Special Drop ?
Hi all,
Each time I'm modelling a project and I have to put cars on complex surfaces, it's a real nightmare to have the four wheels touching the ground correctly. The ruby script Drop at intersection is only efficient on horizontal surfaces for cars.
Is someone know a way to drop my cars correctly on complex surfaces ?
Hi Panga, you can try this
Hi Massimo,
I already tried the SmartDrop plugin, sometines it helps, but somtimes each wheels of the car is based on a different face of the complex surface and smartdrop do not help anymore.
Thanks anyway.
Hi Panga, hi folks.
Even with a very smart Drop plugin you may have to change the heigth of some of the wheels like the suspension would do on a real car. This may be unavoidable since most cars have four wheels and the only objects that can touch an uneven ground with all their points of support are tripods.
Just ideas.
Yes, you're right. Maybe I'll use this type of car if someone find a solution
Thanks anyway
Why not use Sketchyphysics3!
The result that you want will be automatic! -
Hummm, why not...I just have to immerse myself in sketchyphysics...I'm gonna try it, thanks for the idea pilou.