[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.1a - 28 Feb 25
@tig said:
Do NOT move files into the ProgramData folder !
[ Unless you like a major balls-up ! ]
Use the proper folders and always ensure correct installation methods etc...The error is clearly a 'permissions issue'...
These happen after an incorrect installation of the exe file...Well since this issue is only with encrypted Ruby files that only started with SU2016 I don't know what to do. It's not an install issue, I have Removed and Installed as Admin twice so obviously something with the install routine is faulting. Could their be something left behind in the registry from previous builds that could be causing Sketchup.exe from loading .rbe files?
I found a previous build of Fredo in .rb files and they load and run fine.
I'm sorry we haven't [yet] resolved this mess.
We don't write SketchUp - or Windows - we just use it !Have you tried the following ?
Fully uninstall SketchUp nnnn....
Find all of that SketchUp version's residual folders in:
C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp nnnn/
C:/ProgramData/SketchUp/SketchUp nnnn/
and the User's AppData path e.g.
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp nnnn\SketchUp\
and delete them ALL...***
Then reinstall SketchUp:
using the installer's exe file':
Right-click > Context-menu > "Run as administrator"***Note that some folders are 'hidden'.
To access them - either reset your Windows Explorer > Folder Options to see them, or copy+paste the folder path into a Windows Explorer top-bar _enter to access it... -
Can you try to download and install another extension (not from me) with RBE scrambling (from EWH or Sketchucation) and check if you get the same message "cannot read RBE file").
For instance, take Eneroth Tube (trial) from the Extension Warehouse.
@tig said:
I'm sorry we haven't [yet] resolved this mess.
We don't write SketchUp - or Windows - we just use it !Have you tried the following ?
Fully uninstall SketchUp nnnn....
Find all of that SketchUp version's residual folders in:
C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp nnnn/
C:/ProgramData/SketchUp/SketchUp nnnn/
and the User's AppData path e.g.
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp nnnn\SketchUp\
and delete them ALL...***
Then reinstall SketchUp:
using the installer's exe file':
Right-click > Context-menu > "Run as administrator"***Note that some folders are 'hidden'.
To access them - either reset your Windows Explorer > Folder Options to see them, or copy+paste the folder path into a Windows Explorer top-bar _enter to access it...Fully uninstalled SU using Windows 10 Control Panel.
Deleted sub-folders in AppData.
Ensured all SU folders were gone in ProgramFiles.
Ran CCClean on registry to ensure nothing was left behind.
Ran install from Download folder for fresh install of SU with "Run as Admin".
Deleted .rbx files for Fredo6 from Download.
Started SU Extension MGR from inside SU.
Downloaded Fredo6 v. 8.1.
Installed from Extension MGR.
Closed and restarted SU.
Same errors.Something in the .exe is preventing .rbe files from loading... I doubt it's an issue with Fredo6 since the .rb files run fine, maybe it's time to go back to SU2014...
@fredo6 said:
Can you try to download and install another extension (not from me) with RBE scrambling (from EWH or Sketchucation) and check if you get the same message "cannot read RBE file").
For instance, take Eneroth Tube (trial) from the Extension Warehouse.
Trying to log in with a new install I get this when trying to log in to the extension MGR;
Error while setting the setting the session value for : appInfo
Reference ID:
c89c43dc-f8d9-41a9-a304-4ac849f64303I'm about done with SU...
@fredo6 said:
Can you try to download and install another extension (not from me) with RBE scrambling (from EWH or Sketchucation) and check if you get the same message "cannot read RBE file").
For instance, take Eneroth Tube (trial) from the Extension Warehouse.
Could not find Eneroth Tube, but Eneroth Pipe gave me this after install;
Error Loading File C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/ene_pipe/main.rbe
Failed to read RBE/RBS file.So obviously SU 2016 cannot read .rbe files...
RBE files are readable by v2016 and newer.
RBS files are readable by all versions.
Both are encrypted RB files - RBE is the newer more secure format.Fredo actually provides RBE and RBS files in his subfolder, so earlier versions can load the appropriate files.
So something is stopping your SketchUp from reading the RBE files.
Typically it's an incorrect installation - but since you seem to have explored all avenues around this, without success, there must be something else...Lets consider some other ideas...
I doubt if it's something in the installed SketchUp.exe that's at fault - rather the system is causing issues, or something 'tweaking' the system.
So do you have anti-virus software installed that might be limiting/blocking/blacklisting v2016 ?
Perhaps your Firewall is also being similarly awkward ?
Are the SketchUp.exe file's Properties set up correctly ?
e.g. in Compatibility - NOT set to always run as administrator, NOT running in compatibility mode,
in Security - FULL control set for System and Admins, and Read/Execute for Users,
etc... -
Could you advise on your version of Setchup 2016.
The good one should be 16.1.1449 (64 bits).
@mgfranz said:
@fredo6 said:
Could you advise on your version of Setchup 2016.
The good one should be 16.1.1449 (64 bits).
SketchUp Version 16.0.19912 64-bit
That may be the reason. You run Sketchup release M0, which may have a problem with rbe files.
So I suggest you upgrade to the latest version of SU2016 M1.Fredo
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v8.1f - 19 Mar 18
LibFredo6 8.1f is a maintenance release providing adjustments for Animator (performance for scaling) and TopoShaper (very high number of isocontours).
