SketchUp 7.1?
The sensitive area where you can click to select an edge was increased, that means has become really difficult to select small faces whose bordering edges are very near.
Have others also encountered this? Do you think it should be more like in Sketchup 7.0?
@aerilius said:
Have others also encountered this? Do you think it should be more like in Sketchup 7.0?
I have, and surprised me for a while.
Now I know I dont have to insist in that way to clean some wrong tiny little lines.(it is better to hide the main and select all the others at once.)If this had to be connected with the speed or other improvements, well, I would keep it as it is now.
It does not bother me too much, maybe because of the field I work, architecture.
yours ? -
@mike lucey said:
Only 4,900! Damn useless application. I must write a strong letter to Google
I agree, I could of imagine 4,900 3D tree's instead of 2D. I was hoping they can increase it to 10,000,000 tree's or more.. That's how many most forest's have..
I do believe they have an address..
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001I don't know their email address though..
I have now opened two SERIOUS PROBLEM SCENES in SketchUp 7.1.
I can actually Orbit AND use the WALK THRU TOOL in these now, and they open in seconds instead of minutes or never!In 7.0 I wouldn't dareturn viewing of textures on in these or I could just forget about getting any work done.
Great work Google SketchUp team, and all beta testers hard at work back there... SketchUp just took a giant leap for me today.
With gratitude,
perhaps not all problems we face are sketchup's fault. sometimes there are other culprits for them. a general check in one's setup could be a good idea.
i have upgraded to 7.1 and am not facing any of the problems described above.
@xrok1 said:
until SU developers put every function that the scripters have added, into the core program, they will get NO respect from me.
So the folks at @Last (who are the same people still developing SU after the buyout) don't get any respect for implementing Ruby in SU, thus making all those wonderful plugins possible?
Second, @Last's stance (carried on by Google) is to focus on the core product development and generally leave the plugins to third party developers. Besides, why should they bloat the core product with "every function that the scripters have added"? There are very few plugins with near-universal utility, and "every function" is a LOT of stuff...
Oh, I did notice the wink, but wasn't sure how you meant it...
@edson said:
perhaps not all problems we face are sketchup's fault. sometimes there are other culprits for them. a general check in one's setup could be a good idea.
i have upgraded to 7.1 and am not facing any of the problems described above.
Cool, that means they fixed it. No matter how much geometry is in the model it will still be fast. Awesome!
I have SU 7 pro (French) on Mac OSX 10.6.1 (Snow Leopard) when I point on the upgrade menu it tells me I have the last version
I cannot find anywhere this uprade, is that because the upgrade is not in French already?
Thank you for helping me
When I go in center help US it speaks of SU 7.1 and in French center help... only SU 7! the answer can be there...
sooo... have to wait, somebody knows? -
Hi Nilbleu,
You are correct, the French (and some other, "localised" versions) have only been released in version 7.0. Hopefully they will also be upgraded soon.
But as you have Snow Leopard, don't worry. There seem to be a couple of problems between Leopard and SU 7.1 so by the time the French version comes out, these issues will also be fixed I guess.
Thank God (and Google), there is no Hungarian version (yet?) so I don't have these problems.
(They have recently translated the Warehouse to Hungarian - what a mess!
Thank you Gaieus.
They could have left a word for the localised pigmees -
@gaieus said:
(They have recently translated the Warehouse to Hungarian - what a mess!
Yes, it's in Finnish too - abominable. The word they use for "model" would mean "stencil" in English.
About two weeks ago, I started to teach SU in a special, afternoon class to secondary school kids. For the time being, without (almost) any plugins as the Program files folder is not accessible only for admins on their network and I didn't want to hassle with it (also, I believe that one needs to learn the basics first).
Anyway, Weld was the only exception I asked the IT guys to install when they install SU on the computers. Yes, it IS part of the program (you just install it separately)
I read all the thread, and did not find notice of 2 problems we are having:- Selection is not good, it very often selects a group far from clik point, and other, I have
sometimes to go very near lines to select one; clicking above does not select the upper line - Sometimes drawing a line create a moving line which go far from chosen end-point.
Very annoying
- Selection is not good, it very often selects a group far from clik point, and other, I have
One problem I'm getting with selection is the material sampler. If you're anywhere near an edge, it'll give you the default material
@anglaret said:
I read all the thread, and did not find notice of 2 problems we are having:- Selection is not good, it very often selects a group far from clik point, and other, I have
sometimes to go very near lines to select one; clicking above does not select the upper line - Sometimes drawing a line create a moving line which go far from chosen end-point.
Very annoying
That sounds like a graphic driver issue. I had some random issues after downloading 7.1 as well. I don't think 7.1 necessarily works well with all the drivers that 7.0 did. I'd recommend updating to the newest driver and see what happens.
- Selection is not good, it very often selects a group far from clik point, and other, I have
@unknownuser said:
Anyway, Weld was the only exception I asked the IT guys to install when they install SU on the computers. Yes, it IS part of the program (you just install it separately)
Okay, I'll bite - what is Weld and what does it do?
Weld takes connected edges/lines and joins them into a polyline. If you then extrude the welded edges, the joints are smoothed. You can also use it to automatically close a face. You can get it here:
I noticed the little selection square for the Eraser tool has not changed graphically, but seams to have "grown" so that it is not as accurate as it used to be... perhaps this is related to graphics card as mentioned.
I find when I erase an edge that is near another edge but I don't actually touch the 'other edge'... both get erased anyway. I'm learning to overcompensate by zooming in to places to erase when I would not have had to zoom in previous version... small price to pay for much faster video performance
Also, sometimes I notice the problem of drawing a line or copying something, it will look like it's locked onto the right point, say an endpoint... but will 'jump to some endpoint in the "background" instead of where it's showing locked onto in the preview of the point... so the line or object is not ending up being drawn in the right place. So, again, I'm just overcompensating by being 'extra' careful and 'taking no chances' when drawing, but again, a small price to pay for faster vid. performance.