[Plugin] CleanUp
I use SU 2015 x64 Portable. First starting SU was correct with plugins. Next start SU appear errors loading cleanup. TT Lib (latest version) had already installed with extension manager but SU says that it not install. Screenshot below. What is it? Why CleanUp is not loading.
What is "Portable" SketchUp? Where did you get it? Whatever it is, it is not a supported installation.
@jim said:
What is "Portable" SketchUp?
It is the same as "usually" SketchUp is, but does not require standart installation. It very easy if you are often re-install windows OS.
@jim said:
Where did you get it?
It gave me my friend.
@jim said:
Whatever it is, it is not a supported installation.
Why? The way of file system is the same as SketchUp standard installation ones. Other plugins successfully loading into portable version.
Thom Thom et. all,
I recently got a new computer (Mac running 10.9) and Sketchup 2015 and I am experiencing some odd issues. When I click Clean and run through the dialog box, many coplanar faces are not removed). When I then just click on the Merge Faces button, they are picked up. It seems to be fairly erratic though.
Your help would be greatly appreciated, as CleanUp has been extremely useful over the years and is one of my most used plug-ins (and a large tool in my workflow). Thanks so much for all your awesome work!
Do you have a sample model to reproduce this?
hey mate i added the EX but i cant find it in my sketchup dont know what to do ?
@bracisig said:
hey mate i added the EX but i cant find it in my sketchup dont know what to do ?
Assuming you mean EXtension, how did you 'add it'.
Did you install it from the RBZ archive ?
Did you also install the 'TT_Lib' RBZ required by thomthom's tools ?
Both available in the PluhginStore...
Did you restart SketchUp ?
Did you read the tool's instructions ?
Is its Extension activated in the relevant section of the 'Preferences' dialog ?
Did you look under the 'Plugins' menu submenu for its items [remember that this is now renamed 'Extensions' in v2015 !] -
Fortunately for me, unfortunately for debugging, I can't seem to reproduce my previous issues.
In trying, I triple checked my cleaning settings, so perhaps I was just boneheaded and it was all user error. (I thought I went through and checked-unchecked the different settings, but maybe not).
Anyhow, thanks for the response, if it happens again, I will be sure to attach the offending sample of model. Thanks again for all your awesome work!
because they belong to faces inside - it always worked that way
So that works after use the Remove inner faces by Wiiki! -
yes, or some good solidsolvers..
It seems it can´t UN-SMOOTH the models?
I have this model with a ridiculous amount of groups and subgroups. And it's all softened, although it should not be softned at all.
It´s impossible to unsoften by hand because of the amount of groups, and I also don´t want to ungroup them all (because I might have to move the groups around)
But setting the SOFTEN to 0 degrees does not unsoften the groups and subgroups, unlike the Soften Edges Panel...
That would be nice. I notice a group can be unsoftened /softened but not a nested group (without first opening the parent group). That's with the Soften/Smooth dialog.
Use with care !
Copy+Paste into the Ruby Console + <enter>.m=Sketchup.active_model; m.start_operation("Un...",true); es=m.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Edge); m.definitions.each{|d|next if d.image?; es<<d.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Edge)}; es.flatten.each{|e|e.soft=false;e.smooth=false}; m.commit_operation
You can also do
To process a selection...m=Sketchup.active_model; s=m.selection; m.start_operation("Un...",true); es=s.grep(Sketchup;;Edge); s.grep(Sketchup;;Group).each{|g|es<<g.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Edge)};; s.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|i|es<<i.definition.entities.grep(Sketchup;;Edge)}; es.flatten.each{|e|e.soft=false;e.smooth=false}; m.commit_operation
Thanks a million Thomthom, though i was going to throw my computer away, downloaded CleanUp its magic.
Scenes that took minutes to open now not even time to say "thank you Thomthom..."and the scene is open.
Made my day or actually my late night ! -
wow thank you so much for this, was told I would have to optimize with a different program and learn that... this saves me so much time , I love it...need it for my objects in game engines... I've only had one issue where I lost a part of my project but I fixed it and is all good.. you do great work, you are awesome!!!
for me is not working
is only deleting max 15 and when i click to show hidden geometry is not showing nothing
After the SUbD rising and other quad-based modeling helpers in SketchUp, maybe some fixes to the CleanUp plugin would be in order. And frankly, I would be very happy if we would have some fixes (i may even send you a cookie
So, what I'm thinking:
1.option to cleanup with preserving the quads (there are still plenty of faces to merge and messy geometry to clean) - as now it will clean absolutely everything.
2.add the possibility to save presets. There are already some presets in the menu, but many times special combinations of settings are required. Would be awesome to save those as presets for quick use (and even adding kb shortcuts to them, if is not too much to ask)
Thank you very much.
Good suggestions. I filed it in the issue tracker: https://bitbucket.org/thomthom/cleanup/issues/10/preserve-quads