Multi pick --> turn layers off
What would be very useful to me is a plugin which would allow one to pick entities (esp. by left crossing window) and then turn off the display of the layers of those entities. Perhaps this can be accomplished already. Tips appreciated. For me the main use would be in scene creation.
@brookefox said:
What would be very useful to me is a plugin which would allow one to pick entities (esp. by left crossing window) and then turn off the display of the layers of those entities. Perhaps this can be accomplished already. Tips appreciated. For me the main use would be in scene creation.
Find Didier Bur's 'Layer Manager' [at the Depot] - it has many layer manipulation tools including switching the layers of selected objects 'off'...
Layer Manager seems like a most potent ally in taming the Layer Beast and its beloved clunky brother, Scene Beast.
Thanks much, DB, for sharing.