Is anything impossible?
I have now got EEbyRails v2 making a complex mesh without [m]any glitches - taking a profile, two rails and a final melding-profile at its end... It will be published later today...
Here's the 'problem/complex surface' that is now done quickly with EEbyR [v2] - the number of facets it needs to make a smooth mesh melding into all four edges is now optimized [i.e. minimized] - so even when the rails and profiles are so unevenly segmented and have no multiples - here with v2 there are 950 facets needed with the rails/profiles segments at 15/19 & 18/25 - whereas v1 would have made 285x450=128 and 25x18=250 edges >>> 128x250 x2=256,500 facets [!] and that's if it could have managed it acceptably at all [which was most unlikely!]...
Watch for EEbyRails v2's release later today...
That looks great Tig,
eager to try EEbyR [v2] it on the Mac and report back, can the melding profile need equal segments to the profile or could it be a be a 2 segment point?
v2 is now published....
The v2 rails AND the profiles can have any number of segments - the rail/profile with the most segments dictate the number of mesh facets...
You can go down to only one segment in a curve if desired... but it will be automatically re-subdivided into the same number of pieces as its more segmented sibling...
Keeping a pair of rails/profiles with the same segment count or simple multiples thereof will produce the smoothest mesh but any combination will work...