Question: Render reduction as camera pans out
You are correct, that the scale was really wacky! Thank you for pointing it out to me!
I have corrected the scale, re-making each of the components to be around 15 meters tall (the approximate size for a 5 story tall building).
After that, still no success.
Undaunted, I created a viewable measuring distance guide, so I could see out from 0M to 100M from the camera, and no matter what numbers I input to the Proximity plugin - I still see no change.
I have tried this on my PC, using SKU6 Pro, and my Mac using SKU 6 and 7 (non- pro) and no difference, I just can not get the Proximity plug-in to work for me.
Some points of clarity here, these are my assumptions: Are my assumptions correct?
*Now that I have rebuilt the components, and the test file, that my models are to a reasonable scale, and should be usable for the Proximity plug-in.
*As soon as I enter the numbers, and hit OK, the close components should change in appearance immediately, I shouldn't have to activate anything else.
*I do NOT need to stack the components on top of each other ie. occupying the same footprint, instead only placing the "-" version of the component throughout.Please look at the files I've attached, the .png, is a screen shot of the file, with the measuring radius visible, and the second attachment is the sketchup file itself.
Please tell me if I have built this incorrectly, please any help would be great!
If you are getting this to work - please:
*Post the measurements you used to get the desired result
*Pose a screen shot, after the plugin has been successfully usedThank you all again!
I followed your instructions closely to no effect.
So I started from scratch thinking that I had screwed things up so much I may as well start over - building the components from scratch - everything from scratch, still no effect.
Attached is the brand new version, with reasonable insertion points and axises - nothing is working.
Please let me know if anything is wrong with the way this brand new file is built, and when you get it to work please post a screen shot of what it looked like when it worked, and the numbers you used to get the result.
Thank you again for your help TIG, I feel so frustrated and angry at myself for not grasping this it's hard to describe.
Edit: I just tried the Proximity plug in on yet another PC, running SU7, on Windows 7, still no effect.
The components now look fine.
I simply ran Proximity with 35m and 60m and got the nearest ones as +, mid-range as ~ and the rest stayed as - types - I can't see the problem, though the range is a little off because the components axes/origin is at their rear face so you have to make mental adjustment for the block depth - the eye-to-axes/origin is what is used... and I'm not sure your eye is exactly over zero anyway ??
TIG - First off - again, I REALLY appreciate your immence patience! And thank you for taking the screen shot of my file ACTUALLY WORKING - it made my heart jump
Unfortunately I'm still getting no results, even though I just tested it on:
*****Windows 7, running SU 7 (free)
*****Windows XP, running SU 6 (Pro)
*****Mac OSx 10.4.11, SU 6 (free)
*****Mac OSx 10.4.11, SU 7 (free)I'm hoping I have an old / out of date plugin... is this the most recent version of the Matrix/Proximity plugin?
# Version ; 1.0 21/11/05 First release. # 1.6 20/12/05 Ditto - corrected... # 1.7 09/02/08 Glitch with Proximity Components directory finding # now fixed (Thanks to GreyHead)
Edit 1:
I see a comment in the Rubyscript itself that reads "require 'sketchup.rb'" And I looked in my plugin folder, and did not see a "sketchup.rb" - is this a file I need to find / download / place in the plugins folder? Is the "sketchup.rb" an essential file?EDIT 2:
Only the Mac tests had a folder called "Proximity Components" in the components folder with all three "-" "~" "+" components .skp files in it - I just want to to be thorough - NONE of the testing it working, but just in case that part is essential, just thought I'd add that note. -
One point at a time.
Works on very similar set ups for me. No version or OS problems are known.
v1.7 is the most recent.
Therequire 'sketchup.rb'
is the standard call to load the Sketchup code first - in case it hasn't already loaded. Don't worry about where the file is the system will find it - don't move or copy it either [actually it's in found in the ../Tools/ folder which auto-loads rubies as well as from ../Plugins/].
Run it with the 'Ruby Console' open and see if you are getting error reports.
I used your SKP just as it came with the +/~/- versions loaded - the way Proximity works is IF it needs them but it can't find them pre-loaded into your model it looks into the ../Components/Proximity Components/ folder to load from there... It is a good idea to have that folder made - even if it's left empty - not finding it when the code builds its data set might throw an exception. The guidance notes do say to make itTo recap: make the ../Components/Proximity Components/ folder, but leave it empty.
Make sure you have the +/~/- versions in the skp.
Run Proximity and enter the same values as I used [35m and 60m] and you should get results similar to mine ???
Okay, I have created the correct (but empty) folders for both versions 6 (free) and 7 (free)
Still no effect
With Ruby Console open - running the script - I got this message
Error; #<NoMethodError; undefined method `+' for nil;NilClass> /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;550;in `proximity' /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;686 /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;550;in `call' /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;550
Does this mean anything to you? Or is this a generic error?
I thank you again sir!
OK we have some new info
It's saying that it's having trouble finding a folder
C:/Program Files/Google/Google SketchUp 6/Components/Proximity Components/
(or 7 ?)
I don't get those errors, so I can't see why you do... but...
Here's v1.8 that MIGHT stop the error ???
Try it and report backMatrixProximity.rb
Check you have the folder correctly made... -
Thank you for posting the revamped script! Half GREAT news! On Windows XP running SU6 (Pro) it WORKED!!!!!!
The Half BAD news, on my Mac (my primary computer) in both SU 6 (Free) and SU 7 (Free) I get a NEW errorError; #<TypeError; can't convert nil into String> /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;552;in `open' /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;552;in `entries' /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;552;in `proximity' /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;687 /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;552;in `call' /Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/SketchUp/Plugins/MatrixProximity.rb;552
So, again, thank you for your patience (I owe you huge after this) - does this error (from my mac) tell you anything new?
I've attached a screen shot of where I have my "Proximity Components" folder:
- Is there anything wrong (that you can tell) with this folder?
- Is this folder in the wrong place?

Try this - the /Components/Proximity Components/ folder MUST now exist and if it doesn't you get an error message.MatrixProximity.rb
The folder structure is different on the MAC side. This is what it looks like:
"/Library/Application Support/Google SketchUp 6/Sketchup/Components/Proximity Components"
(note that the "Components" folder in not located in the Google Sketchup application folder itself)
Can you alter the .rb to work with both Mac and PC?
Why not make a folder within the Sketchup structure - the ../Components/ folder should be in the same relationship as the ../Plugins/ folder ??? To get it to work make an empty ../Components/ folder where it's looking and an empty ../Components/Proximity Componnets folder too... that'll fool it.
I think your Mac's folder structure is wrong... if you copy/paste these two lines into the Ruby Console they should return the same path ?
Sketchup.find_support_file("","Components") Sketchup.find_support_file("","Plugins")
Hey guys!
The folder path is different from PC to Mac.
I spoke to my coding friend, who took at TIG's code, and in addition to being really impressed with what you created, he was able to "Frankenstein" it and got it to work for both PC and Mac.
Now the script checks for platform first, and that effects where it looks for the "Proximity Components" folder
Tested on WinXP and MacOSX with
Hope this helps, and thank you for sharing!
AWESOME! Thank you both Especially you TIG!!!