Sketchup on 3D screens
Is it possible and if yes, how was the experience?
3d in 3d, is that 6d or 9d? Ez 2 c?
@unknownuser said:
3d in 3d, is that 6d or 9d? Ez 2 c?
It would be pure 3d space. Unless you want to start discussing super string theory with me
OpenGL would have to be configured to construct parallactic(?) views. Your processor would need to be up to it. You'd have to wear a spacesuit.
@mitcorb said:
OpenGL would have to be configured to construct parallactic(?) views. Your processor would need to be up to it. You'd have to wear a spacesuit.
SO in other words no?
Hmm, I won't write it off just yet, I saw something on the web where a guy got a XBOX Kinect to do some crazy hand waving, grabbing, scrolly stuff in 3D space, if I find it I'll post it.
I gotta believe, someone is working on this concept, not necessarily for Sketchup, and not necessarily for OpenGL. But what about all that stuff with virtual environments, 3d goggles, electronic gloves, umbilical cords and such from some years back?
EDIT: well, I see my reply is obsolete.
Here is some Kinect hacking stuff.
More here: -
What are we talking about here? Just using SU on a 3d screen? I've seen Google Earth on a 3d TV with 3d goggles. It was pretty cool. I have not seen SU work though.
@chris fullmer said:
What are we talking about here? Just using SU on a 3d screen? I've seen Google Earth on a 3d TV with 3d goggles. It was pretty cool. I have not seen SU work though.
Yeah SU on a 3d screen. And since SU is 'what you see is what you get', the potential for such would be astronomical.
Yeah, interesting. I'm not sure if it's something that has to be implemented in the graphics card, in hte software, or if its special drivers for the monitor per software, as in the 3d monitor would need to develop 3d drivers for every software independently?, or if it can just develop 3d drivers for OpenGL, or how it works.
When I saw the 3d demo of Google Earth, I am not sure if somehow the monitor company had made special drivers for Google Earth, or if Google had, or maybe it was just able to turn all OpenGL into 3d.
- topic:timeago-later,10 months
@chris fullmer said:
Yeah, interesting. I'm not sure if it's something that has to be implemented in the graphics card, in hte software, or if its special drivers for the monitor per software, as in the 3d monitor would need to develop 3d drivers for every software independently?, or if it can just develop 3d drivers for OpenGL, or how it works.
When I saw the 3d demo of Google Earth, I am not sure if somehow the monitor company had made special drivers for Google Earth, or if Google had, or maybe it was just able to turn all OpenGL into 3d.
Maybe it was with this? They list Sketchup (and Google Earth) as one of their certified applications... -
Hi folks.
Some of those that where in Basecamp 2010 in Boulder will remember the iClone demo with 3D images seen on a regular HDTV with the help of special colored glasses.
The same could probably be done with SU.
In 1981 I tried something with a 3D drawing software running on the Apple II. Yes, it was possible to do 3D stuff 30 years ago. Primitive but effective. I drew a wire frame model of a couple of buildings. With this program you had to specify the position of the observer and the point toward which you are looking. I did two renderings, changing the eye position by 4 inches (more or less the distance between human eyes). With the two images side by side, you cross you eyes untill you get a third image centered between the original two. This image will be in real 3D, seeming to pop out of the screen. However, this is tiring for the eyes muscles. I also tried another approach with some success, using a reversal of one image and a pocket (or purse) mirror.
See attached SU file for ideas.
I've been literally salivating over the prospect of Stereoscopy being implemented in Sketchup for years now!
There's now a growing number of video cards (AND monitors) that are 3D enabled, and, heck, Both Maya, and Solidworks have supported Stereoscopy for ages now, and work well with appropriate NVidia cards/3D Glasses, etc.
There's also a nifty product called the "TrackIR4" which uses an infared camera atop your monitor to track 3 reflective dots on a headband. Sort of a poor-mans Mo-Cap. Designed mainly for (you GUESSED it!) 1st person shoot-em-up games and Flight Sims, so you can just use your head to look around naturally. It's been available for about 5 years now, and I remember they DO had an SDK available. Years back, I was wanting to see stereoscopic 3D in Zbrush and Sculptris - along with Head-Tracking it would be like having a REAL lump of clay to sculpt, right in front of you - The Zbrush people still aren't very interested (they still won't even get their act together for the Space Navigator either, siting "lack of user demand" in my last communications. Catch 22).
