Dimensioning problem with welded shapes??
Is there a trick to using the dimension tool on a shape that has been welded?? We are using the plugin WELD to join curves and find faces in order to shape a given part. Once we use the WELD tool we can no longer dimension the part as it cannot find the points to dimension from.
Are we doing something wrong??Thanks,
Tom in PA
Dims do work fine on welded curves, but you have to select an edge [segment] and drag it out as the dimension. Sorry but no direct picking of vertices etc for 'curves'.
If you want to use vertex picking or snapping to mid-points of curve's segments etc, then make come guide-points [use tapemeasure and pick 2 pts] and snap to those with the dimensions - relocate the dim and erase the cpoints afterwards as needed...
If the original form was an 'arc' then its 'arc-ness' is lost after welding - it becomes a curve that just happens to be arc-shaped, so you can't do radial dims on it since these only work with arcs...
Thanks, I'll play around a little more with it.
Tom in PA
I also note you are using weld to make faces... there's no need to... drawing and edge or a diagonal often forces a face to be made OR there are several tools to 'make_faces' from selected edge[s] ... search for these...
Hi folks.
Another workaround is :
1 - Group the welded curves to avoid damaging them with additional geometries.
2 - Add an edge between the two points where you want to attach a dimension line.
3 - Add the dimension using either the edge or its endpoint.
4 - Delete the edge, keeping only the dimension.
5 - If required, explode the group.
Just ideas.