"Upgrade" to Windows 7 from XP
Mac1, I saw that thing about Easy Transfer but I am extremely skeptical of things like that due to past experiences with Microsoft products. I've been screwing around with an older computer that also has XP on it. The Microsoft Update repeatedly says it is downloading and installing the same 80 updates (that computer has been off for quite awhile) and then proceeds to lock up. I did a fresh install of XP on that machine and it can't complete the task. I won't go on about that one but as I say, I'm not confident of Easy Transfer's ability to complete the task correctly.
Since XP is still working fine on this machine, perhaps it is better to leave it alone.
Thanks for your reply Rich
@unknownuser said:
But i've a tendency to install lots of trial software for testing and most leave behind all sorts of crap.
Me too! But until now I had no major problems. Windows 7 is running now one year without Problems. I also have separate data partitions, and regularly use the CCleaner. I also research the registry after uninstalling Software.
As far as I know, you can't do what you want to do without reinstalling your applications. Easy Transfer is for your data files, email files, and custom settings/preferences for the OS. It doesn't reinstall applications. Reinstalling applications can be potentially troublesome if an application has an activation key, depending on how the vendor license operates. It shouldn't be a problem with SU, though. Also, the time involved is significant. These are reasons why I have not upgraded to Windows 7.
I'll also say that I haven't any issues with Vista, so I haven't seen a need to upgrade for that reason. The only reason I'd like to upgrade is to move from 32-bit to 64-bit. What is the problem you would have with XP Pro?
No problem with XP Pro. This started when I gave ThomThom's new CleanUp plugin a try this morning and got a couple of error messages which Thomas thinks is due to my older version of IE (which I don't use as an Internet browser but SU does use) and he suggested I upgrade to IE9. As I said, it probably makes more sense to stick to XP Pro for now. I'll wait until I can justify building a new computer and move to 7 then. I still won't be liking the time involved to install all the software I have.
@unknownuser said:
Windows Easy Transfer doesn't move your programs, only your files and settings. You'll need to reinstall your programs by hand after Windows 7 installation is complete. Windows Easy Transfer will provide you with a list of programs that you are currently using with Windows XP.
yes. you can't upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 other than going Upgrade Xp to Vista to Win7.
it's just to much rebuilt in 7's codebase. add in if your going to 64bit 7, even the 32vista would need to be replaced totally.
your best bet is use an app such as Clonezilla (free) to image your XP to a seperate disk as backup, then copy all main files off then wipe and start over with Win7. it's worth the trouble in the end.
@khai said:
yes. you can't upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 other than going Upgrade Xp to Vista to Win7.
That's not what it says on the Microsoft website nor in the tutorials that Dedmin linked to.
Dave r
You are a trusting sole. You question Easy Install but still let auto update run.?? Microsoft installed kb905474 under the disguise of a security upgrade but it was really their sneaky way to implement the WGA ( Windows Genuine Advantage) on everyone's computer without their direct knowledge. Ever hear of the WGA nag screen?? I vowed at the time it would be the last windows OS I ever use but have yet to switch to ubuntu => lazy -
@mac1 said:
Dave r
You are a trusting sole. You question Easy Install but still let auto update run.?? Microsft installed kb905474 under the disguise of a security upgrade but it was really their sneaky way to implement the WGA ( Windows Guniue Advantage) on everyones computer without their direct knowledge. Ever hear of the WGA nag screen?? I vowed at the time it would be the last windows OS I ever use but have yet to switch to ubuntu => lasyNot that trusting. I tried various methods for updating XP on that machine but nothing seems to work. I was just trying to squeeze a little more life out of that machine. That was so annoying that if I was living in the penthouse of skyscraper, I'd probably chuck that machine out the window along with a certain gazillionaire.
@dave r said:
@khai said:
yes. you can't upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 other than going Upgrade Xp to Vista to Win7.
That's not what it says on the Microsoft website nor in the tutorials that Dedmin linked to.
wait until you try it. even the Win7 box says you can't do it.
to quote:
"If you are upgrading from Windows XP, you will need to backup your files and settings, perform a clean install and then re-install your existing files, settings and programs."
thats right off the back of the box. also, Lifehacker, How To geek, etc all said the same.. and in my own experience as well... now it'll let you upgrade from XP to Win7 as in you have a valid install of XP, you can use the Serial or Media to identify you can upgrade, which is then the above. backup and clean install...
here's some information
http://lifehacker.com/5152335/windows-7-upgrade-details-for-xp-and-vista-users"Cons: Windows XP users will have no direct upgrade path. That means that in order to upgrade to Windows 7, you'll have to do a fresh installation of Windows 7 and manually migrate your files and apps to Win7βso you'll want to make sure to back up XP before upgrading or just dual boot XP and Windows 7."
None of that says anything about going from XP to Vista to 7 as you originally stated.
@dave r said:
None of that says anything about going from XP to Vista to 7 as you originally stated.
add it up. if you want to go from XP to Windows 7 without a total reinstall, you first upgrade in place XP to Vista,(I have the disks on the shelf to do that, never used them tho), then Vista to Windows 7, (standard Upgrade option). a clumsy and annoying method, since it's quicker to reinstall. I only mentioned it to be complete. but it is a viable upgrade path.infact, if I still had the disks, I could go Win3.1 > 95 > 98 > 2000 > XP > Vista > 7 without a single reinstall. just using upgrades.... it's always been possible.
So you're saying I should buy Vista so I can get to 7? That's crazy. I won't be doing that so you can leave it alone.
No wonder you need a tardis if you hoard all that stuff
@dave r said:
So you're saying I should buy Vista so I can get to 7? That's crazy. I won't be doing that so you can leave it alone.
ok where did I say that? I said "you can't upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 other than going Upgrade Xp to Vista to Win7."
as in you cannot, without reinstalling go from XP to Windows 7. there is NO direct upgrade path. there is a way to do it via Vista tho.
I did NOT say you should do it or buy vista. you are adding that yourself. hell I don't even know whats going on now since your saying things I never said!
@unknownuser said:
No wonder you need a tardis if you hoard all that stuff
hoard what? I just said you "could" do it... not that I wanted to or anyone could..seriously guys, your reading more into what I'm saying than is actually there....
It's a joke! You mentioned 'IF' you had Win 3 to Win 7 disks.....
I'm outta this thread