I've seen some of that guy's work in the saatchi gallery, london. Really disturbing stuff! It's truly gone past the point of realism! There was a model of a little man lying down, it looked soooooo real you just have to see it. saatchi gallery is a very strange place! Michalis, DOF on closeup doesn't look right somewhow?
3DCoat, zbrush, Blender, Photoshop, SketchUP, Podium!!!
How many tools are you mastering this way dear Michaliszissiou???
(When I labor to explore the potential of SU and can manage two or three little things in Kerkythea)
This is Hyperrealism Hold to the last point where virtual and real world encounter and can probably be reversed!!! Incredible work!A question at least (not a kidding one)
-"Have you ever tried Earth Clay...?"
Thank you Simon.
Slalom ha ha, KXI System avatar animation is more precise though, especially the end@unknownuser said:
When I labor to explore the potential of SU and can manage two or three little things in Kerkythea
Which I don't know how. Never had the time to learn kerky.
oli, dof is unreal here, you're right.
Once, at Pompidou Center, I was sitting and watching an old lady, there was a fire alarm box on the wall behind her, extremely red, I said "this is modern art now". But the art was the lady lol, hyperreal sculpture...
Some strong shapes are my concern, all these details don't add much IMO. -
"thanks orgelf.
Your thread is amazing but everytime I visit it, I have to reset my link to the net, I don't know what causes this. That's why I commented it via PM."that's too bad
I don't remember I received a PM from you ! where did you send it ? here or at ?
@michaliszissiou said:
Slalom ha ha, KXI System avatar animation is more precise though, especially the end
Your dang right its precise!
Oh I found a small flaw in your model, the man eyes seem to be closed when actually he should be a bit more of squinting.Hope this doesn't jeopardize anything.
@orgelf: pm here in SCF
@KXI what eyes?It supposed to have real eyes, just wait. When the 'spheres' will be in position then its time to do some more sculpture there. See at the reference photo.
A blender oriented avatar now KXI?
Anyway I updated a render. -
Hey, finally someone noticed!
I'm just goofing off with this, gonna change back when I'm on vacation.
Amazing amount of detail, you are a z-brush master.
What's even a greater achievement is reducing it so that you can use it in SU and still keep such a high level of detail.
I'd like to get a few of your models and render them with Thea if possible.
@solo said:
I'd like to get a few of your models and render them with Thea if possible.
And I'd like to get a few of your skills... could it be posible?
Dear michaliszissiou (not so hard after all to pronounce
) So wonderful but incredible work!! (thanks to show us that we'll never reach 1/50 of what you're able to produce
I understand that you stash these sculptures in your basement. I just hope that you also thought about taking good insurances.
Wow. Just... wow.
@solo: a master here, a newbie at zbrushcentral though
thanks pete. I need some free time to learn thea, it seems perfect for my needs.
@KarinaGM: Thanks, about skills, you need another app for sculpture. Why don't you try scultris? And an app to covert it to a clean 3ds (like blender 2.49b).
@simon le bon: thanks Simon, its michalis or michael or michel or miguel or mike or anything.
@ecofeco: thank you. -
yeah but how do you pronounce the surname? write it phonetically!
my surname, for example, is pronounced shay....not she....or she-ah as some people say lol
@michaliszissiou said:
@KarinaGM: Thanks, about skills, you need another app for sculpture. Why don't you try scultris? And an app to covert it to a clean 3ds (like blender 2.49b).
I'm actually learning sculptris ^^ tho I'm not good at sculpting, and the worst part is painting.
I've tried several times to give blender a go, but it needs more time than I have. Anyway with all those triangles I get when sculpting, I'll have to learn how to retopo (that is an almost new word to me!)
Here is my first exercise with sculpt
Do you know a good tut on how to retopo in blender????
index.cgi?board=wipsculpt&action=display&thread=849I divided the link because I'm not sure if it is against the rules to place external links
Hey karinaGM is this the right place to talk about it? PM to me. Its about blender not about SU. I started to write a small tut and just stopped.
In general, you have to construct a cage (via retopo low definition) you have to subdivide it (3-4 time) you have to import the triangulated mesh from (lets say sculptris) and use shrinkwrap in bender to capture details. This way you'll have a multi res model, a low res for viewer and highres for renderer. This is the basic idea. I wrote this, sorry SU users, it doesn't belong here.