Hi I am a Newbie here, starting scriptwriting
Hi I am just starting scriptwriting for sketchup. I am trying to write a script that will produce a sliding louvered panel in a frame. I have done tutorials from the sketchup website, so I modelled the stairs and an input box seperately, but I do not know how to use these together, or how to even start writing a script for a louvered panel. I am finding it hard to find any tutorials or books to help. Can anyone give me any advice? Know of any good tutorials?
Ask in the Ruby Forum[s] [recently split/renamed "Plugins" and "Developers'"]...
The second half of my tutorial will cover scripting, from beginning to advanced. Too bad it's not available yet!
Actually, if you look on my site you'll see that several chapters have been posted. The ones that you really want are 11-14, which start with a big "not yet!" warning. That should come off before the week is out.
If you haven't learned Ruby yet, Chris Pine's tutorial is excellent, tho not SketchUp specific.