Disappearing objects issue
Thank you Chris.
This is why I clarified that I have some experience now... hahaha
I was making some probes and getting the xtrange behavior. Show hidden geometry, unhidding... it was the same. I didn't delete anything, a simple pan or zoom with the mouse and some groups disappeared.
@coronel said:
Here it is.
Was trying to make a base model of winnie pooh planing to try the sculpt tools plugin to pulish it on a final stage.
There are several versions, some simplified (I started again the model to discard file corruption).
One of them is empty and you will see another with some parts disappeared.You can reproduce the problem using the scale tool for instance and panning the model.
This is the first time I get this trouble. In the beginning was suspecting on the scale I used to intersect the different groups and then resizing the model again, but when I did the second one the problem persists.some obversation => maybe this will help. Ref winnebz.After downloading exploded the group twice to also get the nose, selected all and regrouped. After that could scale and Pan ok, before was getting weird results??
So you get problems without exploding it too?
I did what you say and it works, but I need to mantain the nose grouped and this one is already in one group and scaled close to the final size. But if you take a look at "winnie3" you will see that the body is not there, I just intersected one leg, grouped all and suddenly was erased when I tried to scale the entire model.
I'm trying to reproduce all the steps I did before it happens but don't see nothing special.
Don't worry if you can't do anything. A friend of mine offered me to solve the problem definetively.
@coronel said:
Don't worry if you can't do anything. A friend of mine offered me to solve the problem definetively.
My guess at your problem.
When I initially download the winnebz model and double click on the group it disappears; if I select all from the tool bar and do a zoom extents nothing shows up but if I do the same under the group sub menu under edit, after select all, I get a strange display. If you do a reset scale at the downloaded group level you get a huge model height of >= 10 million cm. So it appears you have scaled down so far SU can not handle this. If you use the tape tool to scale down form the big dimensions(exploded case) things seem to work ok.
Hope this helps and I am not making an error -
Ok, it was my first impression but I didn't know how to make the workaround. I was scaling up until the intersection worked.
Anyway if SU can't handle it should advert you before doing xtreme transformations, it may be dangerous... Clint could get very hungry.
Thank you mate!
@coronel said:
Ok, it was my first impression but I didn't know how to make the workaround. I was scaling up until the intersection worked.
Anyway if SU can't handle it should advert you before doing xtreme transformations, it may be dangerous... Clint could get very hungry.
Thank you mate!
I rememebr reading about a scale limit in user manual or?? but cannot find it now. I even tried iterative incremental scales by exploding, select all, scaling like .10, regrouping and saving. About three steps the problem comes back so there seems to be some subtle difference between scale and tape re-size that is not clear in the user manual I can find.
Can you clarify scaling up? it looked to me like scaling down was the problem because the posted model has a group box dimension of 75cm while the re-scale value is the very large number??
@mac1 said:
Can you clarify scaling up? it looked to me like scaling down was the problem because the posted model has a group box dimension of 75cm while the re-scale value is the very large number??
Yes, it was originally set to 60 or 70 cm but when I tried to make the intersections they failed so I scaled up gradually the model until it worked. Next is when I scaled down the model to the original size again but I didn't use the tape method, just the scale tool, and probably it caused the problem. In the document you say I could get the complete model to 75 cm but in other versions I couldn't or not entirely.
It was easier to make the rest of the room of my little son
@coronel said:
@mac1 said:
Can you clarify scaling up? it looked to me like scaling down was the problem because the posted model has a group box dimension of 75cm while the re-scale value is the very large number??
Yes, it was originally set to 60 or 70 cm but when I tried to make the intersections they failed so I scaled up gradually the model until it worked. Next is when I scaled down the model to the original size again but I didn't use the tape method, just the scale tool, and probably it caused the problem. In the document you say I could get the complete model to 75 cm but in other versions I couldn't or not entirely.
It was easier to make the rest of the room of my little son
For what is worth my search found this on pg 620 of the user manual :
"Use the Scale Tool to re-size and stretch portions of geometry relative to other entities in
your model. Activate the Scale Tool from the Modification Toolbar (Microsoft Windows), the
Tool Palette (Mac OS X) or the Tools menu.
Keyboard Shortcut:S
Note - A Global Scale is an operation whereby the entire model is
scaled simultaneously by applying a desired dimension to the distance
between two points. The Scale Tool is only intended to perform scaling
operations on portions of your model (not the entire model). Use the Tape
Measure Tool's global re-scale functionality to perform global scaling
operations." I don't know what this really means, have posted a question in the help group.
Nice rendering -
Here is how to do a glbal scale using the tape measure tool.
Measure an object with the heasing tape tool. The side of the desk would be a good object. Lets say it measures as 1.5m. Right as you finsih measuring it, type 15m and hit enter (that is 10 times larger). It will scale everything in the model up by 10 times. That is a global scale.
If you do that inside a group or component, the scaling will only affect the group or component that you are editing, not the entire model.
@chris fullmer said:
Here is how to do a glbal scale using the tape measure tool.
