Freelance price range?
strange to, i'm new in sketchup (but not in CAD), i was searching for a job on my small island (Reunion island, in indian ocean; french dept, no industries in here !!!!) after leaving Paris (france), a client offers me 600 euros per day (about 850 usd!!!) (first contrac of 4 days) to draw a terrain (mesh is given) whit a field of solar panels, i have to animate then (regarding position of sun) like a field of sun flower.
The output is a 3d pdf file whit boton to control animation ...
My feeling is that is a lot of money, but in here no body is able to give a 4 dimensions file (like here select umid_M2.pdf
what do you think about ? -
In China less than 20$/hour.
I'm currently employed full time, but have spent a great deal of time in the past freelancing. I would place my rate at $35-$40/hr (Canadian Dollars) right now, with a maximum clause.
But I confess sometimes I know I won't make that rate on a project, but will accept it because it really interests me. Once you get going it will become pretty clear if you are charging too much or to little. -
Hi, great topic. Can I ask where you find most of your work?
at $35 to $60 per hour i would be interested to know how many jobs everyone actually gets per year?
and do you all manage to pay your bills doing this fulltime? where does most of your work come from Elance rentacoder?
or word of mouth.just i put a couple of jobs up on elance and they came back with bids i could not believe mostly from india
and after seeing those i am finding it difficult to see how a US based CAD person could survive that type of sounds like its a labor of love in many cases
I never found those online freelance sites to be any good as far as finding work is all local. After seeing rates on here, looks like I need to raise my prices
3d modeling and rendering is indeed a labor of love.
The image of the starving artist has never been so vivid as in this industry, it takes thousands of hours to get to a level where you can offer your services with confidence, it takes thousands of dollars to get the equipment needed to complete such endeavors in a timely manner, then even more thousands to get the software needed to be able to accomplish the expected results and then lets not forget the thousands upon thousands of forum posts and gallery posts in order to sell yourself.
I was watching a PPS documentary on people who are obsessed with online gaming and in the documentary they talked about a company in China that employs hundreds of people to play WOW (world of warcraft) not for entertainment but to collect power-ups, shields, swords, spells, etc They call them ‘miners’ and then this company sells these virtual items for real money online at places like EBay, paying the ‘workers’ next to nothing for their hours and hours of work.
Sure this industry is not like game mining, but there are very similar parallels, and many freelancers like myself have felt the brunt of it.
I would love to charge $10 p/h but I live in Dallas and I could never support my family on that.I have a handful of loyal client/friends that keep me chugging along, not enough work to swamp me under at the moment, but sufficient to still be doing what I do.
They know my work is consistent, on time, priced right and they know that they can communicate their ideas, concepts and visions with me and together we will achieve their goals. That is why they return, not because of price, but service. -
I once had an art director tell me " I don't care if you draw it on toilet paper, I just want results". Sometimes I fell that thats what the art director or client thinks of my work; looks
at it, then uses it to wipe his behind. I do resdential design, including the construction drawings required by the building department; when I can get the work. I would not be doing that, if the person could get building permits with out the drawings. They see my work as
a waste of time and money. But will think nothing of paying a contractor or for the materials
to build their new home. Why, because the will have something real to look at in the end.When determaning a fee, I obtain as much detail about the project as possible(I call this "putting a fence around the project") doing the work for a contractor or the client.
I approach the client explaining that the "foundation" for a project does not start by
placing forms and pouring concrete at the job site; but starts with a good design and construction drawings. That changing design features is less expensive on the computer; then having the contractor rebuild or change features on the job site. Getting the client to understand that your relationship has value, will help in establishing your fee. Including the quality of your drawings in your descussion with the client. Good drawings=less errows on the job site.I hope this helps, Bob
Hello again all
there is a reason why i asked the question before and after reading the responses i feel compelled to ask another question and would be interested to hear your replies
if as a designer you could use your skills to create sinple and even complex designs and products that could be reproduced on robotic tools like CNC routers and Mills and lathes even hotwire foam cutters etc
that you could publish through a common website and make money from your work on an ongoing basis by way of sharing royalty with the publisher of said work.
not unlike turbosquid with 3d models or itunes with musicians songs would that not be a cool way to over time be fairly compensated for your work. the more prolific you are the more you could earn. the better the designs the more you could charge.
would this not be a great way to supplement your income and help offset some of those large costs and thousands of hours put in to learn this craft ?Roboitc tools are coming of age and in the near future i see robotic routers in every home depot and hardware store, opening up a huge oppurtunity for you modelers artists and designers to supply a hungry global market of hobby and semi pro robotic tool owners with pre packaged design content FABS
all that was needed was a few standards and basic rules to follow so that the end user or robotic tool owner could simply plug and play the files....... follow a few simple instructions inculded in the FAB and presto your design pops up in workshops dens and basements all over the world.... distributed manufacturing green and clean and a new way for you to make a living
i am building a website just for you guys and Gals and maybe just maybe it will work
its a work in progress but i am working hard to get it up and running
check it out
We offer a large collection of high quality African Prints, Laces, Satin, Cotton, velvet & much more! We ship worldwide! Fast DHL Express shipping available for many common countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and many others. This means the transit time for these locations is 6-7 business days.
