[Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.1a - 28 Feb 25
Quand je fais de tout petits modèle (des composant électroniques), l'outil arrondi me fait des trous aux angles. Par exemple si je dessine une brique de 8 x 14 x 10 mm et que je fais des arrondis de 0,3 mm ça me fait des trous dans tous les coins.
J'ai mis sur le modèle une précision à 4 chiffres après la virgule, et 2 pour les angles et j'ai démarré avec le modèle "Documentation de construction en mm" Sous la dernière version de sketchup make (17.2.2555 64 bit).
Frank -
@fks4466 said:
Quand je fais de tout petits modèle (des composant électroniques), l'outil arrondi me fait des trous aux angles. Par exemple si je dessine une brique de 8 x 14 x 10 mm et que je fais des arrondis de 0,3 mm ça me fait des trous dans tous les coins.
J'ai mis sur le modèle une précision à 4 chiffres après la virgule, et 2 pour les angles et j'ai démarré avec le modèle "Documentation de construction en mm" Sous la dernière version de sketchup make (17.2.2555 64 bit).
FrankWith these very small dimensions, Sketchup is not always able to create faces.
So the trick is to scale up the model by a factor like 10, perform the RoundCorner rounding and then scale back down.
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v7.7f - 01 Oct 17
LibFredo6 7.7f is a maintenance release for OSX High Sierra. With previous versions you get dialog boxes popping up at startup time of Sketchup.
Note that you also need to upgrade FredoTools v3.1e; previous versions simply won't load under High Sierra.
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
just downloaded libfredo6 in sketchup pro 2017, but cannot see any of the icons from the toolbar
@tchiddick said:
just downloaded libfredo6 in sketchup pro 2017, but cannot see any of the icons from the toolbar
LibFredo doesn't have a toolbar so you wouldn't see any icons. LibFredo is a collection of helper files used with a number of Fredo's other extensions.
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v7.8a - 11 Oct 17
LibFredo6 7.8a is a maintenance release for JointPushPull 4.0 evaluation.
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
thank you fredo you are the best!
I have been trying for 2 weeks, off and on, to down load anything from LibFredo6 into window 2017. I have disabled add blocking and still get nothing. Also FYI Sketchup make 2017 does not have a plugin folder.
I would sure like to try the scale tool and the round corners. Howver I'm not going to continue to attempt the down load with out furter suggestions from you.
funk.herman@yahoo.com -
@hlfunk43 said:
I have been trying for 2 weeks, off and on, to down load anything from LibFredo6 into window 2017. I have disabled add blocking and still get nothing.
How have you been attempting to get it?
@hlfunk43 said:
Also FYI Sketchup make 2017 does not have a plugin folder.
FYI, yes it does have a Plugins folder. It is in a location that is normally hidden but if extensions are installed correctly, there's no need for direct access to it by the user.
@hlfunk43 said:
I would sure like to try the scale tool and the round corners. Howver I'm not going to continue to attempt the down load with out furter suggestions from you.
HermanAgain, how are you going about trying to install it?
Almost all Extensions download as RBZ files.
This is a special kind of ZIP file.
Sketchup's menu item Window > Extension Manager opens a dialog that allows you to manage you extensions.
It has a red button to 'Install an Extension'.
Use that and find the RBZ in the dialog which opens, and Sketchup will automatically install the contents for you in your user Plugins folder.
You rarely need to manually access this hidden folder.Are you actually managing to download something ?
If you have got it tried putting the RBZ in some other location, or have manually added a Plugins folder I recommend you undo those erroneous actions.
If you are having issues downloading from the SketchUcation PluginStore there could be several issues blocking you...
Are you logged in ?
Sometimes you may be logged in to the main forums but the PluginStore wants a separate login.
You have an ad-blocker running on SketchUcation's pages - this is expressly against the terms of service you agreed to as a member. A modest income from ads helps pay for the up keep of the site and servers etc, you don't need to read the linked ads, but the advertisers expect them to be visible to members...
Another possible issue is that your firewall is blocking SketchUcation.com - if so 'whitelist' it.
Another weird possibility is that you have something set to download and extract ZIPped files automatically - which is useless for an RBZ because Sketchup expects the contents to be intact...
Also note that Lib files like this container 'helpers' for other programs, on its own LibFredo does nothing - you need to also install one or more of Fredo's Extensions for it to be of use to you...
Thanks for the reply TIG. I have tried all of the above, I think. The extension manager shows the plug ins there however When I start Sketchup 2017 make I get all kinds of error messages about not being able to read a bunch of files. I have even tried re-installing sketchup and still I get nothing. I'll get rid of every thing I have tried and then start over using your instructions.
@hlfunk43 said:
Thanks for the reply TIG. I have tried all of the above, I think. The extension manager shows the plug ins there however When I start Sketchup 2017 make I get all kinds of error messages about not being able to read a bunch of files. I have even tried re-installing sketchup and still I get nothing. I'll get rid of every thing I have tried and then start over using your instructions.
Could you tell what are those errors (maybe a snapshot of the message dialogbox)
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v7.8d - 01 Nov 17
LibFredo6 7.8d is a maintenance release fixing a major bug for MacOS platforms, whereby opening some dialog boxes will provoke a hang when exiting Sketchup.
Thanks to driven, slbaumgartnerand mariochafor helping me troubleshooting and fixing the problem.
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v7.9a - 02 Nov 17
LibFredo6 7.9a is a maintenance release fixing a major bug for MacOS platforms, whereby opening some dialog boxes will provoke a hang when exiting Sketchup.
It is also required for Animator 1.8a, for performance improvement when animating complex models.
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
Hi guys,
my libfredo6 toolbars have stopped working. Am using Win10 and SK2017, everything working fine until yesterday. As of today my Roundcorner and Fredoscale toolbars do nothing. They appear as always, but clicking does nothing. I've restarted, reinstalled, updated, backdated, etc to no avail. Any suggestions?
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v8.0a - 12 Nov 17
LibFredo6 8.0a is a maintenance release dedicated to bug fixing and support of JointPushPull 4.2a (shading in preview) and Souvenir 1.5a (Favorites).
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
NEW RELEASE: LibFredo6 v8.0b - 19 Nov 17
LibFredo6 8.0b is a maintenance release dedicated to improving the circular interpolation of cameras in Animator 1.8b.
See plugin home page of LibFredo6 for Download of LibFredo6.
Main Post of the LibFredo6 thread
Error Loading File C:/Users/Fırat Aneyzi/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6/top_LibFredo6.rbe
Failed to read RBE/RBS file.
Error Loading File Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb
Error: #<NameError: uninitialized constant LibFredo6_Loader::LibFredo6>
C:/Users/Fırat Aneyzi/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:63:inprocess' C:/Users/Fırat Aneyzi/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:70:in
C:/Users/Fırat Aneyzi/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2016/SketchUp/Plugins/Fredo6_!LibFredo6.rb:28:in `<top (required)>'how i fix it?
SU 2016
Fredo will reply definitively, in due course...
However, I suspect that it is the user-name which is causing the issues...
"Fırat Aneyzi"
I guess it is Turkish - where the non-dotted "ı", as opposed to the final dotted "i", is used for the "uh" sound, instead of the "ee" sound...
But using proper UTF8 encoding [as Fredo does?] should trap for such things [we know that older SketchUp versions failed because of this non-standard characters, but the newer version are much more robust !]Fredo ???