David Starkey teaching history to failed kids
I would never want to be a teacher, the odds are stacked against you.
But while I have a little sympathy for teachers attacked and abused by 'pupils' the rot was started by the teachers themselves back in the 1970's trying to get too 'matey' with the pupils. As they sowed so have they reaped.
Anyway who need education! Just know where the benefits office is, sign on and get the state to provide you a house (especially if you're a pregnant teenage girl) and the money for a 50" plasma TV, a games console and plenty of packs of cheap lager. Not quite enough money, sell a bit of dope, nick some stuff and sell it down the car boot sale or the pub.
βThe children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
- Socrates (470 β 399 BC)
@unknownuser said:
Please remember that we are 'the Romans' - they didn't all leave fifteen hundred years ago - those that stayed interbred with the 'locals' and then over the years with the invading Angles/Saxons/Jutes/Vikings/Normans etc etc - they became us.
the great English defence. welcome! come on in! oh you've invaded us.. that's nice.. cake or death? only joking, it's cake only...... and 50 years later they realise we just absorbed them and took them over...
@bep said:
βThe children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
- Socrates (470 β 399 BC)
Until I read to the end, I was thinking that "gee, these dudes are talking here like the Greeks or the Latin thousands of years ago"!
Here is Ovid remembering the "Golden age":
but then what follows and has been going on is the continuous fall of mankind.BTW I also used to teach (almost for nine years in secondary school in the 90's).
My wife is a retired school teacher. We have many hours of discussion about how to improve the education of our children. To simplify the discussion, her solution always involves more money. My solution, if you want better schools, send better kids.
More money should definitely be of some help. Here, during the last two decades,
- school teachers get less and less salary (compared to other professions that need the same level of qualification)
- but in exchange, they have more and more classes/lessons to teach a week
- and the government has been closing down smaller schools (due to financial reasons) while in the rest, the average number of pupils in the classes of the remaining ones has been steadily growing.
Certainly better kids are always welcome, too. But I never believe in "bad" generations. Bad economy can also cause parents to have to seek other jobs, do something else than be with the family, educate their children at home (it is never only the task of the school) so there is definitely something very wrong on both sides.
@krisidious said:
Scream it from the Balconies TIG... amen...
Indeed! Especially at David Starkey!
@unknownuser said:
My wife is a retired school teacher. We have many hours of discussion about how to improve the education of our children. To simplify the discussion, her solution always involves more money. My solution, if you want better schools, send better kids.
Hmm, well perhaps in the USA? But in Britain, we need to sack OFSTED, and let teachers get on with their job!
Because I'm one of those strange individuals who doesn't actually have a TV (too busy with SketchUp you see
), this was the first time I've watched this programme. I almost threw up when I clocked Jamie Oliver (I LOATHE Joliver). It especially made me barf when I watched joliver rocking to NWA
(They should have played "The Message" by Grandmaster Flash instead!
The programme is both patronising and ignorant (of course joliver has piles of cash- he can afford to send his kids anywhere
). But what really irks me is that it is the precise kind of sensationalism that plays into the hands of conservatism in this country (and you don't have to be a tory or a member of the conservative party to be a conservative- any party will do
!). Sure get a highly rated academic and place him in a school for a 'special lecture', of course it's going to be interesting, but this kind of interaction needs to happen everyday, and in every state school in Britain. I like I said, OFSTED needs devolving and liquidating.
Probably the best thing about this programme is that the producers managed to keep jolivers big mouth shut.
You are what you eat and JOliver eats alot of Beef JERKy