Augmented Reality Plug-in for Google Sketch-Up released
My first try:
[flash=425,355:3uwjs6z8][/flash:3uwjs6z8]I work in this hotel, it's 600 years old.
Located in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. -
Nice Job, EduardoNL!
I have seen your models of Bergen op Zoom from another thread about Google Earth models and I have been impressed.
Have you seen ARsights( What do you think about it? -
I just downloaded the BETA version for Mac OS and I realize that the possibilities are almost endless. I did have a slight bug to report. When using a secondary monitor, after the 30 second trial is over, the plug in crashes. When I use the laptop without the extended monitor, the plug in does not crash after the 30 second trial.
Please release this BETA version soon. I just bought a license but I realize I can only download the Windows OS version. How much longer before the Mac version is released?
Dear rolcor,
thank you very much for your feedback.To my knowledge this bug should have been resolved by the latest version of the ARplugin for MAC.
With reference to the Full version release, I can anticipate that it will occurr probably this week. In the meanwhile you can activate your license for Windows XP or Vista (if you have also a Windows PC) and then shift to MAC, as it is always possible to move a license from Windows to MAC, and conversely from MAC to Windows.
Best Regards
Hi all,
good news for MAC users.Take a look to this video
[flash=425,344:3mev2woi][/flash:3mev2woi]ARmedia Plugin is now available also for MAC OSX 10.5
Some new features have been implemented such as the toggle full-screen mode and better real-time rendering optimization.
You can download the free trial from the usual link
This plugin looks very interesting. But has anyone tried how it works with large scale projects such as houses, museums, ecc..?
Would make me crazy the idea to insert a big project into its natural context and navigate it.
Is it possible with this plugin? -
I have been playing with this plugin for Windows...I can't get over how cool it is, so I made a little video with some of my work and models from the 3D warehouse.
The video is here:
hi Graziano,
I just came across your plugin again and was wondering, if you are still developing it further.
because as I understand it the current version only supports one marker and one model. but especially to urban planners independent models, asigned to different markers would be extremely useful. just imagine you had several buildings lying on a table and just needed to move them around to play with different arangements.
or the second option would be to use a set of fixed markers in an empty room. when you then move your screen with camera around, you could actually display interior views...
and I just got another, more farfetched idea... imagine you had two cameras in a stereo-arangement. would it then be possible to determine, if objects are in front or behind the virtual model? because if you could actually do that and then create some sort of map that hides the model where real objects are closer to the camera, one could point at the model without the hand vanishing behind it...
I know, probably too complicated to be achieved easily.and just one last note. I am not sure, if your price policy works out too well. especially with the student version being 49€. I think that is a bit much for a plugin. after all, students are not going to make any money with the plugin and are notoriously short of cash
for comparison: a student license of SketchUp pro is at 49$ -
Hi plot-paris,
thank you very much for your comments.Actually we are still developing the ARplugin. Everything you have been mentioning is already available in our general framework.
First of all, the multimarker capability will be released soon, but I cannot anticipate the release date. You are perfectly correct when you say that this would be extremely useful to urban planners and interior designers as well.
Secondly, the kind of interaction you are envisioning is possible in general using suitable Artificial Vision methods. Depending on market requests we will also consider upgrades of this kind. You can check updates by subscribing to our RSS feed here, we are already planning to diminish the price of the student version to 25 euro (Probably before Christmas).
thank you again
I have a little doubt.
which is the significant difference between AR Media software, and
AR-media Plugin for Google SketchUp. Of course there are obvious differences, imagine that AR-media,is more complete,standalone software.But the most important.
We know that the cost of the license of the AR-Media Plugin for Google SketchUp is 99 euros.
But the license costs for AR-Media Standalone software?
I'm really interested, I hope you can help me.
Thanks -
Hi m48,
thank you for your enquiry. In few words, ARmedia is Inglobe's platform for Augmented Reality. We can create a lot of different AR solutions on top of it (including multi-marker, AR animations, interactions, Shaders, different tracking methods, Flash AR, HD cameras etc.)
