[Plugin]$ Keyframe Animation
@iichiversii said:
im having 1 problem tho, my animations bugsplat everytime i animate a componant within a group, may i ask for a tutorial so i can see if im doing something i shouldnt be doing
You should be able to do that. I will PM you with the email address to send me your model so I can look into it.
@andybot said:
By the way RP, nice to see added features
Any progress on changing objects' scale?
Now that animating object visibility is out of the way, animating the scale of objects is the new most requested feature. It has moved up to third place on my list of Planned Updates. I hope to knock off the first two items in version 1.7, and release it in January. They are more essential to the basic workflow, so I need to do them first. After that, I will get serious about trying to animate the scale of objects.
I'm testing the plugin and it seems very nice! But when i try to create the 'tweens' no scenes are added, what could be wrong? V. 1.6
the file i'm working on has a ton of sub components and heavy geometry but I read that it shouldn't be a problem anymore?
I have tried to explode some of the components but it didn't help.
I tried to create tweens for a simple model and it worked.
.. OK I tried to explode everything and with 10FPS and 3 sec transitions it worked, but with 25fps and 30sec transitions it failed as before... this is very frustrating
On a good note, after PM with Regular Polygon i was directed in the right way on issues i had with keyframe_Animation and sub componants can be animated in a parent group/componant with simply highlighting the subcomponant within the parent group/componant and recording the subcomponant, and then recording the parent componant in the same scene, thank you Regular Polygon for your instructions, remember i never doubted you Doug
Thanks for clearing that up iichiversii.
I changed the workflow for subcomponents in version 1.5. Now, you have to open the parent component/group for editing by double-clicking on it. Then click the record button while the parent component is open. That records the position data for all the subcomponents.
It is not really any extra work, because you have to open the parent component in the first place to position the subcomponent. So, just click the record button at that time.
@nickdk said:
I'm testing the plugin and it seems very nice! But when i try to create the 'tweens' no scenes are added, what could be wrong? V. 1.6
The best way to reach me for support is at the email listed here on the Contact page. I don't check this forum every day, but I do check my email quite often. If your model is less than 25 MB, you can send it to that email address and I will check it out for any bugs.
can't export section animation
@fouronethirty said:
can't export section animation
That is true. But I never claimed you could. The only scene properties that can be exported are camera location and visible layers. The other ones may be supported in the future. Section planes are currently fourth on the list of planned updates.
I've posted this problem separately, but though it might find more attention here.
Love using keyframe Animation, but can't figure this problem out.
Just bought this plugin, Regular_Polygon; I have been meaning too for a while.....
I use your other plugins quite a lot so I feel I should contribute!!
@utiler said:
Just bought this plugin, Regular_Polygon; I have been meaning too for a while.....
I use your other plugins quite a lot so I feel I should contribute!!
Thank you!
Hi emerald15,
Trying to animate two folding doors is an interesting problem. The door on the right just rotates about its right edge, so that is easy to animate. But the other door, to the left, moves in a way that is neither a simple rotation, or translation. However, it is possible to represent this motion using animated subcomponents. When you animate a subcomponent (subgroup), it moves relative to the parent. So, the combined motion can be something more complex than a translation or rotation.
First, clear/delete any position data you have recorded for the doors. Then make a group out of the two doors, so each door is a subgroup. The basic idea is, you rotate the left door about the hing through some angle less than 180 degrees. At the same time, you rotate the entire two door group about the right edge through an angle of 90 degrees. The combined motion causes the doors to fold together exactly like they do in real life.
I am sure that a video would explain this much better than words. I hope to make some tutorials in the near future. If it isn't clear, you can just email me your model, and I can quickly set up the animation, and send it back to you.
Thanks Regular Polygon.
As per e-mail, I followed instructions but failed. Here is the skp file if you would kindly help. Thank again.
No problem, I think I have those folding doors moving correctly. I made the doors subcomponents of a group. To create the folding motion, both the doors, and the parent group, rotate at the same time. Here is your model with the animation set up.
And, for anyone wondering what it looks like, I exported the animation.
Thanks for sharing your model, Emerald15.
I think this is a good example of how animated sub-components can be used to create more complex types of motion.
Thanks so much for this - exactly what I've been trying to do. I'm still working it all out, but now I know it is possible!
Sorry, I must be still missing something.
I have grouped the components/groups into a parent group. I can rotate the far left door and each of the right side doors individually within the group (through selecting them in Outliner). However, when I move the parent group the sequence goes wrong. I've tried various combinations of moving the subgroups & parent group and moving all the subgroups inside the parent group, but I'm not getting the right result.
does it matter if it's a group or component? Just a thought.
@andybot said:
does it matter if it's a group or component? Just a thought.
It shouldn't matter. Groups and components are treated the same.
@emerald15 said:
Sorry, I must be still missing something.
If you have the model I attached, this might clear things up a bit. Select the parent group, so that it is highlighted. Then step through the animation a scene at a time. That will reveal how the parent (highlighted) group is moving. And then it will be more clear how the individual doors are moving inside the parent group.
Yes, I have already done this - I went through your animation frame by frame. I know this is something to do with how I move each individual panel. I've attached a screen grap of another of my attempts, with the parent group highlighted. How this compares to your version (screen grap also attached) is that your parent group box stays the same shape as it starts in scene one, even when you have rotated one of the subgroups within it, while mine changes shape to fit the formation as my panels are rotated.
The way I am moving the subgroups is to select them in Outliner, (triple click on subgroup) rotate subgroup, then right click outside the parent group to close it. I'm guessing this is where I might be going wrong as the box then changes shape?
Well, I didn't use Outliner, so my workflow was a little different. Here is what I did:
- Rotate the parent group.
- Click the record button to save the position data for the parent group.
- Double click on the parent group to edit it.
- Rotate the doors (subcomponents).
- Click the record button to save the position data of the subcomponents.
- Close the parent group.
- Repeat steps 1-6 for the next scene.
One thing that might not be very intuitive, especially if you are using Outliner, is that the parent group has to be open (in edit mode) to record the subcomponents. Normally, when you click the record button, it records the position data for all of the top-level groups and components in the model. But, it doesn't record the subgroups/subcomponents. To record the subcomponents, you have to open the parent first, and then click the record button.
If that is not the problem, then my next question would be, does the parent group move correctly? If it does, then the problem is just with the subcomponents.
I am not sure why the bounding box does not enclose all the subcomponents in my model. I guess SketchUp doesn't resize it automatically. I may need to write some code to resize the bounding box when there are animated subcomponents.