The "Duh!" thread (aka the Doh! thread)
Come on, Own up, how many of us have tried to orbit a jpg !
specially if its a jpg of a 3D model
hmmm sorry thought you could type in several figures to set out many dimensions
the duh moment that turned out to just be a der! moment.
but seriously you can copy your construction lines with (ctrl) copy, and then say *10 or whatever so you get 10 equally spaced. if that helps?
@paulside said:
Come on, Own up, how many of us have tried to orbit a jpg !
Not being able to orbit in JPGS only illustrates their limitions. If we were an advanced society at all we would be able to this.
@paulside said:
Come on, Own up, how many of us have tried to orbit a jpg !
Ever tried to undo a wrong stroke with the pen..?
@xrok1 said:
@unknownuser said:
Ive had so many Duh Moments I don't know where to start . . .or rather D'oh!
I have still so many yet to experience I am sure. Maybe you can help me add to myD'uh CollectionI have never gotten into the OUtliner but the one thing I wish I knew how to do with it. . .if it can be done is in working with Nexted blocks and components in "Hide rest of Model" mode that you could have the group in which a component is nested visible but still have the rest of the model invisible? comprenez-vous? Or maybe there is a Ruby for this??? ***please oh please oh please!***Also. . .. we need a little smilie that says "D'UH! and D'OH!"
it would probably be better for your outer group to be a component instead of a group, with the other groups inside. that way it would work the way you want with all the internal groups visible when editing them through this outer component.
Thanks for the feedback, but I dont think that helps me, and I realize I probablyI didn't explain myself very well. I would want to able to keep the geometry of the component visible while I am working on an internal nested block/component but the main model is kept hidden? Better?
@paulside said:
Come on, Own up, how many of us have tried to orbit a jpg !
i try to orbit everything on my computer after a long SU session.. web pages etc...
it's like jumping on a trampoline for a while.. once you get back on solid ground, it takes a few minutes to readjust..
@ecuadorian said:
And I often find myself trying to "mirror" things with Ctrl+M, as in ArchiCAD, only to remember that I should have clicked on the mirror button of the SCF Powerbar instead.
What mirror button are you talking about?
I olny use for mirroring Mirror_31.rb plugin. Is there something else? (and this one sometime crashes sketchup, i could not figure when yet)
i did find myself zoom ing out or orbit on a recorded desktop video taken while working in sketchup
a big d*oh when i discovered the scale tool(at the beginning i made a house and i tried to insert some components and my house was too small ..i abandoned the project)
another one when i discovered the smooth operation
another when i discovered the components(working just at one half of a car)
and the biggest when i discovered the render engines...They are lot more wich i don t remember now!
@daniel said:
My second moment was embarrassing. I gave a short seminar to the local community design center on using sketchup, and I was explaining how SU will not cast shadows below the point of origin (default ground plane), and open a model to illustrate it, only to discover that SU had apparently fixed that (with version 7?).
Version 6 also let you cast shadows below the ground plane. At least the copy I'm running does?
@unknownuser said:
Also. . .. we need a little smilie that says "D'UH! and D'OH!"
Well, its not a smily on the forum, but Jim did make a plugin:
Plugin: The Homer Button
This plugin does... well it doesn't really do anything useful! It puts a little Homer on your Toolbar and plays a sound file. Just a fun lit...
EDIT: Oops, Paul already beat me to this last page....
Still happens to me a lot... I press Ctrl+Z in the middle of an operation and end up losing some work done.
And I often find myself trying to "mirror" things with Ctrl+M, as in ArchiCAD, only to remember that I should have clicked on the mirror button of the SCF Powerbar instead.
EDIT: Now I understand what thomthom was talking about... a REAL pen. A big Duh! for me.
@unknownuser said:
@paulside said:
Come on, Own up, how many of us have tried to orbit a jpg !
Not being able to orbit in JPGS only illustrates their limitions. If we were an advanced society at all we would be able to this.
and why do image files need to be rectangular?? it would eliminate the need for transparency if images could be irregular shapes, maybe even having holes in them.
Trying to orbit jpegs is just too funny. I do it all time.
I liken it to a nautical term "sea legs" if your on a boat too long you get used to moving with the rock of the ship and when you come aground you feel funy and walk like you had too much to drink. Trying to compensate for something that is not there.
When you try and orbit do you turn your head to the side and hope for it to work?
@xrok1 said:
and why do image files need to be rectangular?? it would eliminate the need for transparency if images could be irregular shapes, maybe even having holes in them.
I don't understand this.. Can't you just apply an image to a face, and the edit that face?