[Plugin] Zorro2 (beta)
It's a simple thing to do manually, without Zorro.
Make a group at the section-cut, explode it and intersect its geometry with model.
Take a side view, perspective off, and select everything above the cut and group it, repeat below the cut, move the groups apart...ZorroCrashSplit.skp
@tig said:
It's a simple thing to do manually, without Zorro.
That was just a small part of my model. The original got many more components...
It's the groups/components that take the time and cause the splats!
@tig said:
It's the groups/components that take the time and cause the splats!
My sample model doesn't have any groups/components. Just edges and faces...
Isn't the Zorro tool in Artisan more stable than this version?
@unknownuser said:
Isn't the Zorro tool in Artisan more stable than this version?
Just tried the Knife tool - crashed SU, without bugsplat.
Did you try a series of cuts rather than just one? I find that helps sometimes!
I love useing this plugin Zorro2,
So I added a icon to the tool bar.If you want to do this too,
then paste these lines between the last end statment of zorro2.rb and its file_loaded("Zorro2.rb")
useing notepadend
#----copy this----------
adds a icon to tool bar
remeber to add the attachent zorro2.jpg to plugins folder
if( not file_loaded?("Zorro2.rb") ) tt_hh = UI::Toolbar.new "Zorro2" cmd = UI::Command.new("Zorro2 ") {(Sketchup.active_model.select_tool Zorro2Tool.new)} cmd.small_icon = "zorro2.jpg" cmd.large_icon = "zorro2.jpg" cmd.tooltip = "Zorro2" tt_hh.add_item cmd
#add is compleated
#---copy to here---------------file_loaded("Zorro2.rb")
Seems like this plugin badly needs an update. Nothing's changed in 2 years???
Why fix something that is not broken? There are much older plugins still performing perfectly what they were designed for 5-6 years ago.
Beta for two years
This is a great plugin, but it's not working for me with the model I'm working on now. The model is large and complex. Is that what's causing it to crash when trying to cut at the section?
The Zorro that's bundled with Artisan is apparently more stable than this I believe. Though I could be wrong.
Give it a go http://www.artisan4sketchup.com
Thanks. Downloading and testing now.
slicing the entire model at a section plane Doesnt work for me.. Sketchup crashes and I get a bug splat!
@chimbalo said:
After a few hours I figure it out how to fix the bug splat, I have a heavy model, every time that I started using the slice tool my model crashed up, I tryed exploding the model, chainging to newer sketch up, etc etc etc. At the end I took all the model and grouped up whith out the cuting plane, after I slice it, and was the solution for the problem, now it doesn't matter how heavy is the file, the plug in ,work fine. sorry for my bad english, I hope is useful for you.
Thank you - this advice saved me too! Took a while to dig it up though and it seems as though lots of people are searching unsuccessfully for this same solution - perhaps it should be included in the instructions?
@xplode35 said:
Seems like this plugin badly needs an update. Nothing's changed in 2 years???
I totally agree
It would be great if zorro had a feature to not delete the geometry but instead keep it as two seperate parts
Zorro2 with icon.7z
Dukejazz Zorro2 with icon, for newbie like meThank you Whaat
Hello I am using Sketchup 8 Pro, and it seems to crash every time I try to apply this tool... Any ideas why?