3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
Wyatt - I sent you a PM - if you want I will add you to my nomination pool to make sure you get the nomination. Couldn't hurt to be nominated more than once.
I'm at the Bestwestern as well...figured it was the closest and since I can't make it for the Tuesday dinner, I figured I might be able to get to meet more SketchUp folks if I stayed where everyone else was.
Yeah Wyatt, I know you got nominated. I think that there are still people who are submitting their nomiations by today. So I would guess you should expect to hear back soon - the next day or two hopefully. It was fun meeting you at the last one, I hope you get in to this one also.
Just so I understand, you get an email from J.Bacus with a link to a form, you fill that out and then get a message saying your form was successful you can now make travel arrangements? But you dont actually get a separate conformation email?
@ross macintosh said:
For me the big question is does Google's Boulder office have one of those $6000 toilet seats like the one the Googleplex has? ** Mayor Mike Lucey spent a lot of time in there at the last Basecamp and he always looked refreshed.** If Boulder has one I'm going to face my fear of electrocution and try it. It is nice to be pampered but I'm not sure about the shampoo 'down there' but the blow dry and styling function part sounds interesting.
Ahhhh Ross, what I didn't tell you about the 'electro loo' was that there was an assistant there to make sure everything went okay ...... hold on! I think I have a pic somewhere ..... yep, here you go!
What if things go wrong... you know water temp. to high, air velocity set to embolism, and air heat to paint strip....
@liam887 said:
Just so I understand, you get an email from J.Bacus with a link to a form, you fill that out and then get a message saying your form was successful you can now make travel arrangements? But you dont actually get a separate conformation email?
Yes, Liam, that's it. I even sent an email to John about this "what's up" and he told me that there's no separate confirmation. Just travel. If anything goes wrong, we'll smuggle you in in a back pack.
thanks for sharing that. .. .the super-loo
Wait till he tells the whole story live!
(After a couple of beers only)
@dale said:
What if things go wrong... you know water temp. to high, air velocity set to embolism, and air heat to paint strip....
They don't ..... good old Japanese reliability
It's Mike's "nappy" [US=diaper] that worries me...
@gaieus said:
@liam887 said:
Just so I understand, you get an email from J.Bacus with a link to a form, you fill that out and then get a message saying your form was successful you can now make travel arrangements? But you dont actually get a separate conformation email?
Yes, Liam, that's it. I even sent an email to John about this "what's up" and he told me that there's no separate confirmation. Just travel. If anything goes wrong, we'll smuggle you in in a back pack.
ha ok no worries I didnt want to arrive from Liverpool to find out I had messed up my registration lol
You can imagine - I will fly from farther so I was also worrying.
I would say now that this thread has been officially . . .well maybe not hi-jacked. .. but perhaps . . flushed?
Which is probably allright since we have two threads going on called
3D Basecamp 2010!!!!!
and the only difference that I can see between the 2 is one has lots of exclamation points.
The other one was created elsewhere and when I made this subforum, I moved both here.
I think the whole hijacking is mainly due to the excitement and should be forgiven (to me included). If there is any specific, everyone should now start a new topic about it.
Thanks for the warning!
@gaieus said:
If there is any specific, everyone should now start a new topic about it.
How about one on SUPER-LOOS!
You should have seen the one that got plugged the first day we spent there last year.
Hi Guys,
I got flight costs through last night and it appears I won't be coming. Flights from Australia to US are ridiculously exe!!!
AUD $4,218 plus taxes!!! not to mention the costs of accom [thanks for the share offer Dave; I was so looking forward to coming.] I just can't justify spending 5-6K for 5-6 days....Bitterly disappointed.
Oh, sh*t, Andrew! That's really a shame! How come it is sooo expensive?!
Shame its so expensive from Australia, have you tried skyscanner.net ?
luckily form the UK not so bad under Β£600, just need to decide now where I want to spend a day in America? Choices are New York, Vegas, Philadelphia or Chicago? recommendations anybody? Its cheaper to fly to one of these cities then get a connecting flight to denver but my return flight is on monday night giving me the weekend to spend in one of these places.
So if anybody knows which one is a good idea please let me know as I have to book these flights ASAP before the prices rise!