Why is this text invisible?
Oh, it shows up when I have any other geometry in the model.
It just seems like it shouldn't be dependent on what else is in the model.
@jim said:
Oh, it shows up when I have any other geometry in the model.
It just seems like it shouldn't be dependent on what else is in the model.
There was a bug report for this last month and 7 months ago. (....0031)
Since a model without any geometry is of no use (not my words but it sounds logic) it must have had no priority to fix.
Once there is geometry all screen text will reappear.Wo3Dan
Ok, thanks Wo3Dan. I think I'll call it a bug - inconsequential as it is.
Hi folks.
Yes, I signaled this bug but, as Wo3Dan wrote, it is without much consequence.
However, since SU 6 did not present this bug, I reported it for SU 7.
Just ideas.
This bug WAS in v6, but it was never addressed... However when might you want 'screen-text' without geometry ?
Hi Tig, hi folks.
In my version of SU 6 for PC (6.4.112) if I select the Text Tool and add a screen text (text not attached to any geometry), it shows even if there are no geometry in the model. In SU 7, it do not show. This difference in behavior between 6 and 7 is what prompted me to signal (or resignal) this bug (or glitch) since, as you wrote, it is not really usefull to have text without geometry unless you want a template with some specific message showing when starting SU.
Just ideas.
@jean lemire said:
it is not really usefull to have text without geometry unless you want a template with some specific message showing when starting SU.
I want a blank template with screen text, so this is exactly how I found this out.
I agee, my template in 6 had text on the screen, but no more in 7.
HI folks.
While waiting for a fix in SU 7, I tried this workaround:
1 - I draw a circle centered on the origin.
2 - I add a "Point at center".
3 - I delete the circle.
4 - I hide the point.
5 - I add the required Screen Text.
This gives me a minimalist file that can be used as a template, if required.
Just ideas.