Apart from really helping to resolve things well without having to constantly rotate the view, it would add HUGELY to the "That is SOOO COOOL" factor when you do your presentations on the right big screen!
Since EVERY feature Film currently in production is now 3D (except for Arthouse films featuring gay cowboys eating pudding...), Google simply needs to perceive enough factors to "see" the potentially upcoming tipping point of this huge user-desire, and just implement it.
I think it's just a matter of time now. Though, I really really wish the future would hurry up for this particular thing to happen for Sketchup!
Can't Wait! (takes medication... calms down...).
We're using 3D stereo just about every day on a 50" Samsung display using Stereoscopic player used only stills initially but with the release of Lumion it is now possible to do stereo animations with ease.
I've downloaded Walkabout 3D (Realtime SU walktrough) but have not tried it yet.
A couple of years ago we had a full VR system running on a HP Unix box using Division software from the UK - complete with baseless joystick and stereo head mounted display. Great concept but clients got motion sickness real quick - one even upchucked on our keyboard!
Stereo screen viewing is a lot friendlier though.
Keep the ideas coming guys, please. I am extremely interested in this field, too, and would like to see as many "successful" solutions as possible.
- topic:timeago-later,26 days
Ok i was intreged with this post and said id try it out with 2 images i render from SU, heres the image below, now the only changes in this image are the cart and background sea so you can see depth by the sea and 3d effect with the cart, the camera position stays the same, use the cross eye effect to see in 3d
Has there being any plugin being created to give an output of 2 images with slight changes in camera position in SU, this is looking good for animations in SU i think
- topic:timeago-later,6 months
Very nice and cool 3d effect.
Btw, this just came up on tomshardware.
Leap Peripheral May be the Future for Gesture Controls
This is leap, a new motion sensor peripheral that works through gestures. While you may draw comparisons to the Kinect, the Kinect has nothing on Leap’s accuracy. The Kinect is able to detect full-body motion, but isn’t accurate enough to detect hand gestures. Leap, on the other hand, is able to detect gestures accurate down to 1/100ths of a millimeter within a four-foot area. Such sensitivity is required to read users’ most subtle finger gestures to allow daily computing without frustration.
Imagine the host of possibilities that can be unlocked with Leap Motion’s technology. Besides having the ability to replace the mouse, the Leap Motion can be yet another step into motion-control gaming. Maybe we can finally experience a twitch shooter by making a “pulling the trigger” gesture... or, if you’re less ambitious, play Fruit Ninja without the glitches experienced with the Kinect version.
The folks behind Leap Motion are currently seeking out developers who will develop apps specifically for the peripheral. Developer Kits are available for free to those looking to request one. All you have to do, according to Leap’s website, is wow the Leap devs.
At the consumer level, the Leap is expected to be launching next year for $70. Pre-orders are available after filling out a form on the Leap website.
Sketchup developers
You are being called.
@fuzzion said:
esides having the ability to replace the mouse, the Leap Motion...
While it certainly looks to have the excellent control, these displays of "geek tai-chi" always leave me with a couple of questions...
When was the last time you painted a ceiling/garden fence etc.? - and, how did your shoulders feel the next morning?
While I could see lots of applications in gaming, music/media performance etc., I fear that these devices will lead to "mouse shoulder - the next generation" if they were taken up for 8 hours of CAD every day!
Maybe we could combine them with a 'green energy' treadmill that powers the PC - no more need to take time out from work to visit the gym! -
Here is a try with a colour anaglyph image from the above:
@iichiversii said:
Has there being any plugin being created to give an output of 2 images with slight changes in camera position in SU, this is looking good for animations in SU i think
Not for animations but at least for stills, there is one by Tavi (TBD) and I remember buying it from Smustard but I can no longer find it (or even Tavi among the authors there)
Lumion can do 3D video output (the latest Pro version in effective HD size) like this one (leser size and medium quality):