[Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
I think the best is to use this plugin in and "empty" file. f you make a component of what you want to bend then align the component axes according how the plugin should work then you can right click > save as... and open the new file, you can experiment without any risk then when done, in the original model, right click again and "reload".
I have a question about installing shape bender on my computer. I copied the .rb and the folder into my plugin folder. Now that I start sketch up it gives me the error: Error Loading File clf_shape_bender_loader.rb
No such file to load -- progressbar.rbhow can I fix that?
@madib said:
I have a question about installing shape bender on my computer. I copied the .rb and the folder into my plugin folder. Now that I start sketch up it gives me the error: Error Loading File clf_shape_bender_loader.rb
No such file to load -- progressbar.rbhow can I fix that?
The download page explains that you need to get that separately - ~6 lines down http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=147395#p147395
It's free from Smustard.com.
Put it into Plugins and restart... -
@gaieus said:
I think the best is to use this plugin in and "empty" file. f you make a component of what you want to bend then align the component axes according how the plugin should work then you can right click > save as... and open the new file, you can experiment without any risk then when done, in the original model, right click again and "reload".
YEP it works .... in fact , just needed an empty file ... @ Chris F. : i think the axis were changed , that was my problem !
Thanks for your help dudes!!!
Hi Guys typical that a first post is a question
Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to install Shape Bender on a Mac.
I have previously installed make faces 1.4 and that seemed easy although I cant find where it is installed now either
@angelwing said:
Hi Guys typical that a first post is a question
Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to install Shape Bender on a Mac.
I have previously installed make faces 1.4 and that seemed easy although I cant find where it is installed now either
It's pretty much the same as on a PC!
Type/Copy+Paste this into the Window > Ruby ConsoleSketchup.find_support_file("Plugins")
it returns the correct folder into which you should put any scripts etc.
Download the 'clf_shape_bender_v055.ZIP' file linked in the first post.
Extract the contents of the ZIP to a temporary location.
A good Unzip tool will ask and put the contents into a folder - perhaps on your Desktop - [usually named after the ZIP file's name - 'clf_shape_bender_v055'].
That folder should contain a scriptclf_shape_bender_loader.rb
and a folder [clf_shape_bender] containing several support files [the main '.rb' file and several '.png' image files for the toolbar buttons etc].
Move/Copy the separate .rb file and the folder into the ../Plugins/ folder, overwriting anything already there.
Do NOT take any of the files out of the subfolder or think to put them into ../Plugins/ - it will break just things !
IF you might have moved files out of that subfolder then I suggest that you check the contents of the ../Plugins/ folder against the contents of that subfolder and remove the incorrectly located ones from ../Plugins/.......
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to model this kind of paper walls :
So I modeled the oval component (because I'm so good at modeling
) but now I'm trying to make the bend and as you can see I haven't been very succesful at it using shape bender so far...
So my question is : Can anyone help me?
Thank you so much for reding this!Nicolas
I've installed the progressbar.rb and the bender tool, and it's not showing up in the plugins menu. Why?
Did you tick the Shape Bender box under Window>Preferences>Extensions?
Out of curiosity, what work is left to be done for Shape Bender to move out of Beta designation?
EDIT: I retract my question. I just noticed in the first post the answer.
@dave r said:
Did you tick the Shape Bender box under Window>Preferences>Extensions?
Ya, it's checked. Still nothing.
Did you start SketchUp after installing the plugin? And you don't see Chris Fullmer Tools>Shape Bender in Plugins? What about under View>Toolbars>Shape Bender?
Did you maintain the file structure from the ZIP file? Do you have a folder called clf_shapebender?
Nope, nadda
@deltacommando5 said:
Nope, nadda
Could you make it any harder to try to help you? Perhaps you could be a little more descriptive of what you've done?
Make a screen shot of your Plugins directory and another of the contents of the folder called clf_shapebender.
Considering how little information you've given so far, I'm going to conclude that you've not installed the plugin correctly.
It is installed incorrectly.
Change the name of the folder to clf_shape_bender.
And make the folders contents like this. The Thumbs.db file is generated by Windows and won't be there in yours most likely.
There should be no folders inside clf_shape_bender.
Actually, you could take the contents you show as being in "subfolder 1" and paste them into the Plugins folder. Get rid of the others because they aren't needed.
You have unzipped the files into folder named after the zip and moved that folder into Plugins.
The only shape bender related stuff you should have in Plugins is the loader rb file and the subfolder, like thisand that subfolder should contain these files
I.E. you move the file and subfolder that were in the zip into Plugins AND NOT the unzipped folder [clf_shape_bender_v005] itself...
Funy, that was how I did it the first time I tried. Anyways, it works now, thanks.
I cannot make shape bender to work. I tried a very simple test: a straight line, a grouped box and a curve. I selected the box and am prompted to select the line but I click on it with SB's cursor and nothing happens, no matter how many times I click on it. the same message keeps coming up for me to select the straight line first!