Model this - a simple cube
Took me awhile but I think I got it so it looks square from every side.
I thought SU was supposed to be easy to use?
I've found it at last, the earth is not a sphere but a cube. I will outline the evidence tomorrow.
Have a good night
I found that if I modeled this correctly, I would get a perfect square. Late Password Host Allen Ludden -- the most perfect square I know.
Another attempt, in "Escher style"
A cube thought
@charly2008 said:
the earth is not a sphere but a cube
We should propose to Google to update the elevation maps so that it fits better into this packaging:
Initiative for efficient packaging!
Cube for president!
(ok, bush had already his cube) -
They say a cube is just an infinite number of squares stacked together.
this is interesting.. can you please specify the step by step procedure you use... you gai..really makes my day today.
See about half way through this video clip how to make a cube and transform it...
@ecuadorian said:
They say a cube is just an infinite number of squares stacked together.
Oh! Then I did it wrong? I stacked lots of triangles...
because I thought 3-d
Can you help me? -
Rubik's Cube made easy here
[flash=400,345:yqbf21xu][/flash:yqbf21xu] -
It's the basis of a Rubik's Snake - like a Rubik's Cube but...
You guys blow me away with your advanced shape modeling. Maybe, on day, after I've mastered the line, I'll be able to catch up.
@charly2008 said:
How many parts A and how many parts B are necessary to build this solid cube?
8 A Green
16 B RedCube1.skp
Being from German family I could just stick a picture of my head up and fool you all that it was modelled! Blockhead!
I just crashed SU by just trying....
I almost got it. I just can't get the last piece to fit into the others. Plus I have a few pieces left over
color by axis