[Plugin] ComponentReporter++ v1.2
Here's a modified version of the draft .rb file, which now adds 'dsp' and 'kromka' as additional reported attributes in the CSV. [which I guess are 'Chipboard' and 'Edging'/'Lipping' thicknesses ?]
To get ANY DC attribute you can use its key's name, as you have typed it in the 'Custom' attribute section of the dialog, BUT all in lowercase letters - i.e. 'dsp' NOT 'DSP'...TIG-exportDCs2csv.rbTo find a specific DC's attribute keys/values you can select it in the SKP, then paste this line of code into the Ruby Console +<enter>:
Sketchup.active_model.selection[0].attribute_dictionaries["dynamic_attributes"].each_pair{|k,v|puts k+"="+v.to_s}
This will give an output list something like this:
_has_movetool_behaviors=0.0 _hasbehaviors=1.0 dsp=0.216 kromka=1.32 lenx=0.6299212598425197 leny=11.811023622047244 lenz=28.34645669291339
Note that the attributes starting with '_' are added by the system and you can't/shouldn't normally need or edit these.
The others attributes represent what you have added as keys/values in the dialog - e.g. 'dsp' and 0.216... etc... -
it works, and how to make a that would show the sum of attribute values on the right key
You can simply open it is Excel and sum the Column ?
However currently the units have 'mm' etc so you'd need to change those...
I've recast it to miss those off.
To =SUM a column you can add a final line of formulae...
See what I've done to the code... I actually summed ALL 'number columns' BUT you will probably want to sum just some...TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb -
Error: #<ArgumentError: C:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb:50:into_l': Cannot convert "0.6299212598425197" to Length> C:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb:50 C:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb:50:in
C:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb:47:ineach' C:/PROGRA~1/Google/GOOGLE~1/Plugins/TIG-exportDCs2csv.rb:47:in
(eval):50 -
I have NOT changed the way the
etc works in line#50 - I added some code after that to remove 'mm' and '~' but nothing else; it's failing on the .to_l ?
Are you muddling ',' and '.' as decimal separators perhaps ?
If you copy/paste this into the Ruby Console it works too:
Works for me on your sample SKP.
Have you changed the DCs in your test SKP ? -
hi, I did not change, I just copied a component in the scene.
this task.
1.Select all the components in the scene
2. select the components of a key (such as "DSP")
2a. (can take the key values from a separate file?)
3. display or save the file in the list of components (screen of what I would like to see)
so many versions in one page? is this free and not to difficult to learn for beginners?
if i may ask. which one is good for beginners to download, please? -
@irwanwr said:
so many versions in one page? is this free and not to difficult to learn for beginners?
if i may ask. which one is good for beginners to download, please?Get the first one [at start] - the others are to show how to make a simple DC attribute reader/reporter...
@notekm said:
hi, I did not change, I just copied a component in the scene.
this task.
1.Select all the components in the scene
2. select the components of a key (such as "DSP")
2a. (can take the key values from a separate file?)
3. display or save the file in the list of components (screen of what I would like to see)The XY [in mm] need to come from the two largest values of the 'panel' - because sometimes the Z is NOT the minimum [=thickness]. OR you could report all three XYZ and you then simply ignore the smallest one [thickness] ??
Counting the number of a a specific DC and reporting it is possible:
number = instance.definition.instances.length
I now see that the 'DSP' is the area [in m2] of 'chipboard' used in that panel.
I'm not sure what the 'Kromka' is - probably linear 'm' of edging ?
You need to adjust the way the values of these 2 are handled - so NO .to_l step since that turns the value [assumed to be in inches] into a length in current units [mm] - perhaps leave them as the float that they are, made into a string [.to_s] ?
Totaling up specific columns is demonstrated in the example code I've given you - adjust it to sum just those you want.
The CSV format can be linked [or save_as] into a XLS file where you format it as you like... -
thank you very much TIG.
for Extrusion Tool Set, i've learnt and succeed using the EEbyRail
it works great as if a wizard made it
thank you -
Hi TIG, thanks for the great plugin, now I can count my plants easily and sum plant areas easily.
But would it be possible to add the ability to get length of curves (arcs and splines) and lines from components?
Often I have many hedges in my designs, and if I could get their length, I could send this out with the report to Excel and then divide hedge length by plants per metre. I accept I will probably have to have a curve length for the hedge in a separate component but that's fine, although maybe it could just be as a nested instance.
This tool was really written as a demonstration of how you can extract information from the model into CSV files etc.
As you probably already know selected lines/curves report their total length in the Entity Info dialog.
It's easy enough to sum the lengths of edges and report it out.