There is a big difference between the ARplugin for SketchUp and ARmedia. Basically, the ARplugin is a product based on ARmedia, whereas ARmedia is the platform that allows us to create different products and solutions. We are not selling ARmedia as a separate product, but only develop it to bring our partners suitable AR solutions.
I hope this helps
Best RegardsGraziano
Hey Jean, what is not working? You have a video camera hooked up to your computer? Have you tested it to make sure it works? Have you printed the card?
Maybe I'm extremely naive (I'm new to Google Sketch-Up, FYI), but I haven't been able to, for the life of me, get this darn plug-in to work. I feel as though the extra plug-in would really help with the design aspect of my various rapid prototype designs. So far, I'm liking Google sketch-up, but I've been trying to get this plug-in to work in the past hour and so far I'm having some trouble. Any idea of what I may be doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have lots of work to get done!
P.S. I'm well aware that this an older post and I apologize. I did a search and I need help. =p
I'm really impressed by this great plugin. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it working for me.
Everything went fine during installation process but immediately after my SU8Pro was started I got an error message saying: "Cannot locate the main files to start the ARMedia Plugin. Corrupted installation.". I tried to install PLE edition as well as trial edition but with the same result. I wonder if there could be some incompatibility between the ARMedia plugin and my Win7Pro x64 OS.
Any idea what could be the root caouse of this?
PS: I downloaded the latest version which was available today, on 19th April 2011.
Hi atheross,
luckily enough I had chance to read your message.
Some users on Windows OS are actually reporting this problem. This happens because the installer sets some environment variable and Windows, sometimes, requires to restart the system. Once they restart the system everything goes as expected. Have you already tried to restart the computer? In case you have not, please, check if this is a solution. Otherwise, send an email to our support team at and you will surely get assistance.
@graziano terenzi said:
Hi atheross,
luckily enough I had chance to read your message.
Some users on Windows OS are actually reporting this problem. This happens because the installer sets some environment variable and Windows, sometimes, requires to restart the system. Once they restart the system everything goes as expected. Have you already tried to restart the computer? In case you have not, please, check if this is a solution. Otherwise, send an email to our support team at and you will surely get assistance.
Bonjour Graziano,
there was not enough time to test it yesterday but I took it one more chance, reinstalled it once again and restarted the system as you've suggested. Many thanks to you. Finally it helped and I spent lot of funny time with this amazing plugin. I'm thinking about PRO license purchase but 99€ is quite much at this moment. I'll be waiting for special price offers or until I'll get a job where this plugin could make my life easier
I see many opportunities where to use this plugin. You guys made a great job.
Atheross. -
Come mai nessuno scrive più in questo thread da anni? E' quello ufficiale di assistenza. Boh.
Sto imparando ad usare il plugin per Sketchup per vedere scene in android, ma non riesco a capire bene cosa è gratis e cosa no, cosa può fare il player android e cosa non può fare...
Per esempio: io vorrei sovrapporre semplicemente la foto di un oggetto all'oggetto stesso per far vedere com'era prima, osservato da un certo punto di vista. Come devo fare? Posso usare come marker una foto dell'oggetto com'è adesso?
I marker 3d sono supportati dal plugin sketchup e dalla licenza free?
I marker devono essere per forza orizzontali? -
Can I use an image of the front side of a building as a marker for a model of the building itself?
How? -
Dear all,
I'm happy to be back on Sketchucation hopefully with good news. We have just announced the release of the new version of the ARmedia SketchUp Extension.
The ARmedia Extension now works in association with the cloud based ARmedia Studio and Mobile ARmedia Players, a suite of tools that will allow you to create and visualize Augmented Reality projects out of your SketchUp models quickly and effectively.
We have added a lot of new features to the product:
- Support for image based, Geolocation and spatial tracking
- A full-fledged Interactive Event Manager
- Web based 3D Editor
- Support for videos, alpha videos, images, audio and HTML5
- Interactive 360° and POI navigation
We have also enabled a totally free plan - supported by Video Tutorials and documentation - for those who want to take their first step into this world.
Please check the new product web page to learn more and download the Plugin:
I'm confident you’ll have a great time with it.
All the best