[Plugin] ImageTrimmer
I'm trying to use this great plugin for cutting out 2D png trees, so I can cast a more realistic shadow.
I'm using mac catalina + latest version of JAVA is installed.
For some reason the plugin (that is installed correctly) will not work for me.
And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why that is.Error 1 : "1 javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create an ImageInputStream!"
Error 2 : "The Java-JAR file 'EdgeDetector.jar'can't be started"
(Default language for my Sketchup is Dutch, so I translated)I attached the Ruby script to this post also
If anybody has some ideas to make this plugin work i'm happy to hear.
Without seeing your PNG files I'm guessing...
You seem to have got Java set up to run the JAR files which is a good start, but I suspect that your PNG needs editing in Gimp or PhotoShop to ensure it's properly constructed...
Usually having the wrong transparency causes issues.
ImageTrimmer uses any transparent pixels to find edges, so that only non-transparent pixels are kept.
Even if a pixel has some slight transparency it is ignored.
I'm guessing that in your case all pixels have some degree of transparency !
Hence an empty file to process...Here's an explanation of what's needed [mentioned in this thread several times already]...
Edit your PNG with your graphics app.
Flatten it to remove ALL transparency in all pixels.
Add an alpha-channeled layer for the transparency.
Use its magic-wand tool to pick all pixels you want to be transparent - e.g. the background.
Delete them, now you should see what's gone...
Next use the editor to crop the extent of the image's pixels tight to the 'solid' pixels - this will speed up processing because all pixels have to be considered and having hundreds of unnecessary transparent ones will simply extend the processing time fruitlessly.If this fix doesn't work please attach one PNG tree image and I'll check it over...
That PNG has some slightly transparent pixels which get ignored.
As explain... flatten and re-add the 100% transparency to just the [blue] background pixels...It's not great candidate for 'trimming' as it is a filigree with many small facets [many only 1px wide] and similar tiny holes...
I just downloaded and installed the SKMTools to Sketchup 2016 so that I could make sketchup object from images.
The first problem I had was WinRar launching every time I tried Imagetrimmer. I read many posts about this problem and have corrected the file association issue.
Now Imagetrimmer simply doesn't work. I window saying "A java exception has occured" pops up ans Sketchup freezes and hangs forever.
I have checked the image. As far as I can tell it's how it should be. I have attached it here if anyone wants to check it.
I hope someone can help.
@thegoodguy said:
I have checked the image. As far as I can tell it's how it should be. I have attached it here if anyone wants to check it.
I expect TIG will be along to give you some advice regarding the errors you are getting. I was able to successfully trim your image with Image Trimmer but due to the pixelated nature of the image, it winds up either being very rough or it has a ton of geometry. This might be a better application for 3D Text. What is the font?
Here's an example. Not the same font for the 3D Text but it's as close as I have.
It trims quickly, but as DaveR says is pixelated, so 'smoothing' does help...
I attach an image of the result and a v2017 SKP...However, as DaveR says, in this case some 3d text using the appropriate font would probably give a better result ?
Thank you for checking the file.
My problem is that I'm not able to get any results due the java error.
Well it works for us, so something is adrift with your Java set up...
Do you have the latest Java version installed on your computer ?
Mine is 8.191 ??
Are JAR files clearly set to be run in Java, rather that hijacked by some decompression software [the usual culprit] ?? -
@tig said:
Well it works for us, so something is adrift with your Java set up...
Do you have the latest Java version installed on your computer ?
Mine is 8.191 ??
Are JAR files clearly set to be run in Java, rather that hijacked by some decompression software [the usual culprit] ??I just checked. I have version 7.0.210 of Java. I'll update it and see how I fare.
Many thanks TIG.
I updated Java and the plugin works perfectly
Thank you for your help
Hi, Are you able to help me?
I am having the issue where Edge Trimmer opens a zip file by default. I have installed Java and tried to change the default app for .jar files to be Java, but it doesn't show on my standard list of Apps despite having just installed it. I have rebooted my laptop but I still can't find it.
I have tried reading all the other comments in the thread but its a bit too much information and way above my head - can you let me know if there are some specific things I do to try and resolve it?
Thanks -
.JAR files should open [i.e. 'run'] with Java
Some compression ZIP apps hijack the file type.
You can remove that association in that app's settings.
You need to install Java if your system doesn't already have it installed.
Restart your computer after installing it.
Then find a JAR file and select its icon, choose Open with... in the context menu and find Java, set JAR files to always open with it...
Here are page that accesses the installer https://www.java.com/download/ -
Thanks for getting back to me.
I have installed Java from the link you provided although it's not showing on my apps list (I have restarted my laptop but still can't see it).
I found a .jar file in my directory but I couldn't see the option for 'open with' in the context menu.
I tried changing the default app for .jar files on the general 'change default apps' settings page, but Java is not showing as an option.
I can't see what I am doing wrong with the installation - please can you advise?
Thanks -
When you clicked the link I gave it does not install the file immediately, but rather it downloads an installer file.
Look in your Downloads folder and install Java from that, then restart your computer to register it...If you select any file type's icon and right-click the context-menu it starts with 'Open', about 8 items down the list there is always 'Open with'...
Choosing this lets you to choose any installed app to use to open it [in your case a .JAR file == Java...].
In that dialog there is also a tick-box to choose to always use that app [tick it]. -
Thanks, but this is difinitely not working for me.
I have re-installed Java using the link which you sent and I can see it's been installed in my 'Program Files (x86)' directory.
But still nothing appears when I try to change it as the deault app or when I right click an icon and select 'Open With'.
Do you think my system may be blocking it somehow? -