Automatically adding all dimensions to a drawing
Hello All,
Wondering if there is a trick to automatically adding all dimensions to a drawing? Doing a kitchen remodel and would prefer not to have to this all manually.
Thanks, Jeff
i dont think a plugin that could do that would be very practical, the way i see it it would dimension every edge and there would be too many for most models....
maybe a plugin that would dimension selected edges....
That would be interesting - it would get messy fast but maybe you just go in and start deleting the measurements you didn't care about. Thanks!
Hi folks.
Such a plugin would need to be very smart. Imagine dimensioning all the edges in an arc or a circle or all the edges bounding a curved face as one can generate easily with the "Follow me" Tool.
I think, generating all dimensions and then cleaning up would take more time than dimensioning the edges that you really want to dimension.
However, the idea of selecting a serie of edges and then asking for dimension could be interesting. But, you would probably need to manually readjust the position of some, if not all, of the dimensions. Maybe this is not really practical. This is only MHO.
I wonder why the programmers of AutoCAD or other CAD packages never offer such a function ... ?
Just ideas.
As well as how the script might decide what and what not to dimension we have all forgotten that dimensions are barely accessible through Ruby [layer, hidden etc and that's about it]. You can make an external component and insert it with X-scaling between the end points [with rotation to suit] and a Y-scaling for the offset for the leaders etc... then explode it ?