Measure an object with the heasing tape tool. The side of the desk would be a good object. Lets say it measures as 1.5m. Right as you finsih measuring it, type 15m and hit enter (that is 10 times larger). It will scale everything in the model up by 10 times. That is a global scale.
If you do that inside a group or component, the scaling will only affect the group or component that you are editing, not the entire model.
Thanks Chris for your effort to respond
I have read page 620 of the user manual and know the tape tool is supposed to be used for global scale and the scale tool for relative scale and know how to use both tools. The question in my mind is this: I can scale a total group using the scale tool and things seem to work fine but, for this problem, that does not seem to be the case. If that is done for this case the cited problem comes up even when it is done in the context of the group ( when I double click on the winnebz model). This model has a nested component ( nose) and if the operation is done after exploding this then you can use the scale tool. Using the scale tool the reset scale menu is active but not if one uses the tape tool so there is a very important but subtle difference that should be throughly explained for the user. After a fairly extensive search for info on scaling pg 620 comment in the user manual was the only remotely relevant comment I could find.
If the group or component I am scaling is the total model then??
I opened a question in the group help to see if someone has further clarification. -
@unknownuser said:
If the group or component I am scaling is the total model then??
I opened a question in the group help to see if someone has further clarification.I agree with you, that's why I was not afraid of using the scale tool in my case.
post removed pending further testing
ok, I've been playing with the winniebz-1 model. Its possessed. Definitely something to do with the scale of the model, and the model's internal scale. No way to access that though. It feels like there is a tiny piece of hidden geometry miles away from poohbear, but I never could find anything like that. Perhaps copy and paste him into a clean model might help?
I looked at the possessed model, very strange.
I exploded all groups, scaled him up by 100, went to purge and fix problems.
Got this:? Not sure what it means.
Maybe Poo is terminal?
EDIT: He seems fixed after the above.
@unknownuser said:
Perhaps copy and paste him into a clean model might help?
This one is already a copy in a new document
I'm using now the document named "winnie2", my original backup. I fixed the scale problem but still It's driving me crazy with the intersections. Using bootools I'm getting weird results and sometimes SU is fixing the model.
Each time I finish the intersection of a new group and try to do the next one it says the one or the second group is not a valid solid.
Invalid? I'm invalid, not you, stupid bear! -
@chris fullmer said:
ok, I've been playing with the winniebz-1 model. Its possessed. Definitely something to do with the scale of the model, and the model's internal scale. No way to access that though. It feels like there is a tiny piece of hidden geometry miles away from poohbear, but I never could find anything like that. Perhaps copy and paste him into a clean model might help?
I tried copy to new SU and still had same problem, also hide the winne, selected all , then a delete to try and delete stray points but that did not work either., I think the key is when you explode the nested nose group and then scale the problem does not appear and this is some way related to the scale tool scales in relation to the grip and anchor and not the model its self so info for the basic model is retained some why hence the reset scale menu active.Note: You may notice when I did this with an incremental scale of .1 within the winnie context ( with nose exploded), then I would save then group again to see if problem came back. Doing this several times without the nose exploded the problem occurred and if you re-scale the huge model came back. Once the nose was exploded and a repeat of the process allowed me to scale all the may down to the ~75cm box level.
I did the incremental approach because in my alleged mine I have the notion of reading somewhere the scale tool has a limit of 20 to .01 but have not been able to find this so this may have not been necessary. -
@coronel said:
@unknownuser said:
Perhaps copy and paste him into a clean model might help?
This one is already a copy in a new document
I'm using now the document named "winnie2", my original backup. I fixed the scale problem but still It's driving me crazy with the intersections. Using bootools I'm getting weird results and sometimes SU is fixing the model.
Each time I finish the intersection of a new group and try to do the next one it says the one or the second group is not a valid solid.
Invalid? I'm invalid, not you, stupid bear!coronel
One more suggestion now that you have the scale problem fixed.
Re-size your model up say maybe 500x, try your intersections at that size and then re-size back down when finished.
Rational: 1)You did that the first time with the scale tool and it worked?; 2) There have been many postings about SU having problems with edges in the few mm range and maybe that is what is happening now and was previously. -
It definitely sounds like a weird issue caused by tiny geometry. I ran a lot of tests on it and found it has 15 edges that come in at ~0.0mm. I delete all those, but the problem still persisted. So it looks like scaling way up ius the best solution. Its quite odd though.
@unknownuser said:
One more suggestion now that you have the scale problem fixed.
Re-size your model up say maybe 500x, try your intersections at that size and then re-size back down when finished.
Rational: 1)You did that the first time with the scale tool and it worked?; 2) There have been many postings about SU having problems with edges in the few mm range and maybe that is what is happening now and was previously.- Yes I did it that way with the faulty docs before the problem begins.
- Now I made a re-size using the tape method and after some attempts I finally could intersect the last arm, leg, and face but I was getting some opened faces that I need to close manually. Here it is:
Now is time to triangulate the model and try the sculpture tools plugin to polish the shape