Model This: Training
Nice Jeff, the video really helps understand the process.
Here's another simple training exercise...I'm curious how you guys model the intersection of a curb and driveway, or curb and crosswalk. I'm hoping there is an easier way than I currently do it. I'll post my method a little later.
Reference image of what I mean...
i take it the curb's profile is angled sides with a flat top and rounded edges?
something like this?[going with modelhead's advice.. i'll update the top post to highlight&link to additional challenges added to the thread]
Like this:
Then it flattens out at the driveway. this:
oh, i didn't see your other picture prior to uploading this video but i think you can do it the same way as i'm showing only without the arc.. just an angle down for followme..
[flash=853,505:1qourajk][/flash:1qourajk] -
Hi Jeff,
You are "on the fly", please keep it onRE1:
I would really like to love Su developing team as I love SketchUp and its fair community.. But What they do and what they don't do is unpleasant to me. Boolean Tools is their tool of the year (one tool=one upgrade: I'm not kidding so much) (
) and they dig one more step the gap between free and pro versions. I say to u "GSUTeam : your mind is wrong! Can you hear that?"
Anyway I have bought Whaat BoolTools for long and for 10$ and which works perfectly until SU5 so Dear team no matter to spend xxx$ for SU8 proRe2:
@jim said:
Holy sh!t, thanks Jeff - I never thought to use undo to go back in order to copy a face, then move forward to paste it - brilliant.
it is also what I had thought when viewing the video.
This remind me a tutorial which was on the old SCF tutorials section
A tutorial dealing as you do with the "Undo command" and named "Back to the futur"
At this time I was new to SketchUP and the concept was hard to me.
Now I can take advantage of it, it has disappeared...But hey hey
There is Internet Wayback Machine !!
and Here is Back to the future tutorial:Cheers,
@mitcorb said:
Yea that go back and copy forward is a nice little trick. I probably thought it would violate the laws of causality and entropy and so never tried it. But Jeff, I believe is a Tralfamadorian and I am a mere earthling.
i had to google some of those words to see what you were saying. funny@simon le bon said:
Hey,, Nice training!
Hi Jeff,
I see you pursue with your specific technique using Uniform B-Spline
Bravo for the video which explains very well.
And also I must say that watching the second video, Rhino seems to be an extraordinary modeler!!!thanks, simon
that move i do with the extension line for the b splines is basically an adaptation of what i see happening in other modelers only those one usually do it automatically
notice in the rhino video that i don't do any of that stuff because it's already happening within the tools.and yeah, rhino is great.. i'm slowly but surely learning the ins/outs of it and it may just one day eliminate sketchup from my workflow
[actually, i don't really think it will becasue sketchup is just way too fast to draw simple objects (walls,slabs,etc.) which in reality is most of a drawing i may do.. when the compound curves come into play though, i'll be using rhino for sure.
That's really close to how I made the curb, Jeff. Your way is faster using the Solid tools...I need to learn the ins and outs of them.
Here's what I did:
YouTube - Dropped Curbs in Sketchup
[flash=640,385:vyudgand][/flash:vyudgand]I split the curb into 2 sections, made a separate follow-me path for each section, then used Intersect to get rid of the excess (I didn't have SU8 then). Now, I couldn't get good results with Union, maybe because of overlapping faces? I'll have to play more with the Solid Tools.
Jeff wrote:
i had to google some of those words to see what you were saying. funny"
Well, I don't do too much else around here, so, if I can make one person laugh, it's not a total loss.
Liking the videos Jeff. Make things seem so easy!