Model This: Sofas
@solo said:
It's sick! (using my kids vocab)
This (soon to be released) plugin opens a whole now dimention to modeling in SU, nothing is impossible...okay except for SU's poly limits that is.
Model looks good.
Hopefully we got SDS2 before x-mas? Not that I am happy with SDS v1, but v2 workflow looks really good - cannot wait.
I have no idea regarding the release date, there is still much to refine and stuff to add at this point, but can say so far the features I have tested are awesome and very robust (not a splat yet).
@solo said:
...and very robust (not a splat yet).
Except for the one in your chair when you shit yourself at how badass this plugin is
WOW that's impressive to see the SDS tool comes alive. I love how Pete (Solo) use the SDS to model his version. I've learned so much about SDS just with this exercise. great job guys.
WHOA this is unbelievable!!!!
Any tutorials on this guys? So is that just 1 plug in that does all this??
When do you run the lines2cylinder ruby? Do you have to do this after SDS by selecting a path of really short lines? And what is lines2cylinder? is that the same thing as Pipe Along Path?
Yes, after I subdivided the mesh I made it a group then using TOS (tools on surface) I created the path for piping.
To get the border right I even decided to model in three pieces (kind of like the upholsterer would handle the cloth).
This made it really easy to find the contour lines for the "border tubes" (sorry, dunno the right term for these).Nice to see your old avatar again Pete - very familiar
Very very intertessting thread. I have to practise and to learn my lessons. I'm still not good enouhg in modelling. As soon as I have more time I'm trying to make my modell of this theme...
@shura said:
"border tubes" (sorry, dunno the right term for these).
Just for your info mate - "piping" - I know sounds more like a plumbing term!
Thank you Richard! yes, piping sounds a bit weird... well, I am still very unexperienced with technical terms in english.
(I guess that the textile industry has a mind bending nomenclature in every language)
for piping I also found:
- cording
- pin-tuck
- piping cord
- tuck
- tucking
Can any one help me, whats thi SDS2
SDS2 would be Subdivide and Smooth 2 but it has not been released yet.
What technic do you use to do the piping? I still have problems to do that.
When subdividing usually the geometry has itself the line for piping detail,u just have to select it,but sometimes u must make the path for the piping with some tools on surface or intersection methods.
OK, I've subdivided the group but I've got no glue how to work on...
I was really happy with the method to separate my proxy before subdividing.
Then the path selection is nothing to worry about. -
That is a great technique shura.
Wow! Some of the people on this forum are crazy good! I'm reasonably experienced 3 years, but well WOW!
What is/are SDS2, FFD and lines2cylinder? Where can I find them.
Are the images rendered in a separate renderer?