[Help] Context Menu Greyout from the Start! [SOLVED]
It appears as though fredoscale and fredo's ghosted components where the culprits. I removed them and the menu came back...
As mentioned - you should be able to have Fredo's plugins installed - but you must ensure you have the latest versions.
Ensure you have Fredo's Lib3.4c and Lib3.5 too........
You CAN have/use all/any of Fredo's tools without the gray-out problem, IF you have the up to date versions and the correct 'Lib' files/folders................... -
@tig said:
Ensure you have Fredo's Lib3.4c and Lib3.5 too........
You CAN have/use all/any of Fredo's tools without the gray-out problem, IF you have the up to date versions and the correct 'Lib' files/folders...................I do have both folders.
Just tested lib3.4c and Fredoscale 2.0i
Definitely causes some context menu grey outs
Stuff like putoncurrentlayer and Construction grid etc. gets greyed out.
Hope that is help to someone.
I think this is a different case, because the Gray-out syndrom appears right away, not after a while.
I had another user signaling it.I need to dig into it. Unfortunately it does not happen on any of my PC configurations. So I would need some users who can reproduce it to cooperate and test some specific updates.
It does look like an extreme number of plugins are installed. Could be that the menu resources are exhausted.
@chango70: are there other plugins there you don't really use? If you remove a few of those - does the menus still grey out?
Chango (and those users having an immediate gray-out syndrom)
Can you please drop the attached file Lib6Plugin.rb into the LIBFREDO6_Dir_34 directory.
I disable the creation of contextual menus.
to drop into LIBFREDO6_Dir_34 subfolderAs you may have installed Curviloft and now have LibFredo 3.5 active, here is an updated file that you can alternatively dropped into the LIBFREDO6_Dire_35 subfolder
to drop into LIBFREDO6_Dir_34 subfolderThis will allow me knowing if the issue comes from the creation of menu entries.
Thanks very much
Happened to me as well on my Win 7 64 machine. Am testing new libraries will let you know
Unloaded all my plugins and traced it yo Z_loader for free scale.... back up and running normal. all files have been updated to latest version prior to this. I wish I could give more info but my computer expertise ends there. I usually fix my computer problems with a hammer. Permanently. but seriously, let me know if i can help in any way to track this down as it is very annoying
@prismcnd said:
Unloaded all my plugins and traced it yo Z_loader for free scale.... back up and running normal. all files have been updated to latest version prior to this. I wish I could give more info but my computer expertise ends there. I usually fix my computer problems with a hammer. Permanently. but seriously, let me know if i can help in any way to track this down as it is very annoying
FreeScale is the old version - the new version is now named FredoScale.