For RUBY masters: WE NEED NEW PHOTO MATCH PLUGIN which works like old morfing software - by picking the same points in model and photographed space.
Yes we do need that.
(No - I don't have the skills to do it - if anyone should ask. The math is beyond me.) -
I cant't help... just a link to a photogrammetry forum:
I think that it's very interesting.
I do not know a lot about it, but I wrote an importer for VooDoo camera tracker. I bet you could import a few photos into it as frames, then locate key points manually. Then export them into SU, and it would place those points in 3d space in the model.
It is probably more tedious than anything using that workflow, but it might be worth trying, just as a proof of concept.
Thank you all
Guess we have to ask Google...
Doesn't TGI3d do this? Or am I missing the point?
Now all you need is a thousand bucks
Don't you like this http://insight3d.sourceforge.net/ ?
Both TGI3D and insight3D are for making model from a photo.
I don't want to make model of the surrounding, but to incorporate my model in its photo - like photo match doesn't do
...Could insight3D be helpful for this? -
Oooh yes...Finding key 3D points in space from the photo of the surrounding with insight3D,
then importing them in SketchUp and using for placing designed model...Has anybody tried it?! -
This is an old post, but i am interested in such a plugin too.
+1000 on this one! I know it's an old post but 7 years later still no better solution. We really need a system where you can just pin points between your image and your model.
I need to do photomatching in 1/2 of my renders and for now I don't have any better solution then 'Ghost-it' to overlay an image over sketchup and try to eye-ball the match between the two.
The photomatch feature in sketchup is just plain bad and so difficult to use when trying to match a model to a photograph. When you model based on the photograph it's allright but the other way around is just too cumbersome.
If one of the pluginmasters found a solution, it would change my whole workflow and save me hours of work.
I am surprised that in 2018 still we don't have something similar to what FormZ has (matching automatically by telling the software corresponding points in the model and on the picture).
I just took a look at FormZ matching tool- it's amazingly effective and simple. It's a shame it's still absent in standard SU. I'd buy a similar commercial plugin for sure.
P.S. Is it possible to export from FormZ cameras via Skp\3ds\Fbx format?