Linceo VR 3.0 (Hypershot + Augmented Reality)
Yes I agree with you, we are working to a direct importer from SketchUp as we did for rhinoceros.
LinceoVr 3.0 will be released in the middle of january, right now you can download the trial of version 2.1 and of easyOn AR software from this link. For the students there is a special version for free, we need to received a valid certificate from the student to activate the license.
downlaod link: -
Thanks for the reply Andrea. May I ask what from of proof your require for the student version exactly - will a valid student card do?
Here are some of my tests anyway (I exported to obj. format which worked but still produced some odd faces here and there). I should also mention that I tried exporting to 3ds but the quality was much worse than obj. - What I was most confused with was the actual render quality of the program, materials simply didn't respond to HDRI environments as accurately as they would in Hypershot. Apart from this rather crucial issue, linceoVR 2.1 was full of great features - the realtime animation record button and various animation settings are very impressive. Again I was let down by the render quality though - Shadows did not cast accurately at all and were also very weak. The orbiting control was also very difficult to use (as you will see in my realtime animation). Below are some comparisons between linceoVR 2.1 and Hypershot 1.5 - I should also mention that the hypershot renders posted were my very first in Hypershot (the fov is totally wrong)Here is my very first attempt with linceo - exported as 3ds.
My second attempt - exported as obj.
Third attempt - tried to tone down reflections and make it look more natural
A comparison with Hypershot (my first ever render with hypershot) same hdri environment as previous image
A v-ray render
The realtime rendered animation (LinceoVR 2.1) (very difficult to orbit)
[flash=425,344:27d2allj][/flash:27d2allj]This is how I would ideally like the animation to look - but bear in mind this took 35hrs to render with v-ray
Youtube: regarding the rendering issue - maybe the loss in quality was due to my export to obj.?
Thanks anyway,
PrinceDC -
I have tried it and had same poor quality renders....a bit like ones from early shadows at all. On the flip side I did like GUI.
It seems that you not enabled the shadows at all, you can create realtime shadows or using occusion shadows tha has to be precalculated once.
When you import obj or 3ds you have to setup materials in liceovR to obtain render quality.
To create animations is better to use the spline path controller.
In terms of render quality see this youtube videos. can be done realtime as well lens flare.
Please can you send me the obj scene to setup into linceovr and send you back?
is there a mac version of Linceo?
not yet
we are working on it, it will be released for next summer, before we will release a middle version with raytracing
you can run it using parallelsandrea
I wouldn't say that HyperShot and Linceo are essentially the same. They actually are very different. Linceo is a GPU renderer. You can get nice antialiased framerate, but no global illumination or real time photon mapping meaning it looks like nice video game quality, not "real" like Hypershot. HyperShot uses all CPU based rendering with highly optimized algorithims for GI meaning you get all inter reflections of 8 standard ray bounces GI in realtime. As computers get faster, there is less and less time to "res up".
I must say that the Augmented reality part of Linceo is pretty cool. Like live camera matching. It's been around for awhile now. I saw it demonstrated at Euromold by a group from a German university nearly 4 years ago. It will be interesting to see where it goes.
Bunkspeed will be launching HyperMove in January which will allow you to be able to do the camera flys using the GPU for render preview and material assignment. Then you can render the animation using the HyperShot renderer for film quality results.
I think that the mai difference between LinceoVR and Hypershot is not in the render quality but in the use, what about brainstorming ideas in front a virtual protoype? moving 3d model in different point of view? change materials in realtime, switching HDRI lighting on the fly? With hypershot you can't with LinceoVR you can.
IMHO LinceoVR and Hypershot are different tools with different uses; design review, marketing imaging, design analysis and sales for LinceoVR, advertising, press quality production for Hypershot.
I want announce that linceoVR 3.0 has been released yesterday, I remember that is free for all the students and that it will have in 2 month a native sketchup importer.
this is an image created in 2 second on a single core notebook, about 15M polygons, you can rotate in realtime in any point of view.
What does being free for students mean exactly,for any students studying in any area?If so what do i have to do to get it free? Do i have to contact someone,or provide some proof that i'm in college and if yes do scans of the documents be enough?
It means free till the end of 2009, you have to send a scan of a regular inscription to your college, download the software, install on your pc, generate the request code for the license with the flas student edition, send it, wait 1 day maximum 2 and start using linceoVR, virtual reality and aumented reality. You cant use the software for commercial purposes but you can use for your study or your fun.
ciao -
Does free till the end of 09 mean that i can use it till then and after that the license expires, or it means that the student version is available only till then and i can use my license further(wishful thinking
, just checking )?
at the end of 2009 the license will terminate, you will be able to reniew if you will be still student, otherway you will have to buy a commercial license, wich anyway is really cheap.
andrea -
Thanks alot,Andrea ,for the info.
Im guessing i could get this too? I'm in high school
for sure!
download and use it!
soon will start an exciting contest