker ship of LNG is ready to startlets pray for japanese people
Error Loading File building_structure_tool.rb no such file to load -- building_structure_tool\tst_main.rb
t click "Next point". Any tool. Tools don
t work now on MacMacOSX SU8
@maxosmedia said:
Error Loading File building_structure_tool.rb > no such file to load -- building_structure_tool\tst_main.rb
I suspect you have misinstalled from the zip file.
When a script comes in a zip file you usually get one script [.rb] file and a folder containing everything else that the rb file 'loads' or needs to work.
The 'loose' rb file and the folder MUST be put into your Plugins folder exactly as they are arranged in the zip file.
Do not move files from the subfolder into the Plugins folder.
This shows the only two additional things that you should have in your Plugins folder after the installation.If you have put some of the files in Plugins that should actually be in the subfolder then please move/remove as needed...
Seems like a fantastic tool, although I can't get it to work- "Can`t click "Next point". Any tool." Same as maxosmedia. I'm using windows XP with SU v7 and reloaded it as TIG suggested. I was wondering if there is conflict with another plug-in? Just a guess as I have no experience writing ruby.
@tig said:
@maxosmedia said:
Error Loading File building_structure_tool.rb > > no such file to load -- building_structure_tool\tst_main.rb
I suspect you have misinstalled from the zip file.
When a script comes in a zip file you usually get one script [.rb] file and a folder containing everything else that the rb file 'loads' or needs to work.
The 'loose' rb file and the folder MUST be put into your Plugins folder exactly as they are arranged in the zip file.
Do not move files from the subfolder into the Plugins folder.
This shows the only two additional things that you should have in your Plugins folder after the installation.[attachment=0:3vlvifww]<!-- ia0 -->Capture.PNG<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:3vlvifww] If you have put some of the files in Plugins that should actually be in the subfolder then please move/remove as needed...TIG, Thank you! I just did. Therefore, no error at this point. Error may be found in document building_structure_tool.rb strings 5β10:
%(#FF0000)[require 'building_structure_tool\tst_main.rb'
require 'building_structure_tool\tst_extend_to_face.rb'
require 'building_structure_tool\tst_extend_to_structure.rb'
require 'building_structure_tool\tst_chamfer_structures.rb'
require 'building_structure_tool\tst_grow_to_structure.rb'
require 'building_structure_tool\tst_grow_to_face.rb']These lines contain a "" instead of the "/" for macintosh file system.
If I correct the document building_structure_tool.rb, the tool is loaded with no error messages, but the tool does not work!
Can`t click "Next point" -
Hi, TIG and maxosmedia.
Thank you for helping.
I am out now.
I will correct it after.
I will investigate the cause.Please wait for a while.
@gistman said:
Seems like a fantastic tool, although I can't get it to work- "Can`t click "Next point". Any tool."
Same for me.
I have now loaded the tool and get the same problems...
Here are two 'tweaked' files that work.
Replace one in Plugins and the other in the tool's own subfolder.
I have swapped the \ to / in the 'require' statements.
I have trapped a 'read_default' error. The author having used/tested the tool for some time won't have realized that his code crashed if a particular registry entry was missing [probably as he had written that entry ages ago in earlier tested code], but because it crashes at the start the entry never gets written ! In 'tst_main', at line #123, I've added a trap so there is no crash and it now works, writing the needed registry entry the first time you use the tool, and so all is now well...building_structure_tool.rbtst_main.rb -
thanks to both tak2hata & Tig
I can finally test it, and it seems a plugin with great potential
Google SketchUp Pro 7 (7.0.10248)
Mac OSX 10.4.11, old PPC G4 -
Thanks TIG!
Thank you for helping.
It was not hit on at all where I am necessary to put up the hand.
It was doubted that it was a problem of the inch in my conception.
Now It work with your help!EDIT: by TIG - An updated version of all of the files is now available here...
I'm grad to see you.
Help from Korea and other countries will surely recovers Japan.
Therefore, we also work hard.Thanks for all!
best regard. -
Is there anyway to add beam sizes to this?
just a word: thankyou !
well done guys, a nifty tool is born... maybe you should get together with Goh who does the 1001bit tools ? Between you you may just turn SU into the only fun BIM program out there
all the best...
@unknownuser said:
Is there anyway to add beam sizes to this?
In the folder 'building_structure_tool' there are two CSV files:
contains the steel sizes and standard sizes of other things used in the tool
You can edit those in plain text editor - e.g. around line #151
b19,H-198x99x4.5x7,,,,matSTEEL,BLACK,BLACKThis 'b15' is one country's standard 'code', and the 4 relevant sizes in 'mm', 'material' etc... but you can add your own - just ensure that the ',' count is the same...
You could also add other things like additional items at the end...
contains 'tube' code/sizes. -
@tig said:
This 'b15' is one country's standard 'code'
Does anyone have a "Rosetta Stone" to convert these codes into USA codes?
Don't forget this:
and this:
Flange Beams and Columns
Wide-flange and I-flange beams and columns
There is also beamtool.rb and Steels.rb which can be found here http://rld.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugins_list_az.php
Bob -
@bob james said:
@tig said:
This 'b15' is one country's standard 'code'
Does anyone have a "Rosetta Stone" to convert these codes into USA codes?
try this http://www.structural-drafting-net-expert.com/steel-beam.html ?
My old SteelSections includes most UK/EU sizes... in the txt file... -
Dear TIG,
Where would one find 'ye olde SteelSection.rb'?
Bob -
@watkins said:
...Where would one find 'ye olde SteelSection.rb'?...
Try here http://rhin.crai.archi.fr/rld/plugin_details.php?id=412 [all all good scripts go in the twilight of their years.........]