Scale tool precision
Hi all,
I'm trying to import a jpg image and resize it precisely onto the model. I've figured out i need to rescale it down 0,9939 to 1 but it seems the scale tool only accepts increments of 0,01... Is there really no way to get more precision out of it?
Nils -
If you know what size a particular thing is in the image say 12345mm, then instead of using Scale you could Group the Image, Edit that Group and use the Tapemeasure tool. Pick the two points on the Image that should be 12345mm apart and then immediately type in 12345mm: when prompted say Yes to Scale the Group. The Image should now be the right size; Explode the Group as required...
Also, you seem to be trying to scale to a certain ratio. If you add the unit (e.g. " or cm or mm) after the number, the scale too will scale it to that size exactly.
However when dealing with raster images (that may have blank "borders" around what you really want to get to scale), the Tape measure tool as per TIG's suggestion is the best method.
@messire said:
Hi all,
i need to rescale it down 0,9939 to 1 but it seems the scale tool only accepts increments of 0,01
NilsThat .01% snap-to is a real pain, but you can define it more accurately. Just scale it to about the size you want, and type to the VCB the actual ratio you want and [enter].
Often when I need to scale down/up just a tad, it will snap to the nearest .01%. If I move the cursor, it snaps up or down to the next .01%, say between .98 and .97, and I want something in between.
So I estimate where in between and say it is .0976 Just simply type .976 [enter] and it will scale to that. If it is off a bit, undo and just rescale from there at say .9765 or .977
I have found trying to enter an exact dimension is a hit or mostly a miss situation. I just put in a guide line where I want the edge to be, and then snap the scale to that. It can get tricky though.