If you give a 'little more flesh to your bones' I can perhaps guide you on how to do this... -
Well here's a very typical hedge arrangement, although 100's of metres in many pieces is also quite common.
I've also put the hedge centrelines as a nested component within each component, although if there's a way of avoiding that I'm all ears.
Would it be easier to export the values of dimensions to the .csv?
IF you want to use the nested component containing the linear info then you can readily add extra code into another column in the CSV. OR make a separate CSV report on linear info.
Here's how to do it separately.
The tool runs***, its code finds all components in the model with instances having a name containing 'hedge' and thereby their nested component giving the linear info drawn as a line or curve.
It takes all edges in this nested component and totals their length.
It writes a CSV listing the instance-name [e.g. 'c.hedge'], instance's-layer, definition-name, linear total [in meters]
Sorted in order, with a header line and a total of the minear-meterage.
Copy/paste this whole set of code into a new file [Notepad.exe] that you make in the Plugins folder named 'TIG-hedgelengths.rb
'require 'sketchup.rb' module TIG ### unless file_loaded?(File.basename(__FILE__)) UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("Hedges Length CSV"){self.hedgelengths()} end file_loaded(File.basename(__FILE__)) ### def self.hedgelengths() model=Sketchup.active_model if model.path.empty? dir=Dir.pwd tit="Untitled" else dir=File.dirname(model.path) tit=model.title end ### rows=[] model.definitions.each{|d| next if d.group? or d.image? d.instances.each{|i| txt="" if i.name=~/[Hh]edge/ txt << i.name+"," txt << i.layer.name+"," txt << d.name+"," lin=0 d.entities.each{|c| if c.class==Sketchup;;ComponentInstance c.definition.entities.each{|e| if e.class==Sketchup;;Edge lin+=e.length end } end } txt << sprintf("%.3f", lin.to_m) ### 3d.p. end rows << txt } } rows.dup.each{|e| rows.delete(e) if e.empty? } rows.sort! ## add total rows=["INST-NAME,INST-LAYER,DEFN,LIN.METERS"]+rows tot=rows.length.to_s rows << "\n,,TOTAL,=SUM(D2;D#{tot})" ### csv=File.join(dir, tit+"_HedgesLength.csv").tr("\\","/") ### begin file=File.open(csv,"w") rescue### trap if open UI.messagebox("Report;\n\n "+csv+"\n\nCannot be written - it's probably already open.\nClose it and try making the Report again...\n\nExiting...") return nil end ### rows.each{|row| file.puts(row) } file.close ### UI.messagebox("Report;\n"+csv+"\nWritten.") UI.openURL("file;///"+csv) ### end end
***Usage: either type
in the Ruby Console... OR more easily use the Plugins menu item... -
Thanks TIG, that's simply amazing Elegant and simple.
Now thanks to your plugins I've got the basis for a complete plant counter (areas, individual plants and hedges and shelterbelts - Sketchup has just become a LOT more useful), thanks again.
Hi Tig,
Great plugin - thanks. Ive used this on several jobs now and wonder if you can help me to make a few tweaks. I've been trying to use this to count components in a selection. I know that the plugin exports 3 csv documents and was wondering if you can help me to tailor the script to get the count Im after - Im afraid Im a total noob to Ruby but am more than happy to have a play with it if you can offer a little advice.Id like to be able to generate a count for eithera whole model or for a selection within the model. I know that the script already generates a count for a selection but I'd like to be able to summarize items with the same name -giving me a total number.
I also wonder if its possible to only display the component name and the count and none of the other information (guid, description, material etc). Im trying to reduce the amount of work I need to do to tidy up the csv files that are generated.
Ive been playing with this whenever I get some spare time but would love a little advice.
Any help much appreciated.
Here's v1.2 made MAC compatible... http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=147658#p147658
Thanks TIG seems to work OK. I'll have a play with it.
Ted Robbens
Unfortunately I am having errors in counts for nested components...
3 component 1 in model
1 component 2 inside component 1...Report returns 3 counts of 1 and 1 count of 2 in stead of 3 counts of 1 and 3 counts of 2
Counts in instances report are correct.
@quarch said:
Unfortunately I am having errors in counts for nested components...
3 component 1 in model
1 component 2 inside component 1...
Report returns 3 counts of 1 and 1 count of 2 in stead of 3 counts of 1 and 3 counts of 2
Counts in instances report are correct.
There ARE 3 instances of compo1.
There IS 1 instance of compo2.
You might 'see' 3 of compo2, but these are actually three representations on the same object.
The different reporting formats are a way of covering various bases...If you want it to somehow report things differently, then rework the code as you wish...
It is 'open source' after all...