FabsCity (
@outland86 said:
Hello again all
there is a reason why i asked the question before and after reading the responses i feel compelled to ask another question and would be interested to hear your replies
if as a designer you could use your skills to create sinple and even complex designs and products that could be reproduced on robotic tools like CNC routers and Mills and lathes even hotwire foam cutters etc
that you could publish through a common website and make money from your work on an ongoing basis by way of sharing royalty with the publisher of said work.
not unlike turbosquid with 3d models or itunes with musicians songs would that not be a cool way to over time be fairly compensated for your work. the more prolific you are the more you could earn. the better the designs the more you could charge.
would this not be a great way to supplement your income and help offset some of those large costs and thousands of hours put in to learn this craft ?Roboitc tools are coming of age and in the near future i see robotic routers in every home depot and hardware store, opening up a huge oppurtunity for you modelers artists and designers to supply a hungry global market of hobby and semi pro robotic tool owners with pre packaged design content FABS
all that was needed was a few standards and basic rules to follow so that the end user or robotic tool owner could simply plug and play the files....... follow a few simple instructions inculded in the FAB and presto your design pops up in workshops dens and basements all over the world.... distributed manufacturing green and clean and a new way for you to make a living
i am building a website just for you guys and Gals and maybe just maybe it will work
its a work in progress but i am working hard to get it up and running
check it out
We offer a large collection of high quality African Prints, Laces, Satin, Cotton, velvet & much more! We ship worldwide! Fast DHL Express shipping available for many common countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and many others. This means the transit time for these locations is 6-7 business days.
FabsCity (
Add a Historic preservation element to what you are doing, and I'm there.
Here is a little taste of what I mean.
I could possibly be taking you up on that very soon if some things come through as they look to be. I will let you know.
That would be great, looking forward to it.
This is quite interesting. I have put together a few files for a local fellow who has a CNC woodcarving unit, Mostly signs, and these are remarkable machines that can produce very accurate and detailed work.
I am wondering though if you have any recommendations for reversing the process. In other words do you know of reasonable 3D scanning devices that can generate files that are applicable in CNC work. -
@dale said:
This is quite interesting. I have put together a few files for a local fellow who has a CNC woodcarving unit, Mostly signs, and these are remarkable machines that can produce very accurate and detailed work.
I am wondering though if you have any recommendations for reversing the process. In other words do you know of reasonable 3D scanning devices that can generate files that are applicable in CNC scanners create point clouds... CNC machines want nice vector lines. Not sure if there's any cleanup software that can "trace" a scanned mesh...
I'd think it'd involve some manual tracing... -
@thomthom said:
hm... scanners create point clouds... CNC machines want nice vector lines. Not sure if there's any cleanup software that can "trace" a scanned mesh...
I'd think it'd involve some manual tracing...You've got me curious, so I did a little search, and came up with this website. I'm interested in doing a little more research on this.
Wow. There really is some brainiac that's developed such a software!
cool! -
It does look good, "Guaranteed watertight polygons"
Just need the scanner.OOPs! Don't mean to hijack the thread
PROFORMAT project method is delaunay
plugin spotted ???[flash=600,400:1avlurkl][/flash:1avlurkl]
all i can say is WOW!!!!!
this is a major breakthrough
not only for CNC but also for Robotic vision in generalbut what this means to CNC in the near term is you will now very inexpensively scan in say a wood relief carving of say a deer jumping over a log or scan a clay relief sculpture ,from there you will be able to
create a 3D raster toolpath for a ball nose cutting tool and machine this relief on a robotic tool(CNC machiner) making say an ornate carved wood mantel for your fireplace.this is just one use.there are thousands that have been way to expensive up to now with 3d scanners costing thousands of dollars this will revolutionize Home and DIY CNC and robotic vision
imagine if you will a cheap robot arm that can see, this robot arm will be able to take a dremel tool and use it to cut a full 3d shape in any light material like foam for instance
this could be used to make molds or any number of things. most of all imagine if your job is to design things for this robot to make.
how hard would it be to design/make a super cheap six axis robotic arm out of MDF using inexpensive stepper motors and belts and screws that could hold a dremel tool ?
the design could be done in sketchup and i'll build the prototype in my R&D shops
i have some cnc tools to make the parts.
then we'll release the design and build instructions to the public domain
and tada!! robotic 6 axis dremel 3d carving machines will pop up in home shops all over the world
anyone up to the challange ?Join the Evolution !
We offer a large collection of high quality African Prints, Laces, Satin, Cotton, velvet & much more! We ship worldwide! Fast DHL Express shipping available for many common countries such as United States, Canada, Australia and many others. This means the transit time for these locations is 6-7 business days.
FabsCity (