Vray not for me ?
I bought Vray for Sketchup, should have reviewed the demo instead of course.
But after a week I decided to uninstall the package. I found it far less speedy in comparison to Maxwell. I get quicker results with better quality with Maxwell. I have a lot of experience with Maxwell though so I might just be too green with Vray.
I startup SU frequently and startup got very slow with Vray installed. Up to the point I got frustrated with my regular workflow that does not requires rendering all the time.
The bugs and crashes were constantly hindering my tests. VfS simply crashes SU every half hour.
The answer from the reseller that I can not get my money back or sell the license to someone made me loose my sympathy with the whole product. Their answer was that the demo version takes care of any dissatisfaction. Iow my own fault. Right of course.
My Vray experience was a bad one. I think VfS is not worth it at all considering equally priced renderoptions. I think Vray by itself might be a great product but the way its brought to SU is not good enough for professional use.
I would like to know of other users who are using VfS on a regular and professional basis in an architectural firm.
Francois -
I've used VfSU since the first version. I tried Maxwell quickly, but found it very slow. The thing with V-Ray is that is can be very fast, but it can also be veryt slow if you set the wrong settings. It all has to be adopted to the scene.
I've yet to come across an unbiased render engine that is faster than a biased engine.The latest release did have some severe issues. Though I personally did not suffer too badly from it. But the patch it progressing very nicely.
As for the startup, I use my V-Ray Toys plugin and disable V-Ray by default - and manually load it on demand. I often use many instances of SU while I model, and have no need for each of them to load VR. It also solves the problem when you use it at a workplace, so that simply starting SU doesnt't steal a license.
@thomthom said:
I've used VfSU since the first version. I tried Maxwell quickly, but found it very slow. The thing with V-Ray is that is can be very fast, but it can also be veryt slow if you set the wrong settings. It all has to be adopted to the scene.
Can you give any tips here that you've discovered through your experience??pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez??
@thomthom said:
I've yet to come across an unbiased render engine that is faster than a biased engine.
what does that mean??
@arjunmax09 said:
Can you give any tips here that you've discovered through your experience??pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez??
I've written down some topics for some blog posts I've been thinking of writing.
For testing and rendering exterior scenes Maxwell is faster, a lot really. I have good views on basic renderings in less than 30 seconds. Big models even. Interior scenes are much harder to render quick though.
My problem in VfSU is that I have to do all the work within one SU file to render the image. Using Maxwell I can simply export parts and render 500Mb models all made in SU. In SU a 100Mb model is already hardly workable.
I could no longer afford the hassle to get into VfSU crashing most of the time. I am sure within 2 years VfSU might be a great option.
But I think to have to handle all render issues within SU is silly and unprofessional. Especially working with the current SU material panel. The whole workflow with VfSU is slow, slower at least than exporting SU data to a dedicated render app.I found the experience with VfSU utterly dissappointing, lost a a serious amount of money as well. I don't really get it that you can't sell a license either. If you buy VfSU and decide after a while you are not getting used to the plugin you have no option to sell or pass the license on to someone else. The only good thing is you can deduct it from tax since the license is, once you no longer use it, totally worthless.
Francois -
@frv said:
My problem in VfSU is that I have to do all the work within one SU file to render the image. Using Maxwell I can simply export parts and render 500Mb models all made in SU. In SU a 100Mb model is already hardly workable.
Yeah ... While I quite like Vray, I've never really understood why they didn't opt for the "studio" approach. As it stands now, Vray for SU is being held back by SU's limitations. Which is absurd, certainly given Vray's price tag. They need to do better.
As for not being able to sell your license, I've enquired about this as well. I understand why a company wouldn't permit it, but nonetheless I won't be buying software licenses I can't resell anymore. Ugh. I have spoken.
@thomthom said:
@arjunmax09 said:
Can you give any tips here that you've discovered through your experience??pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez, pleeeeeeez??
I've written down some topics for some blog posts I've been thinking of writing.
so the work is in progress..you've noted down them on paper ....it's all in the mind...only the thing is to be executed yeah??
Thomthom is actually a reliable source here on the forum. Thomthom for me was one of the reasons to get into Vray.
Well, since I have to hang on to my license I wil follow his findings and who know's I might reinstall VfSU. Once I get the feeling things for VfSU have turned around.
Hope to see your posts and tips on Vray ThomThom. I will surely read them.
Francois -
Thank you.
I can fully understand your frustration in regard to the last VfSU. It's been rough to say the least. Though personally I've avoided most of the big problems others have reported, I even started to use it at the office because it took care of some of the problems I had with the previous version. I guess the mileage depends on the model and one's usage of SU.
