Tutorial - How to draw a hull
How can i draw the hull of my ship under this face with DelftShip?
Hi Gianluca,
the best workflow is to import your shape as a background image in the plan view. There are many tutorials in th net see the links below.
Thank you Charlie2008!
Soap Skin and Bubble can make also half Hull
FOr the moment it's always free -
@unknownuser said:
Soap Skin and Bubble can make also half Hull
FOr the moment it's always freeYes, i have it!
Thanks for reply Pilou! -
Here again the workflow:
Export the model (in this the plan view, you can additional export the profile view) as image with dimensions from sketchup.
Import the Image to Delftship. Place it at point of origin and then scale the image.
Model the hull
Export model as dxf and import into Sketchup
Thank you Charly2008!
I have only a question...How can i set the scale? -
Hi Gianluca
Dimension the length and width of the new Model (Image 1)
Right click at the plan view (Origin), Place the Image exactly left in the midth of the control frame(Image 2,3).
Right click at the plan view (Set scale)and place the cursor exactly at the right end of the background image. In the control box adjust the length and hit ok (Image 4,5,6).
PS. In the first step is a mistake, instead of 2.16 the width (Beam) should be 2.18
See this Tutorial, a method using using SketchUp only:
This Tutorial uses the SoapSkinBubble Ruby Script (Excellent) but you could also use:
TIGs Extrude Tools or
Fredo's Curviloft Tool (currently in development)
Both are also excellent
Hope this helpsHoward L'
TIG's and Fredo's tools are versatile, without question, very good tools. But special tasks require special tools usually serve only one purpose. In this case the construction of a realistic ship's hull.
I had found this use of tools just by chance but with a classed training can achieve very good results. Without this tool, it would have been very hard for me to design historic ship hulls in SketchUp. I see Delftship as a useful complement of Sketchup for this specific purpose.
With the new CurvyLoft by Fredo6 you can also create easily boat's hull
Thanks Charly2008!
Now i can draw a hull with Delftship! Thanks again!@unknownuser said:
See this Tutorial, a method using using SketchUp only:
This Tutorial uses the SoapSkinBubble Ruby Script (Excellent) but you could also use:
TIGs Extrude Tools or
Fredo's Curviloft Tool (currently in development)
Both are also excellent
Hope this helpsHoward L'
Thanks Howard Leslie!
@unknownuser said:
Wow, nice little tutorial Charly thanks very much. I have Delftship, but haven't used it yet. Nice well layed out tut
Ps Gianluca you should add tutorial too the title of this thread...How can i change the title?
Thanks James! I change the title!
This is the result!
I'm very happy!
Thanks to all, and sorry for my bad english..