3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
Haha. I have a visa (for another 8 years) so I do not need to do this whole hassle.
But yes, Rich, thanks for the reminder in case someone forgets.
AND when you get the question, "Is the purpose of your visit the overthrow of the Government of the United States of America?"... do NOT answer 'yes' unless you want to miss Basecamp!
lol im so unprepared and unorganized need to start packing pub trip last night bad idea
WooHoo! I know you all have not been following the drama in my life surrounding attending this event - but it has not been very certain that I was acutally going to make it.
BUT!, I just booked my flight (literally 2 minutes ago), I've got time off from work, and I WILL BE THERE!
I'll even make it to the pre-party I think. I get in to Denver at 5:40pm tomorrow. So I might be a little late, but that is probably ok.
Only real problem is I have no place to stay (and virtually no money left in my bank account
). I'll probably try to sneak into someone's room while they are less than sober and sleep in their closet. So if you notice some extra snoring coming from your closet, its just me!
Chris - see you all there.
Check pm.
It turns out that the downstairs rooms are 2x double bedded while the upstairs ones are 1x double only. Mike and Rich are upstairs while me downstairs but going to share with Pete (as of the latest situation we skyped).
No-one really cares in the motel anyway and they do not ask anything at breakfast either.
Te pub/grill we are going tomorrow is just next building. Food is acceptably cheap and the waitresses a bit "more than acceptably" pretty (and kind).t with them already Mike has been in deep contact with them already (knows all the names, professions etc.)
@chris fullmer said:
I'll probably try to sneak into someone's room while they are less than sober and sleep in their closet. So if you notice some extra snoring coming from your closet, its just me!
I hope for many many pictures throughout this trip. Let us housewives know what's going on.
@thomthom said:
@chris fullmer said:
I'll probably try to sneak into someone's room while they are less than sober and sleep in their closet. So if you notice some extra snoring coming from your closet, its just me!
I hope for many many pictures throughout this trip. Let us housewives know what's going on.
Ditto I want to feed my curiosity...PLEASE someone post some pictures. Make me regret being too poor to go this year!
I think the others are still hanging out, but I had to run and check in...so here is a taste. I'm sure they will be posting in the group picasa album tonight.
They, of course, went over the new release and its highlights.
We all got a bamboo flash drive with Version 8 Pro included...attempting to install now.Got to meet Eric...but hopefully will get to meet more folks tonight at the Birds of a Feather dinner.
BTW - I ended up with a Suite if there are some overcrowding issues...not sure how that happened.
Link to album - still no pics uploaded though at this point.
http://picasaweb.google.com/sketchucation.com/SCF3DBaseCamp2010# -
BTW - I ended up with a Suite if there are some overcrowding issues...not sure how that happened.[/quote]
Looks like Chris Fullmer is looking for a place to crash.
see his post a few up.
Hey, I did find a place to crash, thanks to everyone for the offers!
I'be got lots of pics to post. I'll probably make my own Picasa album and then also add them to the one we've got going here.
All in all it was an awesome event. I'm glad Monday is a holiday here so I've got another day to decompress after all the events of Basecamp.
I also ended up doing a presentation on beginning ruby. Since everyone is interested in hearing about all the presentations, I'll post my discussion in its entirety here:
Uhhhh, ummmm,,,, uhhh.,eerrr well rubyy,,,,ummm. I like scripts.,,,,,ummmmm. Hey Rick Wilson just walked in the door, he can take over now!
The end
Well, it went a little better than that, but you could learn more about beginning ruby by watching my youtube videos. I went to the beginning ruby session to learn something. When I walked in, I was informed that I was leading thte discussion. And that it was on a Mac (and I am strictly PC) and that the ruby console does not work on a Mac (which I always use). So yeah, I was doomed from the start. But it was lots of fun.
@chris fullmer said:
I went to the beginning ruby session to learn something. When I walked in, I was informed that I was leading thte discussion.
@chris fullmer said:
that the ruby console does not work on a Mac
ha ? since when ?
hope that Google will post the videos soon to see the doomed Chris
@unknownuser said:
@chris fullmer said:
that the ruby console does not work on a Mac
ha ? since when ?
I think he might refer to the Webconsole.
Yes, terribly sorry. I did mean Jim's webconsole, not the ruby console.
I ended up having to use the official ruby console, which only accepts a single line of code, and is absolutely stupid. Between that and being on a Mac, I really was lost.....and Rick actually did come take over after a few minutes once I got to the point where I thought we should start writing code samples.
Also, I remembered a few minutes too late that Alex Schreyer's Web Console does work on the Mac. If only I had thought of that sooner, I could have used it
Yikes, sorry about that. I haven't made much effort to learn about Mac's, or try to make scripts compatible.
I finally got a used Mac earlier this year so I could start testing, but I just found out SketchUp 8 won't run on them.
@chris fullmer said:
Yes, terribly sorry. I did mean Jim's webconsole, not the ruby console.
I ended up having to use the official ruby console, which only accepts a single line of code, and is absolutely stupid. Between that and being on a Mac, I really was lost.....and Rick actually did come take over after a few minutes once I got to the point where I thought we should start writing code samples.
Also, I remembered a few minutes too late that Alex Schreyer's Web Console does work on the Mac. If only I had thought of that sooner, I could have used it
@jim said:
I finally got a used Mac earlier this year so I could start testing, but I just found out SketchUp 8 won't run on them.
PPC Mac?
G4 Cubes, so yeah I believe so. They are very cool machines, but a little slow nowadays.
Yea, I had an old G4 MacMini, had to get an Intel when I made VT. Damn things are expensive even as second hand.