[Plugin] CleanUp
I wanted a toolbar icon to run "Clean with last settings" without having to go to navigate down the plugins menu, so I added the following code to core.rb under the ### MENU & TOOLBARS ### section:
toolbar = UI;;Toolbar.new(PLUGIN_NAME) cmd = UI;;Command.new("Cleanup"){ Sketchup.active_model.select_tool(self.cleanup_last) } cmd.small_icon = "broom-24.png" cmd.large_icon = "broom-48.png" cmd.tooltip = "Cleanup" cmd.status_bar_text = "Clean your model using current settings" cmd.menu_text = "Cleanup" toolbar = toolbar.add_item(cmd) if toolbar.get_last_state==TB_NEVER_SHOWN toolbar.show elsif toolbar.get_last_state==TB_VISIBLE toolbar.restore end
I have attached the icons I used. They need to be placed in the same folder as core.rb
Sometimes when I run CleanUp on a model, it will say that it reduced some edges (e.g. "Edges Reduced: 10"). But then I run CleanUp again, without touching or changing anything, and it will say the same exact thing -- "Edges Reduced: 10". It appears that CleanUp is notices something that needs to be fixed, but it doesn't actually fix it.
What causes this to happen?
Too bad. This used to be a good plugin. Any options out there?
I haven't seen any problems with CleanUp3. It works as expected in SU2020.
I am seeing the CleanUp stats unchanged when running it more than once on the same thing as well. Make 2017 on Win 10. I uninstalled the Lib and the CleanUp extension. Being Windows I rebooted and did a fresh install. CleanUp now reports hours to completion on tasks that took seconds before.
I did another purge and reinstall with fresh downloads, results are the same so there may be a problem with older versions although the notes state compatibility. I will back-rev and report back.
CleanUp or CleanUp3
When you did the reinstall was that for SketchUp? If so, did you right click on the installer and choose Run as administrator?
Not quite 2 hours to complete. The native stats show a small decrease in edges and faces for the bandsaw model. When I run CleanUp3 again the same figures appear and the nearly 2 hour estimate re-starts.
I'm not sure where to go from here as I stubbornly stick with Make 2017. I will try the built in purge and fix functions and see how I get on. I cannot say that this behavior is universal as I only have my current Win 10 and Make 2017 environment.
CleanUp3. I used the Extension Manager to install it. I did not re-install SU.
I tried back-reving by zipping cleanup1, renaming it .rbz and using the Extension Manager to install it, no go; errors.
I used Extension Manager to install CLeanUp3 again. It uses a pop-up to ask you to upgrade it which I do via the Extension Manager.
I am still seeing the same 'edges reduced' figure despite repeated cleanings and saving of the file, closing re-opening the app, etc. The native 'statistics' do show a reduction the first time CleanUp3 is run so it is working. The repeated display of the original figures may just be a bug.
I did find a bandsaw model that I have in a shop layout that reports a couple of hours to clean. Other similar models work fine. this bandsaw could be why my open and save functions on this particular file are slow, eh?
I will let it run to completion and check the native stats and report back.
What bandsaw component are you using?
Repairing edges isn't working for me. It claims to remove edges, but it doesn't.
For example, I'll select 12 connected edges.
Run CleanUp3.
The dialogue will say "Edges Reduced: 3".
But all 12 original edges remain.So it's like CleanUp3 sees the correct edges that it should be deleting, but then it doesn't actually delete them.
I'm running SketchUp 2020 on Windows, with CleanUp3 v3.4.3.
I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Thanks for all the great plugins, thomthom.
@thomthom said:
@ecuadorian said:
Thank you, man. I have the perfect file to test it.
A particular troublesome file? Please let me know how it goes. Not sure if I've got it fully tuned in yet.
Hei hva med en shortcut icon in toolbar ?
Thanks Dan
Stavanger -
Can you add a stop clean button ? , coz when removing dublicated faces takes hours on large components
Thanks Dan
Opps my bad , there is a cancel button when u dont use last settings sorry
great cleaner
Dan -
@bionic58 said:
I wanted a toolbar icon to run "Clean with last settings" without having to go to navigate down the plugins menu, so I added the following code to core.rb under the ### MENU & TOOLBARS ### section:
What version of SketchUp? In Sketchup2019 I've looked for a core.rb file and can't find it. I would really like such a toolbar, and am wondering why a Cleanup3 toolbar was not included with installation?
Why a toolbar isn't included? Maybe the author didn't think a toolbar was important enough to invest time in, especially when he's made it available at no charge. I just set up a keyboard shortcut for it instead of using valuable screen real estate. That works just fine for me.
@rexgoodheart said:
In Sketchup2019...
Please update your profile. It says you're still using SU2016 Make.
Hello, Thom!
Are you planing to update the plugin so it can use more (or all) of the computing capacity?