SSB and Round Corners
So i was making this model, (supposedly a cafe).
The process involves creating a cube,then rotating it's top or perhaps the roof at a 25 degree. Resulting to a twisted box. Then I Soap Skin Bubbled the sides of the cube to obtain a more smooth curve.
Now my question is, could I make that curved face into one plane so i could use round corner to all sides? And even the roof?
Below are a couple of pictures of the cube with SSB and a cube with a rounded corner.I want to have a cube that is twisted and with rounded corners.
Could you guys help me on this? Thanks a lot!
you might be better off making the rounded cube first then twisting it using fredoscale.
i'd have to be at my computer to try it out though..[edit] yeah, try doing that ^^^ instead..
get fredoscale here:[download from the link at the very bottom of the first post in that thread.. titled 'FredoScale'
also download and install LibFredo from here:[file named 'LibFredo6' at the bottom of the first post in the thread]
Here's another approach using EEbyRails to make the base twisted cube shape...SimpleTwistedCubeEEbyRails.skp