Model this: Enrico bamboo cheese grater
I couldn't resist to try, although I have a lot of things to do
First I made two circles, moved up the inner one and divided it in 4 segments, leaft one and divided that. Then I selected the faces seperatly and grouped them. After that I used the radial bending tool from free scale ruby. Copied the segment and rotated it for the 4 sides. I put two of the theeth on a face and made a component, copied it 9 times and used the radial bending tool again, and then again copied the new component to make the grater.
The geometry turned out kind of messy, but Overall I realized some thing that can and can't be done with the tools I used. This was a good practice
No rubies in the method I used. I'll post the wireframe and brief explanation when I do a lower poly version later today.
Arc, followme, and rotate tools mainly -
That was fun! Thanks solo!!
For the grater, I started with a cone, cut the top off, then segmented it twice and manually pinched it in using scale. Lower poly, but...
No rubies used.
My attempt. Primarily I used "follow me", and intersect with model to form the graters. Was good fun.
Okay, here's my ATTEMPT
Fun challenge and used 2 Ruby Scripts
- Round Edge v2
- Joint Push Pull
To keep Poly count low in kept the graters as simple as i could, here's an example...
Also used Photo Match to rough out the dimensions...
If someons feels the need to view it in SU here's a link...
I didn't want to clutter the 3D Warehouse with Cheese Graters!!!
This was fun! I tried to hurry at the start, made some sloppy geometry, and when I went to save SU did something called "Check Validity" and deleted most of the faces on my grater!
So I had to redo them, but I think it turned out good.
I did not use any plug-ins. I made the box first, then for the grater I used 2 cones and "intersect with model"(see picture), made into a cutting component and arrayed them using a temporary plane to get perfect lines.
i did another one which i managed to get the poly count down (though it's still pretty high).. i took some screen shots along the way.. .skp attached at the end of this post.
no rubys.. 6 SU tools total were used.. i'll try to get some time tomorrow to make the cheese catcher..
a pretty cool exercise for me in that i rarely ever model without thinking about dimensions etc.. this was done fully freestyle and only by eye. (but, there's also some mistakes that were made as to sizes/proportions so while it was fun, i couldn't use this approach if someone was paying me to draw this for them)
Looking good Jeff.
So far, I'd say yours has the best 'feel'
Projects like this really show how week SketchUp is with hi poly modeling! I used Fredo's round corner and radial bending to make cheese grater and it took half and hour just to bend and killed SketchUP! It was a breeze in 3DS Max!
Mine textured and a fun clay render as well...
It seems simple, but that little element was a bit difficult to model.
Texture extracted from posted picture
I was trying to use Round corners ruby, but in the end i've preferred to not use it..
For the knife, a simple truncated cone with 2 planes in intersection
Some screenshots, details of work in progress and final piece (with some renders for fun..)
let me guess EA, 300,000 polys?
your post reminded me that i used weld.rb with mine.. it's been a keyboard shortcut for so long that i forgot it was even a ruby.
lol, wow,
definitively can see how my model will have some, cough, deficiencies, compared to some of these I've seen.
All i have left to model is the cutting teeth on the grater and maybe the knife. Hopefully by tonight II can post it.
going to try and give Jeff's method a shot. seems like it would work best for the approach I've been doing. -
Rubies used: Round Corner, Weld, Bezier Curve, set center point
Grater pointy parts constructed similar to Dale's method; Bezier created the shape, follow me made it, center point allowed me to place it, and intersection cut out the "star" shape, followed by removing unwanted geometry. The metal here actually has thickness in case we render. Otherwise, it's pretty standard SU construction and tools. This model is pretty darn heavy. I definitely learned something building this, figuring out how to place the pointy parts on the grater was a challenge for me.
@unknownuser said:
let me guess EA, 300,000 polys?
your post reminded me that i used weld.rb with mine.. it's been a keyboard shortcut for so long that i forgot it was even a ruby.
208,700. Sketchup was feelin' the pain.
Weld's quickly become one of my favorite rubys, makes for a lot smoother model.
These are all fantastic, the best part about this exersize is that there are many ways to skin the proverbial cat, so many different methods used to achieve a similar result. This is what makes SU such a great tool.
These are great, and as usual I've gleaned a great deal. My greatest respect guys
Thanks for this Pete.
Stevie Wonder got one of those for christmas - he said it was the most violent book he ever read!
Sweet aussie humour !!!
rotated the knives 45deg for more practical cutting, added a logo, roughed out the box, pseudo clay render.. i think that's about as far as ima take this one..
close up renders with the metal are going to show the problem of keeping the poly count down so i do think if i'm ever faced with a similar situation again, i'm going for high poly and instancing (which i very recently found out is possible with indigo