I am Finally BUILDING!!!
Well you better hurry, I am coming with the family for dinner in less than a month....
Well Chris, by the time you get here you will be just in time to sleep on a subfloor! watch out for nails.
Congrats David!
I am sure it will be hectic and stressful- but also lot's of fun. Looks like a nice place - nice job on keeping the grill under cover!
congratulations. good luck!
Congratulations David. Are you having fun yet?
I'm about 3 months into our build having designed the place and I am doing the general contracting. Details for those of you with nothing better to do at http://www.rowledge.org/tim/building/building/blog.html
Congrats! From my own building project experience - planning is easy, making sure that plans are understood is hard. Fixing something that's not properly build, just because there was not enough details, will make one mad. So don't forget details, better offer them plenty and in advance, than trying to solve something in situ. Still prepare for some changes, they might cost extra, but some issues may not be seen in "paper".
Good advice. I am all over that. I have still yet to design some things that I want. . .fireplaces and such -- I only have one shot at building a home for myself. I NEVER want to do this again, so I am not leaving anything to chance. Thanks for all the encouragement.
Stay tuned to this same bat-channel!
Congrats, David...!
It's always exiting to see a real project being brought to life... -
Yup .. .thank heavens for SketchUP!!!!
Wow Gratz David!
@daniel said:
I wish I could afford to build my own modest dream house.
@kxi system said:
Granted, but you don't live in it.
I'm so glad I didn't do that to you.
Just when you thought it was safe to believe in humanity again, along comes a city government entity to remind you of their idiocy--
A bit of background. My approved building permit sat on the City's counter for 2 months (2 MONTHS!!!) while I was arranging financing. You would think that if there were any concerns or questions during that time that they would contact me. But NOOOOO! So I get my hole dug, my footings formed. The day of the Pour, My GC calls for the steel inspection.
*"do you have your GeoTech?"
"Uh. . no, you didn't require that for plan check. Remember .. .you signed off on my permit."
"well, we have to have one."
"you coulda told me this 2 months ago"
"sorry. Still Gotta have it."*
So we call a GeoTech lab. 2 weeks. $2000.
I don't know what it is about this project that is so hard to get off the ground. . .what with the Financing, the permit process. False starts and delays. I bet I could get a Nuke Plant built faster. This is a HOUSE for cryin' out loud, not a flippin' aircraft carrier.
Oh well. I've built a lot of houses, but this is the first for myself. So naturally I am a bit bummed.
Why does Geotech cost 2000$ ??
That is a lot of cheeseburgers... -
I wish I got paid that much to play in the dirt for an hour.
Why $2K? Dig in the dirt with big Tonka Trucks. 6 guys leaning on shovels with orange vests and hard hats goin' "Yeah, that's dirt all right."
then . . .Take the dirt back to the lab. 6 lab guys in coats with clipboards goin', "Yeah. . .that's dirt all right. "6 to 10 days.
"Okay. . .go ahead and pour footings. Sure hope your house don't fall down."
why 2K. ( Hey. . .I crack myself up sometimes.
Hope thats the only problem there.
Or did I spoke too soon?
Oh well, giving you all my good luck anyway.I want it back though.
I am up and going again!!! Pouring the footings!!!
Concrete Truck arrives
pouring the footings
Workin' the concrete
Yay!! Congratulations and sorry for the 2k$ lift
Thanks for showing the way you re building houses over there..hope u ll keep us updated!
The Foundation is in! We start framing next week!
Ironically, we originally planned a 4th of July BBQ to inaugurate the new house. You can see how that turned out. Looks like it will be a Halloween Party Instead. BUt Hey! We're finally movin' and I am thrilled!!!
but I don't see the underground workshop, nuclear reactor or submarine pens. call yourself an evil genius? hand in your membership card!