Major SKP and Podium problem
I'm up s**t creek with no paddles. I have drawn my building and when ever I try to render in podium it starts doing it then kicks me out and says send this to google. I have tried purging but that also kicks me out. I have tried the repairing disc utilities on the Mac (similar to defrag I believe) I have software upgraded! I'm stumped plus this is my job, I need to get work out for my boss and clients. The file is 32mb so uploading to the forum is an issue.
Any ideas?
Hi Andy,
I am not on the Mac nor I use Podium so this is just a stab in the dark: try to copy everything in your file and paste it into a new, clean file. There may have something gone wrong in that file which may not even be related to the geometry itself.
you should also take this problem to the podium forum. in more than 2 years of use of both sketchup and podium I have never seen anything like that. I suspect it has nothing to do with podium.
you should also take this problem to the podium forum.
My thoughts exactly Edson.
Here is a link Andy. the version podium, version sketchup, A screen shot if you can, computer specs, and
any other useful info in your post to help others help you.Good luck.
I had already tried the copy and paste, it has worked on a colleagues PC, and after purging on the PC it appears to be rendering slowly on the mac. I'll let you know the result. Thanks for the heads up about the podium forum. So many forums my heads spinning!! lol!
Also a good idea is to try removing all other plugins and see if it is not a plugin conflict. There are a couple out there that will completely crash SU when combined with other plugins.... More specifically speaking, I had a VERY similar issue with another renderer - turned out it was a different plugin I had installed that would cause SU to crash when I tried to run the rendering program.
So you might just remove all other plugins for a bit and see if that helps?