What they have done is rewrite the whole VfSU plugin - so everything has been a massive change. But, from what I understand, the new structure of the app makes it much easier for them to add new features. After this patch they will be working on V-Ray for Rhino - basing it on VfSU. And any advances made during development of VfR can be transferred back to VfSU much easier than before. At least if I have understood it all correctly.It's good to see more VfSU users here at this forum. I find it much easier to use as one can embed images at the forum. And the people here are great help as there's always someone to tackle a challenge.
As I've mentioned a little earlier, I have plans to write some topics on the use of VfSU. Some will be describing how I work with VfSU, and some will the posing questions on challenges I face. I hope to hear feedback from other VfSU users, or even V-Ray users of any variants. Even users of other render engines - in most cases concepts are transferable.
My suggestion is to keep your VRay. If you hate it now just put it in the shelf in the mean time. I am sure those bugs can be fixed by ASGVIS. Btw, I am using an old VfSU and have not experienced crashing every 30 minutes. But I tell you that material panel can be a real pain.
Learning VRay is not really a walk in the park. You have to learn through tutorials in the Web as its manual is practically useless. Put a little more time in it. I am sure users that are happy with the product have put hundreds if not thousands of hours testing it. It took me months before I was satisfied with my output.
You say that you work faster with Maxwell but I think VRay users out there will agree with me that VRay is way way faster. Maybe your problem is you got comfortable with the Maxwell workflow that you think you can do the same with VfSU. VfSU is a totally different environment, and you must realize that if you want to learn VfSU.
I can actually relate to your frustration because I have tested VfSU in 2008 and I was not really impressed with its output. Aside from being cranky at the time, concepts like VRay Sun, Sky and Camera are alien to me. And there's just to many buttons. So I just quit and focused on Kerkythea, which in my opinion is easier to learn.
But I picked up VfSU a few months back as I had issues with the rendering time of the unbiased calculation. And the forums really helped a lot. Still learning it as I have hopes for the future of VRay.
I hope you'd reconsider.
@steel.monkee said:
Learning VRay is not really a walk in the park. You have to learn through tutorials in the Web as its manual is practically useless.
Which manual do you refer to?
Note that the VfSU manual never has intended to be a completely manual of V-Ray.
That's because Chaosgroup makes the V-Ray manual. http://www.spot3d.com/vray/help/150SP1/
The VfSU manual is more to explain how the plugin works within SU and only briefly touches upon the concepts of V-Ray itself.On a slight sidenote I can recommend the book "V-Ray - The Complete Guide" - covers all aspects of V-Ray and are packed with images showing the results of each adjustable setting. Big mammoth size, but you don't need to read it all the way through, just look up the sections you want to learn more about.
For those who don't know: a downloadable pdf version of the book has been released. It's far cheaper than the book itself: €25 as opposed to €119.
What..? Doh!
I actually requested a digital copy of that book when I bought it. I do feel that considering the price that owners of the book should get the digital copy for free... -
People who own the book can get the pfd at a reduced cost of €15, I believe.
I meant the ASGVIS manual. Too bad I can't afford that Legrenzi manual. But I have had accumulated a collection of pdf tuts from the Web.
@steel.monkee said:
I meant the ASGVIS manual.
Look for the main V-Ray manual to learn V-Ray. V-Ray is V-Ray no matter what software it hosted by.
funny. i have the same with other engines. because i have used vray and i could say comfortably that i started understanding it and be mindful on what others have been successful or not. now when i tried other render engines, i become frustrated and always compare them with vray. i guess its all about having that comfort level whenever you start another software.
I guess one thing that i have learned from this thread...
Shine and be creative with the software where you are comfortable and used to, and if you want to use another one try the trial version before you buy it.
yes, the demoversion.
But Vray remains very limited as a renderengine for SU. Simply because all you can render is one SU-file. With Maxwell you render as much as you like SU files combined in one MXS file out of Maxwell's Studio. This means you can can do so much more than is possible with VfSU. Regardless of how comfortable you are with either render app's. Especially with todays plugin's and their generated high polygon organically shaped objects.
I think Vray is an awesome render engine, once you get it, you love it.
The problem is that it's not studio, that is the ONLY reason I cannot use it in my workflow any longer, I like Twilight and Podium and they also are SU restricted (rumor is they are going studio soon)
@solo said:
I like Twilight and Podium and they also are SU restricted (rumor is they are going studio soon)
Don't know if Podium is going studio soon, but you can say that Twilight already have two studio options...
You can setup materials, lights etc. in TWR, export to XML and use Kerkythea or the new Thea Render as Render Studios, where you can adjust things, merge with other models etc...What I find "funny" with all this is, that users seem to have prefered a "build-in" solution in the past...
I believe Podium was the first to intergrate with SU, then came VfSU and Twilight Render was released for about a year ago...
Reason for the "build-in" preference was that users didn't want all the hazzle with exporting, importing etc...
Now this seem to have changed again...