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
@fredo6 said:
@mgfranz said:
@fredo6 said:
Could you advise on your version of Setchup 2016.
The good one should be 16.1.1449 (64 bits).
SketchUp Version 16.0.19912 64-bit
That may be the reason. You run Sketchup release M0, which may have a problem with rbe files.
So I suggest you upgrade to the latest version of SU2016 M1.Fredo
So I spent a decent number of hours this weekend doing the upgrade to v.1449. Doing uninstall using the Installer to uninstall my previous version, uninstalled all traces of any SU directory or plug-ins and ran a registry clean to remove all known traces of SU. Restarted system and did a fresh install as Admin, started SU, entered my serial info and downloaded Fredo6 v8.1 and Animator, installed using Windows>Preferences. Upon start of SU I received this;
Error Loading File C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6/top_LibFredo6.rbe
Failed to read RBE/RBS file.
Error Loading File Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb
Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant LibFredo6_Loader::LibFredo6>
C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:63:inprocess' C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:70:in
C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:28:in<top (required)>' Error Loading File Fredo6_Animator.rb Error: #<TypeError: can't convert nil into an exact number> C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:79:in
C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:79:in<top (required)>' C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/Tools/RubyStdLib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:in
C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/Tools/RubyStdLib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:45:inrequire' C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_Animator.rb:47:in
C:/Users/mgfranz/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_Animator.rb:26:in `<top (required)>'I even tried starting SU as Admin, same error.
So I went back and uninstalled SU using the installer, cleaned out all directories again, and reinstalled as User, same plug-ins, same error on start. I'm quite confused as to where to go next.
Despite all of your text you have never clearly said how you actually installed SketchUp...
Do not set the installed SketchUp.exe to always run as administrator.
Do not run SketchUp.exe as administrator.Important:
SketchUp always needs to be correctly installed.
The only proper way to do this is as follows...
If it's already installed close SketchUp.
Find its installer exe file - probably in your Downloads folder ?
Select it, right-click > context-menu > "Run as administrator"
If it's already installed choose "Repair" when prompted.
Otherwise choose to "Install"...
This should set permissions etc properly.
Restart SketchUp and test...If the problem persists try Uninstalling SketchUp, and deleting the related folders in:
*C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\SketchUp*
If you have any 'custom files' within subfolders like Materials, Components, Styles etc, then you might want to save them elsewhere, before doing the folder deletion.
You can move them back after doing the Install properly... -
@tig said:
Despite all of your text you have never clearly said how you actually installed SketchUp...
Do not set the installed SketchUp.exe to always run as administrator.
Do not run SketchUp.exe as administrator.Important:
SketchUp always needs to be correctly installed.
The only proper way to do this is as follows...
If it's already installed close SketchUp.
Find its installer exe file - probably in your Downloads folder ?
Select it, right-click > context-menu > "Run as administrator"
If it's already installed choose "Repair" when prompted.
Otherwise choose to "Install"...
This should set permissions etc properly.
Restart SketchUp and test...If the problem persists try Uninstalling SketchUp, and deleting the related folders in:
*C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\SketchUp*
If you have any 'custom files' within subfolders like Materials, Components, Styles etc, then you might want to save them elsewhere, before doing the folder deletion.
You can move them back after doing the Install properly...No, I did, "Restarted system and did a fresh install as Admin,". I also said that I DID delete all related folders in AppData. I have done the install, uninstall, repair so many times I have it memorized.
And like I said previously, I can't run 2018 on this system due to the problem that started with 2017 regarding the lack of support for the Intel Graphics drivers, (which I do not understand), so 2016 is what it is, unless I want to buy a new laptop.
Unfortunately your phraseology, "...[did] a fresh install as Admin...", is NOT entirely clear.
If you mean that you did it in the way that I outlined, using "Run as administrator", then please make it clear.
Installing it as a user who happens to be an 'admin', or even whilst logged-in as the administrator account, is not the same.
At the moment your text is not unambiguous... -
@tig said:
Unfortunately your phraseology, "...[did] a fresh install as Admin...", is NOT entirely clear.
If you mean that you did it in the way that I outlined, using "Run as administrator", then please make it clear.
Installing it as a user who happens to be an 'admin', or even whilst logged-in as the administrator account, is not the same.
At the moment your text is not unambiguous...Yes, I did "Run as Administrator" for fresh install.
I know Fredo has an urgent call out to the SketchUp guys, about this very problem, which seems to be affecting just a few users, and where a proper installation etc fails to resolve these issues...
@tig said:
I know Fredo has an urgent call out to the SketchUp guys, about this very problem, which seems to be affecting just a few users, and where a proper installation etc fails to resolve these issues...
I got an answer from thomthom recommending to upgrade to the latest version of SU2016.
@fredo6 said:
@tig said:
I know Fredo has an urgent call out to the SketchUp guys, about this very problem, which seems to be affecting just a few users, and where a proper installation etc fails to resolve these issues...
I got an answer from thomthom recommending to upgrade to the latest version of SU2016.
I'm already running SketchUpPro-2016-1-1449-80430-en-x64.exe, any other ideas?