[Plugin] Repeat Copy UPDATED 2-24-2010
Love your work, Chris!
Your scripts are so simple, mate. I will continue to support the cause....I just saved $2.24AU....
Great, thanks Andrew!
Yeah, I thought $6.00 was a good simple price for a pretty cool plugin. But Once I took the time to put in those cool buttons, I think is sort of steped up a level in complexity and coolness. Hence the small price jump. So I'm glad you were able to get in on it while it was only $6.00
BTW - I just finished updating the new version, it has been uploaded to smustard, along with a new video tutorial. Thanks to everyone for cheking this script out, and for the helpful ideas. I will still be looking at them into the next update, or perhaps an even more comprehensive version of this script.
So how do I D/L without paying the new fee?
How do i update?
@unknownuser said:
How do i update?
I just clicked on link in the old email
Is there a way to move dialog box, seems stuck in top left corner.
Thanks Wind-Born
Great update Chris
Well..........i thought i saw Jim, must be imagining things
To upgrade, you can track down the email with the link. Or you can also install the smustard toolbar plugin
and I think that lets you track updates easily on your smustard plugins. I think ti checks for updates and then lets you update them easily.
thanks, sweet!!!!
Very cool Chris, an army of Sangs in 1 minute
@wind-borne at this time there is no built in way to move the UI. It is something that is planned and really is not terribly hard to fix. I'll look into it, but expect anything super soon.
Looking pretty sweet chris
Like the look of the on-screen interface.
Hey Chris,
Great plugin! A multicopy function
What i was wondering: how did you create that interface?
Was it with add_note? -
I imagine its drawn in the viewport using openGL (accessible when you create a tool.) add_note only allows you to add text.
It's done with the
commands. -
Thx !
I wanted to mention that there is yet another new version of the plugin updated to smustard, allowing the UI to be moved around and reset. Here is a quick video that shows this capability:
Have fun,
That's nuts, Chris!!!!!!
Chris, is there a way to add a "Pause" button which allow the user to pick a different set of components, them by clicking on it a again, it would resume with copying using the current parameters but with the new selection set.
I like the idea John, but it is a bit more complex to manage. With different sets of scale and randomness. Its hard to visualize. But it could be powerful for sure.
Hi Chris, not sure if I conveyed my suggestion clearly. My thought was that the "Pause Button" would replicate the process of closing the script, making a new selection, and then re-initiating the script.