[Plugin] CleanUp
So.. after the installation of M2, I put tt_cleanup.rb in the brand new plugins folder.. I think the shiny new empty folder confused it.. it's lonesome in there and I'm getting the messages on startup
Error: No such file to load - TT_lib2/core.rbSo.. instead of using the copy/paste of the file from the old plugins folder, I came back to this thread and downloaded it again.. same error message.
Is there a companion file I'm supposed to download with it?
Yes, TT_Lib2, which is linked from the description in the first post. Above the download link.
hmmm.. I have that one in there
I'll take it out and download fresh
thank you
Check how you extracted the files. For each plugin there is a description on how and where the files should be installed. Or even better, if you have SketchUp 8 and updated to the recent M2 update, go to Window > Preferences > Extensions > Install Extension and install the plugins from there. Just select the zip files from the file dialog that appears.
Got it working this morning ty
the M2 install from within the program feature doesn't seem to see anything besides file folders and .rbs files. I went to my backup plugins folder to start getting some of the missing most used plugins back after the update from within sketchup and don't see zip or rb files with that tool.
@unknownuser said:
Got it working this morning ty
the M2 install from within the program feature doesn't seem to see anything besides file folders and .rbs files. I went to my backup plugins folder to start getting some of the missing most used plugins back after the update from within sketchup and don't see zip or rb files with that tool.
The 'button-installer' only works on .RBZ files [which are compressed archives just like .ZIP files]. By default you will only see folders or .RBZ files in the browser that is opened by the button... BUT you can trick it into showing you all file types: type *+<enter> in the file field and all files will now show... find the tool's .ZIP file and install it, it will work just like a .RBZ file... NOTE: it will install any .ZIP file... so ensure that it is a proper tool-set ZIP and not one of your holiday-photos, as they will could be copied into Plugins folder tooAlso note that picking any other non-compressed archive file type will generate an error...
cool.. ty again
I am very new to Sketchup (1st week) and also one of those annoying people that never says thanks on forums. I plan on being neither from now on. So on that note many thanks for the cleanup script
Zip file don't want to unpack, it says - "unknown format or an error in archive" tt_cleanup.zip
(other zip files works correct on my pc)
Try downloading again
I tried many times, it didn't work, unfortunately.
I have found it on other resource. Work's great. thomthom thank you very much, you're cool man
@boumbastique said:
I have found it on other resource. Work's great. thomthom thank you very much, you're cool man
And where exactly is this other resource?
i cant load cleanup properly. however if i create a separate folder with required ttlib, this plugin works perfectly.
my plugins list is here
@john2 said:
i cant load cleanup properly. however if i create a separate folder with required ttlib, this plugin works perfectly.
my plugins list is here
CHK it out your Internet Explorer Version
I think you have old internet explorer
Install New internet explorer this problem is sold
@john2 said:
i cant load cleanup properly. however if i create a separate folder with required ttlib, this plugin works perfectly.
Can you open the Ruby Console and try to use CleanUp? See if you get any error messages.
clean with last settings works
the first option in which the menu should come "clean..." doesnt work. no error messages. iget the same blank box
all the options accessed via the drop down menu are taking my command. the first one in which the black menu comes isn't working. what is the conflict?
@sumaster said:
CHK it out your Internet Explorer Version
I think you have old internet explorer
Install New internet explorer this problem is sold
i have version 8. and this cleanup plugin works perfectly when kept in isolation in a separate folder.
@john2 said:
and this cleanup plugin works perfectly when kept in isolation in a separate folder.
What do you mean by this? Can I see a screenshot of the plugins folder?