[Plugin] Extrude Edges by Rails to Lattice
Here's an update http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=242239#p242239
It now has 'Diagonals' as an option.
Reversing the order of picking the Rails swaps the direction of the diagonals.
The lingvo files have been updated to match. -
cheers for grouping explanation.I think i clicked select all connected by color or something.....oopsy
fantastic work TIG, hats off!
As you refine more and more does it possible to generate a "2 colors Checkboard" from the lattice?
I have missed one case
@unknownuser said:
As you refine more and more does it possible to generate a "2 colors Checkboard" from the lattice?
[attachment=0:2q921w1c]<!-- ia0 -->checker.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:2q921w1c]
Pilou !
Maintenant vous 'prenez la pisse' !
However, it would be relatively easy - the panes are stored as an array in the logical order they are made.
We know the number of them down the rail and across the profile.
If the number of profiles is odd then every other one is colored, if it's even then every other one is colored, BUT swapping the rule over at every 'rail' step change...
If you separate out the panes by selecting by material and grouping they will remain ordered.
Then find the group's faces...group=Sketchup.active_model.selection[0] panes=[] group.entities.each{|e|panes<< e if e.class==Sketchup;;Face} 0.upto(panes.length-1) do |i|panes[i].material="black" if i/2==1/2.0; end
Swap "black" for your desired color...
This works for odd-numbers of panes across the profile - I'll leave you to do the line of code to do it for even-numbers... -
I will examine that
I hope that can be input in the ruby consoleFor the French line does it possible to have the original
because seems the translator gives a very exotic result
something like that! -
lost in translation
It's actually the same is English !
Even the same word, but without the 'e'.
Means much the same thing, 'faire pipi'...
We say "taking the " = making an unwelcome joke.
A convoluted way of saying someone is making a bad joke at your expense is to say, "You are extracting the urine, aren't you?".
C'est comme 'chier' ?
Noteworthy: to be "ed" is to be drunk [intoxicated] in the UK, but it means very fed-up or in a bad mood in the USA.
In the UK we would used "ed off" to be very fed-up or in a bad mood...
Which confusing is a vulgar way of saying that someone has left unexpectedly [probably in a bad mood] - e.g. "He's ed off !" = He has [just] left here.
Then to be on the '' is to be out on the town drinking.
To be a drunk is a to be a '-head' [pejorative].
To waste something valuable is to ' it up the wall'.
Whilst something of unacceptably low quality is said to be '-poor' !
In construction '****ed' means to be out of plumb - not vertical: e.g. "That door-frame is ****ed".All very confusing
Ok I see what do you mean
But that is absolutly not the same in French
That don't exist with this liquid for these meanings!
A very familiar slang can be "vous vous foutez de moi" = you exagerate, you overpass the limits, you take me for a fool...
(or "tu te fous de moi" between best friends )
A convoluted way of saying someone is making a bad joke at your expense is to say
More elegant : "Vous vous moquez du monde", "Vous ne manquez pas d'air", "vous me prenez pour un pigeon, une andouille" etc...
"Vous me faites chier" is the ultimate, insurmontable, for something who is absolutly obstrusive disturbing in the univers of the person!
But very slanguy language indeed! -
So, we both learn how to cuss better in our respective languages !
So, don't mess with me dude ! -
it is greeeeaaaaattttt TIG. you are killing me slowly
grrreaaat. thanx
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
I don't see how I could do the same with else tools
Maybe 2 faces + path + FFD(or fredoscale)
Hi Pilou
First, using "Extrude Edges by Rails to Lattice"
- I had kept the perfect control on the general shape ( I think it's not possible at such degree with FFD or even with Fredoscale )
2)I had presently used a simple grid of rails, so I could do it by hand (erasing unwanted in the skinned shape). I can't imagine to achieve the same on a real large number of curves without the help of EEbRtL ..
Secondly, you are right for Kirill "2 faces + path" which plays in the same playground with "ExtrudeEdgesByFaces"
- I had kept the perfect control on the general shape ( I think it's not possible at such degree with FFD or even with Fredoscale )
@tig said:
Here's an update http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=242239#p242239
It now has 'Diagonals' as an option.This new tool is already but still growing an absolute "must have". Thank you so much Tig!
@unknownuser said:
Reversing the order of picking the Rails swaps the direction of the diagonals.
very elegant solution indeed+++simon
IF I well understand "diagonals" is only for wire
simn le bon , very nice job , how did you do to have this form plz
can you make tutto ? -
There's a new version of EEbyRailsToLattice in the zipped set.
The change is to the way the Line only versions are Grouped...
http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=242239#p242239 -
AWESOME!!! Thank You very much for ANOTHER very helpful tool!!!
@robert111 said:
simn le bon , very nice job , how did you do to have this form plz
can you make tutto ?Thank you Robert,
very simple.
RE: take care to carefully place the component axis (the blue axis is going to follow the curves)Then You will need Component Stringer from (our wellknown very nice fellow) Chris Fullmer
It is recommended to apply a shortcut to this plugin :_ Window/ Preferences/ Shortcuts: for example Alt+c
Because we have now to apply it one by one to each diagonal curve.
that's it!
Have you some easy trick for make faces with the 2 diagonals lattices?
If the profiles and rails are parallel [copied etc] the diagonal lines are not needed for face forming - hence the prompt to remove them.
BUT if you make a lattice of the two sets of diagonals [regrouped and exploded], then they do not make coplanar quads and so they can't take faces - of course by adding a diagonal to a quad it will face, but then you have then gone 'full circle' and might as well have used plain EEbyRails in the first place !
So diagonal 'diamond' lattices won't take faces.
This is about as near as you can get - make a quarter using EEbyRails, copy the mesh to one side, Scale -1 to mirror the diagonals and overlay the two so the 'diamonds' form, then manually erase the unneeded orthogonal lines to get the diagonal lattice - note it must have some horizontals to let it 'bend' over. Rotate-Copy x3 to form the whole. Now use Windowizer to add the frames/panes ? -
cool plugin
thanks, thanks,thanks.